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CMA5004 Environmental and Construction Technology Assignment Help

Assessment Guide

Module Code and NameCMA5004   Environmental and Construction Technology Design
Module LeaderDr. Ayman Alhanouti
CohortSeptember 2024
LevelLevel 5
Assessment component(s)

Design Poster


Restrictions on time/word count

Design Poster

Report: 1000 Words /Group


Design Report: with title blocks

Report: 4000 Words / Individual

Assessment weighting(s)


Report 80%

Hand in date(s) 


Assessment Component(s) - Summary

Component 1

S1: Group Poster(1,000 words)

Component 2

S2. Report presenting information in relation to Environmental and Construction Technology Design (4,000 words)   


Assessment Component(s)–Detailed

Additional information/guidance:

Component 1 -Group Poster -Project Scenario:

Overview of the task.Following your successful completion of a degree in construction management, you have been employed, as an assistant project manager, by a local contracting firm thatspecializes in residential design and build projects. The company has, in the past, relied on the design andconstruction drawings produced by architects or supplied by the client. Owing to your knowledge in design and Building Information Modeling, you have been allocated to theconstruction teamwith the task of preparing construction information documents for a renovation/refurbishment project using AutoCAD or Revit Architecture Software. The client known as Mr.&Mrs.Smith have just purchased a“3 bedrooms”semi-detached property and are willing,before moving in, to upgrade the property as they find it too small for their familyof 4 children including two boys and two girls with the ages between 6 and 18 years old. The renovation will include increasing living spaces together with accommodation in compliance with Permitted development plan recommended by the building regulation. You are required to preparebased on the attached property plans, aposterwith the construction information documents of the renovated project, each with title block on scale 1:50.

Component 2- Report 4000 words- Overview of the task:

You are required to submit a report presenting information in relation to construction materials technology, sustainability and environmental aspects including health and safety and the current building legislation (4,000 words). 

Assessment Component(s) – Detailed Instructions

Component 1-Group Poster

A Construction Information Package will include general arrangement drawings made of:

  • Existing annotated floor plans 
  • Existing Front and back elevations
  • Proposed annotated renovated floor plans.
  • Proposed Front, Back and site Elevations.
  • One section Passing across the Stairs.
  • Proposed Roof Plan
  • Proposed site Plan

Taking into account sustainability measures, what construction materials are proposed for the renovation of the 3-bedroom semi-detached property, and what is the rationale behind the selection of these materials?


Please note: 

•All students must be allocated in groups during the tutorial session in week 1.

•Groups will ideally consist of 3 students, and not more Otherwise The consent of the tutor is needed

•Your drawings should be on scale 1:50 uploaded into the poster

•The site plan should be on scale 1:200

•During poster, The REVIT or CAD file should be opened,and students should alternatively demonstrate their understanding by navigating on both REVIT, CAD and PowerPoint.

•Your file formatting must be (.pdf).

•Students should come to the classroom with their own laptops.

•Only one Poster must be submitted per group (by the group leader).

• Group Leader must name their submission file ‘Group Leader’ to enable easy identification by BSU moderators.

•Create a cover page to include student name, student ID, year and cohort group and lecturer name. 

• Each student must submit a cover page (detailing their names, and group member names) and fill the role allocation table (template is in Moodle).


Component 2–Report

  1. Introduction (approx. 400 words)

In this section, you should introduce the topic in general, mention the purpose of this report andinclude a brief discussion of the structure of your report.

  1. The Main Section of the Report addressing: 


Part 1 / The different elements of the superstructure(approx. 1600 words)


  • Select one case study of your choice with steelframes, (example is a stadium, an Auditorium or a warehouse), With the use of images and sketches,
  • Describe in detail the type of steel frames used.
  • Discuss the different elements of the steel frame.
  • Explain howtension  and compression together with cantilever load if there is any, act to provide the stability of the superstructure.


  • A client has approached you to seek advice on how to use a wooden structure for the roofing system of a gymnasium with a span of 30 meters.
  • Discuss with sketches at least three different types of wooden frame structures including:


  • The different elements of the structure
  • The construction mode.


  • Define and discuss the benefits usingshear wallsin superstructure.This should include.
  • Theirfunction  
  • Their location in the building
  • The justification of the material used.


Part 2 / Environmental and Sustainability(approx. 1600 words)

Considering that the refurbishment project carried out in component 1 was a newly built residential project,


  1. Discuss in detail how the construction of this projectwill negatively impact the local environment and suggest sustainable solutions to help mitigate this impact whilst referring to key legislative drivers.


  1. Considering that the client of the above refurbishment project had loved the construction project to be environmentally friendly with little or zero carbon footprint,


  1. Explain key principles of ‘low energy’, ‘passive’ design and ‘healthy’ buildings used for this project to satisfy the aspirations of the client.


  1. Discuss the key legal obligations considered in the design of this refurbishment project and explain how the proposed design has adhered to current building legislation in term of conservation of energy, inclusion, accessibility, security, and structural performance control.


  1. Explain in detail the procedure of acquiring a planning permission for the construction of this project and eventually all the steps taken to appeal in case of any rejection.
  2. Conclusion (400 words).

Conclude with your understanding of ‘Environmental and Construction Technology Design’ in the Construction Industry, in relation to the topics learnt in this module. 


  1. Reference List

Remember to include in-text citations and a reference list according to Harvard Referencing style


Important information

During the preparation of your report, you will need to pay particular attention to the following: 

a. Provide a clear structure (using headings and subheadings) as explained in the assignment guide

b. Use clear, concise, and simple language (including project terms and professional tone) 

c. Use in-text citations and a reference list following the Harvard style referencing.

d. Your report should contain a cover page, a table of contents, an abstract, an introduction, main sections, and a concluding paragraph.

e. When using tables and figures, you must include captions and numbers and in-text references when extracted from external resources and you must explain to the reader what the image or table is trying to show. 

f. Always remember to use headings and subheadings, which form your report table of content. 

g. Use any of the following fonts: Arial, Calibri, Sans-Serif or Times New Roman for your text. 

h.  You are to add relevant images while writing your report to support your discussion. Also, caption the images appropriately as they are also graded in the report structure. You can add an outline for the report too. 

i.  Use font size 12, with 1.5 or double line spacing. The presentation of the work is also considered. 

j. The file format must be Microsoft Word in .doc, .docx, .odt or Pdf, but do not submit in Apple’s Pages format. 

k. The limit for the word count is 4000 words +/- 10%. Anything outside the limit may not be assessed. 

l.  Kindly see attached grid for assessment criteria.

Preparation for the group poster:

A Construction Information package will include general arrangement drawings.

- In groups of 3, you are to prepare a poster and deliver in the class.

- You need to create a poster with 1000 words including all drawings requirements,(the students should demonstrate their understanding by navigating on both REVIT,&CAD).

- Include drawings and/or construction plans package to make it more visually appealing.

- Only one postermust be submitted per group (by the group leader). 

- Other group members should submit cover page. Create a cover page to include the student’s name, student ID, year and cohort group and lecturer name. (template is in Moodle).

- Group leaders must name your submission file ‘Group Leader’ to enable easy identification by BSU moderators.

- All students within a group, after sufficiently justifying your participation in creating the poster will be awarded the same mark.

Assessment criteria/marking rubric (personalise this to your specific module assessment requirements)

Component 1

Dimensions70 – 100% (1st)60 – 69% (2:1)50 – 59% (2:2)40 – 49% (3rd)0 – 39% (Fail)

Criterion 1 (20%)

Assess detailed knowledge and critical analysis of construction materials, techniques, and performance requirements.

Excellent understanding of ‘Comprehensive Analysis of Construction Techniques and Materials’.Very good understanding of ‘Comprehensive Analysis of Construction Techniques and Materials’.Satisfactory understanding of ‘Comprehensive Analysis of Construction Techniques and Materials’.Basic understanding of ‘Comprehensive Analysis of Construction Techniques and Materials’.

Inadequate or not addressed

‘Comprehensive Analysis of Construction Techniques and Materials’.


Criterion 2 (20%)

Evaluate understanding of the construction industry’s environmental impacts and sustainable solutions, including legal compliances.

Excellent understanding of ‘Environmental Impact and Sustainable Practices in Construction’.Very good understanding of ‘Environmental Impact and Sustainable Practices in Construction’.Satisfactory understanding of ‘Environmental Impact and Sustainable Practices in Construction’.Basic understanding of ‘Environmental Impact and Sustainable Practices in Construction’.Inadequate or not addressed   ‘Environmental Impact and Sustainable Practices in Construction’.

Criterion 3 (20%)

Grade practical application of design solutions that meet client briefs and sustainability requirements using design software.

Excellent understanding of ‘Application of Design Solutions to Meet Specified Requirements’.Very good understanding of ‘Application of Design Solutions to Meet Specified Requirements’.Satisfactory understanding of ‘Application of Design Solutions to Meet Specified Requirements’.Basic understanding of ethical ‘Application of Design Solutions to Meet Specified Requirements’.Inadequate or not addressed ‘Application of Design Solutions to Meet Specified Requirements’.

Criterion 4 (20%)

Examine the critical appraisal of design options for compliance with current building legislation and performance standards.

Excellent understanding of ‘Critical Evaluation of Design Options and Compliance’.Very good understating of ‘Critical Evaluation of Design Options and Compliance’.Satisfactory understating of ‘Critical Evaluation of Design Options and Compliance’.Basic understating of ‘Critical Evaluation of Design Options and Compliance’.Inadequate or not addressed ‘Critical Evaluation of Design Options and Compliance’.

Criterion 5 (10%)

Assess the effective use of academic references and industry data to support design and construction decisions.

Excellent, Use of academic references and industry data to support arguments, with adherence to Harvard Referencing style Very good, Use of academic references and industry data to support arguments, with adherence to Harvard Referencing style Satisfactory Use of academic references and industry data to support arguments, with adherence to Harvard Referencing style Basic Use of academic references and industry data to support arguments, with adherence to Harvard Referencing style. Inadequate Use of academic references and industry data to support arguments, with adherence to Harvard Referencing style 

Criterion 6 (10%) 

Report Structure poster and structure 

Excellent communication and clear poster of findings in a well-structured report format. Very good communication and clear poster of findings in a well-structured report format. Satisfactory communication and clear poster of findings in a well-structured report format. Basic communication and poster of findings in a well-structured report format. Ineffective communication and poster of findings in a well-structured report format. 

Component 2(delete if only 1 assessment component)

Dimensions70 – 100% (1st)60 – 69% (2:1)50 – 59% (2:2)40 – 49% (3rd)0 – 39% (Fail)

Criterion 1 (30%)

Evaluate the depth of understanding and critical evaluation demonstrated in the poster, focusing on the integration of construction technologies, materials, and sustainable design, supported by detailed case studies.

Excellent Knowledge & Content shown by Slide Poster: Knowledge & ContentVery good Knowledge & Content shown by Slide Poster: Knowledge & ContentSatisfactory Knowledge & Content shown by Slide Poster: Knowledge & ContentBasic Knowledge & Content shown by Slide Poster: Knowledge & ContentInadequate or not addressed any Knowledge & Content shown by Slide Poster: Knowledge & Content

Criterion 2 (30%)

Assess the accuracy, clarity, and completeness of the general arrangement drawings, ensuring they meet professional standards and project specifications.

Excellent detailing of poster and logically organised with clear drawing quality and detailingVery good detailing of poster and logically organised with clear drawing quality and detailingSatisfactory detailing of poster and logically organised with clear drawing quality and detailingBasic detailing of poster and logically organised with clear drawing quality and detailingInadequate or not addressed detailing of poster and logically organised with clear drawing quality and detailing

Criterion 3 (10%)

Grade the effectiveness of teamwork in gathering and poster information, reflecting the group's collaborative skills in developing the construction information package.

Excellent  teamwork in finding information/ poster information.Very good teamwork in finding information/ poster information.Satisfactory  teamwork in finding information/ poster information.Basic teamwork in finding information/ poster information.Inadequate or not addressed teamwork in finding information/ poster information.

Criterion 4 (10)

Slide preparation: Illustration of a wide range of sources which are formatted according to Harvard referencing style.

Excellent  Illustration of a wide range of sources which are formatted according to Harvard referencing styleVery good Illustration of a wide range of sources which are formatted according to Harvard referencing styleSatisfactory  Illustration of a wide range of sources which are formatted according to Harvard referencing styleBasic Illustration of a wide range of sources which are formatted according to Harvard referencing styleInadequate or not addressed Illustration of a wide range of sources which are formatted according to Harvard referencing style

Criterion 5 (20%)

Poster Content: Depth of discussion and clarity of information. (Demonstrates the ability to address key points effectively within the poster format.) Collaboration and Teamwork: Reflects good time management and cohesive group effort.

Excellent depth of discussion (Demonstrates thorough understanding and clear communication within the poster). Effective collaboration and teamwork Shows strong time management and cohesive group effort.Very good depth of discussion (Displays a solid understanding and clear communication within the poster). Strong collaboration and teamwork (Demonstrate good time management and coordinated group effort).Satisfactory depth of discussion (Shows a basic understanding and adequate communication within the poster). Adequate collaboration and teamwork (Maintain good time management and cooperative group effort).Basic depth of discussion (Demonstrates minimal understanding and communication in the poster). Sufficient collaboration and teamwork (Maintains time management and group coordination).Limited depth of discussion (Shows minimal engagement and understanding in the poster). Adequate collaboration and teamwork (Displays basic time management and group coordination)

Learning Outcomes


This assessment will enable you to demonstrate in full or in part the following learning outcomes as identified in the module descriptor(delete/add rows as appropriate):

LO1 Construction and Materials Technology


LO2 Environmental and Sustainability 


LO3 Design Solution 


LO4 Design Appraisal



Referencing Requirements


Word Count or Timing Limits

BSU Assessment & Feedback Policy states that word counts and timing limits have a +10% margin for tolerance. If you submit work that exceeds this limit, no further content will be marked, hence you may be disadvantaged for failing to be concise and/or concluding your work within the limit specified.

There is no additional penalty be applied for work submitted below the word count, but you should be aware there is a high risk you will not meet the assessment criteria if your assessment submission is significantly below the word count.

The word count refers to everything in the main body of the text, including headings, tables, figures, in-text citations, quotes, lists etc. Items not included in the word count are titles, contents pages, executive summaries or abstracts, appendices, bibliographies or reference lists.

Guidance for Online Submission Through Moodle

All assessments should be submitted to the module Moodle site (Assessments tab) by no later than 23:59 on the designated submission date. For guidance on how to upload your work to Moodle, please see:

Late Submissions

If you miss a coursework deadline (unless you have arranged an approved extension), the following penalties will apply: 

Work handed in after the deadline, but before the cut-off date (usually one week later), will be given a maximum score of 40 (pass mark). 

Work handed in after the cut-off date will be marked zero (fail).

How to Arrange an Extension

Contact your Student Success Tutor at GBS to request an extension in advance of the coursework deadline. You should provide a valid reason for requesting an extension, e.g. illness, and you must support your claim with evidence. 


The normal extension period is a week, anything more than a week must be applied for and approved by BSU as Exceptional Circumstances (see section below).

Exceptional Circumstances

Academic Misconduct

Academic Integrity is essential for the successful completion of your studies.

If you do not understand how to properly paraphrase from appropriate sources and correctly reference your work, you risk accidentally committing academic misconduct, such as plagiarism, collusion or cheating. This may result in you failing an assignment or a module. Repeated academic misconduct can lead to more serious consequences.


All student work submitted at GBS is thoroughly checked by anti-plagiarism software to ensure it is your own work and not the work of someone else. Our anti-plagiarism software will compare your work to a wide variety of sources including websites, e-books, student assessments from across the world, journal articles and many more.


If your work is suspected of academic misconduct, you may be invited to an interview to explain how you undertook the assessment and to check your understanding of the topic area(s). If you are unable to adequately explain the above, your work will be sent to a BSU Academic Misconduct Panel for appropriate penalties to be applied. 


Random Viva Sampling


Bath Spa University (BSU) and GBS use a variety of means to identify potential academic misconduct in alignment with BSU’s Academic Misconduct Policy.


To better ensure the academic integrity of all student work submitted for assessment, GBS staff randomly undertake a series of viva voce interviews (oral interviews) with a sample of students across modules covering all levels of a course. 


The viva voce will be conducted by two representatives from the academic team and will require students to defend your work by demonstrating that each assignment submitted for assessment is your own original work. 


If you are selected to take part in this compulsory process, you will be notified in writing a minimum of 7 calendar days before the date of the viva voce. You will also be provided with guidance on how to prepare for the viva voce effectively. 


If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact your relevant SST.

Click here to go to our Academic Integrity course to learn more about this important topic and how you can avoid academic misconduct.



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