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7042SSL The Global Business Environment, Evolution & Dynamics Assignment help
This document is intended for Coventry University Group students for their own use in completing their assessed work for this module. It must not be passed to third parties or posted on any website. If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact your Module Leader.
Assignment Information
Assignment Task
Marking and Feedback
Assessed Module Learning Outcomes
Assignment Support and Academic Integrity
Assessment Marking Criteria
The work you submit for this assignment must be your own independent work, or in the case of a group assignment your own groups’ work. More information is available in the ‘Assignment Task’ section of this assignment brief.
Assignment Information
Module Name: The Global Business Environment, Evolution & Dynamics
Module Code: 7042SSL
Assignment Title: Individual Report
Assignment Due: 2nd December 2024 @ 18:00 hours
Assignment Credit: 10 Credits
Word Count (or equivalent): 2000 words (+/-10%)
Assignment Type: Percentage Grade (Applied Core Assessment). You will be provided with an overall grade between 0% and 100%. You have one opportunity to pass the assignment at or above 40%.
Assignment Task
This assignment is an INDIVIDUAL assignment.
This assignment requires you to write a 2000-word individual report on the following topic:
Critically assess the dynamic relationship among the states (host countries), AMNEs (Advance economy Multi-National Enterprise) and EMNEs (Emerging economy Multi-National Enterprise) in light of the new age challenges and how do MNEs (Multi-National Enterprise) respond to these.
Please choose your illustration from ONE of these sectors: Construction, Energy, Automotive or Tourism & Hospitality
Submission Instructions:
Please submit in Microsoft Word format.
We do not wish to be prescriptive about the precise format or content of the report, but it is important that you address the marking criteria identified below. To that end, examples of the kinds of topics your report ought to include are:
1. Introduce the sector, some of the major players and their international footprint.
2. Critically analyse the dynamic relationship between the states and MNEs.
3. Critically analyse the dynamic relationship between the MNEs, esp. AMNEs and EMNEs.
4. How some of the new age challenges in the business environment influence these relationships.
5. How do the MNEs respond to these challenges.
6. Conclusion.
There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more. The word limit includes quotations and citations but excludes the references list.
Marking and Feedback
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked by the module team.
How will I receive my grades and feedback?
Provisional marks will be released once internally moderated
Feedback will be provided by the module team alongside grades release
Summative feedback will be available on Turnitin on the feedback summary, in-text annotations and marks rubric.
Your provisional marks and feedback should be available within 2 weeks (10 days).
What will I be marked against?
Details of the marking criteria for this task can be found at the bottom of this assignment brief.
Assessed Module Learning Outcomes
The Learning Outcomes for this module align to the marking criteria which can be found at the end of this brief. Ensure you understand the marking criteria to ensure successful achievement of the assessment task. The following module learning outcomes are assessed in this task:
1. Critically engage with competing explanations for economic globalisation since 1945.
3. Analyse the global business environment in different industrial sectors and evaluate the
strategies corporations deploy to manage those environments.
4. Demonstrate understanding of the global business environment by communicating, both
verbally and in writing, complex ideas and arguments about the evolution and dynamics of
the world economy.
5. Locate, identify and synthesise appropriate information to design, conduct and report
research into business and management issues, both individually and as part of a team.
Assignment Support and Academic Integrity
If you have any questions about this assignment please see the Student Guidance on Coursework for more information.
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar:
You are expected to use effective, accurate, and appropriate language within this assessment task.
Academic Integrity:
The work you submit must be your own, or in the case of groupwork, that of your group. All sources of information need to be acknowledged and attributed; therefore, you must provide references for all sources of information and acknowledge any tools used in the production of your work, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). We use detection software and make routine checks for evidence of academic misconduct.
Definitions of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and collusion can be found on the Student Portal. All cases of suspected academic misconduct are referred for investigation, the outcomes of which can have profound consequences to your studies. For more information on academic integrity please visit the Academic and Research Integrity section of the Student Portal.
Support for Students with Disabilities or Additional Needs:
If you have a disability, long-term health condition, specific learning difference, mental health diagnosis or symptoms and have discussed your support needs with health and wellbeing you may be able to access support that will help with your studies.
If you feel you may benefit from additional support, but have not disclosed a disability to the University, or have disclosed but are yet to discuss your support needs it is important to let us know so we can provide the right support for your circumstances. Visit the Student Portal to find out more.
Unable to Submit on Time?
The University wants you to do your best. However, we know that sometimes events happen which mean that you cannot submit your assessment by the deadline or sit a scheduled exam. If you think this might be the case, guidance on understanding what counts as an extenuating circumstance, and how to apply is available on the Student Portal.
Administration of Assessment
Module Leader Name: Harinder Sagoo
Module Leader Email:
Assignment Category: Written
Attempt Type: Standard
Component Code: CW2
Assessment Marking Criteria
Theory, concepts and models (40%) | Analysis, evaluation and application (30%) | Critique, conclusions and recommendations (30%) | |
80 to 100% | Exceptional analysis of the dynamic relationship between the states and MNEs and within AMNEs and EMNEs. Critically evaluating the chosen sector, some of the major players and their international footprint. Outstanding level of independent research to support the analysis with exceptional application of relevant and recent examples.
| Exceptional critical analysis of some of the new age challenges in business environment and how they influence state–MNE–inter MNE relationships, and how MNEs respond to these challenges. Exceptional application of relevant and recent examples. Exceptional quality of sources and referencing practice.
| Exceptional ability to come to an independent conclusion based on relevant data and facts that have been analysed. Exceptionally well-argued recommendations. |
70 to 79% | Excellent analysis of the dynamic relationship between the states and MNEs and within AMNEs and EMNEs. Critically evaluating the chosen sector, some of the major players and their international footprint. Excellent level of independent research to support the analysis with excellent application of relevant and recent examples.
| Excellent critical analysis of some of the new age challenges in business environment and how they influence state–MNE–inter MNE relationships, and how MNEs respond to these challenges. Excellent application of relevant and recent examples. Excellent quality of sources and referencing practice.
| Excellent ability to come to an independent conclusion based on relevant data and facts that have been analysed. Very well-argued recommendations. |
60 to 69% | Very good analysis of the dynamic relationship between the states and MNEs and within AMNEs and EMNEs. Very good critical evaluation the chosen sector, some of the major players and their international footprint. Very good level of independent research to support the analysis with very good application of relevant and recent examples.
| Very good critical analysis of some of the new age challenges in business environment and how they influence state–MNE–inter MNE relationships, and how MNEs respond to these challenges. Very good application of relevant and recent examples. Very good quality of sources and referencing practice.
| Very good ability to come to an independent conclusion based on relevant data and facts that have been analysed. Very good clear recommendations. |
50 to 59% | Good analysis of the dynamic relationship between the states and MNEs and within AMNEs and EMNEs. Good critical evaluation the chosen sector, some of the major players and their international footprint. Good level of independent research to support the analysis with good application of relevant and recent examples.
| Good critical analysis of some of the new age challenges in business environment and how they influence state–MNE–inter MNE relationships, and how MNEs respond to these challenges. Good application of relevant and recent examples. Good quality of sources and referencing practice.
| Good ability to come to an independent conclusion based on relevant data and facts that have been analysed. Good clear recommendations. |
40 to 49% | Sufficient analysis of the dynamic relationship between the states and MNEs and within AMNEs and EMNEs. Sufficient critical evaluation the chosen sector, some of the major players and their international footprint. Sufficient level of independent research to support the analysis with good application of relevant and recent examples.
| Sufficient critical analysis of some of the new age challenges in business environment and how they influence state–MNE–inter MNE relationships, and how MNEs respond to these challenges. Sufficient application of relevant and recent examples. Sufficient quality of sources and referencing practice.
| Sufficient ability to come to an independent conclusion based on relevant data and facts that have been analysed. Sufficient recommendations. |
Fail 30, 35% | Learning outcomes not met. Limited analysis of the dynamic relationship between the states and MNEs and within AMNEs and EMNEs. Limited critical evaluation the chosen sector, some of the major players and their international footprint. Limited level of independent research to support the analysis with good application of relevant and recent examples.
| Learning outcomes not met. Limited critical analysis of some of the new age challenges in business environment and how they influence state–MNE–inter MNE relationships, and how MNEs respond to these challenges. Limited application of relevant and recent examples. Poor quality of sources and referencing practice.
| Limited ability to come to an independent conclusion based on relevant data and facts that have been analysed. Limited recommendations. |
Fail 0 to 29% | Learning outcomes not met. Minimal or no analysis of the dynamic relationship between the states and MNEs and within AMNEs and EMNEs. Minimal or no critical evaluation the chosen sector, some of the major players and their international footprint. Minimal or no level of independent research to support the analysis with good application of relevant and recent examples.
| Learning outcomes not met. Minimal or no critical analysis of some of the new age challenges in business environment and how they influence state–MNE–inter MNE relationships, and how MNEs respond to these challenges. Minimal or no application of relevant and recent examples. Very poor quality of sources and referencing practice.
| Minimal or no independent conclusion based on relevant data and facts that have been analysed. Minimal or no recommendations. |
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