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Get help with SWE5205 Modern Applications Assignment
Get top-notch SWE5205 Modern Applications Assignment Help services near you in the UK. Our professional assignment writing services ensure academic success.
PROGRAMME | BSc (Hon) Computing |
DATE | TBC (Week 15) |
MODULE TITLE | Modern Applications |
Word Count | 2000 (+/-10%) |
ASSESSMENT TYPE | Assignment 2 |
Learning Outcomes:
- All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date. Turnitin similarity score must not exceed 20%.
- The assignment must be in MS Word format which complies with academic standards and includes appropriate section headings.
- Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style. A minimum of five references is required.
- Late submission within 7 days after the expiry of the initial deadline is allowed but will incur a 10 marks deduction penalty. Any submission past this period will not be marked unless a formal submission extension has been authorised.
Assignment Instructions
A customer has seen your design (from assignment 1) and asked you to develop a working protype. Your task is to build it using appropriate software process model and applying appropriate development framework. Write a report of your implementation including all the steps you have carried out. You are also required to demonstrate your complete project in-class explaining your design idea and demonstrating the main features.
Your report should consist of the following parts:
Part 1 – Building
Following the plans created in assignment 2, develop and document your working prototype using and justifying a suitable software process model and an appropriate modern development framework. You need to discuss the tools you are using and all steps you are following and include sufficient supporting evidence.
Part 2 – Testing
Complete and document the following tests:
- Usability testing
- Functionality testing.
- Demonstration of your interactive features
Final Report must be submitted to Turnitin. The report should follow academic standards and include the relevant sections. You are expected to show evidence of research and background reading throughout your document with a minimum of 10 different sources.
Marks Distribution and Clarification
Marking component | Marks | What is needed? |
Report (Word document) | 100% |
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