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Module Number: SEC5204
Module Name: Advanced Operating Systems
Year/Semester: 2023-24 / Semester 2
Module Tutor/s: TBC
Assessment Number | 2 |
Assessment Type (and weighting) | Report of 2500 words (50%) |
Assessment Name | Setting up a Virtual Operating Systems Environment |
Assessment Submission Date | TBC |
Learning Outcomes:
LO3: Appraise the role of centralised servers in the effective management of a computer network
LO4: Implement appropriate policy rules to manage, secure and control users and devices on a network
Assessment Brief
Assuming that you have successfully installed and configured Client-Server Operating system based network with windows/Linux OS for SuperShopper in your assignment 1, now you have to implement appropriate policy rules to manage, secure and control users and devices on a Centralised Client-Server network. (Platform Virtual Box/ VMware with Windows Server 2019 and Client Windows 10/Linux Centos).
In this part of the assessment, you are tasked to manage network environment settings and
security policies via Group Policy Objects is investigated. You have to utilise the Group Policy
Management which is a critical part of network policy management. You also need to demonstrate routing and Packet filtering using core TCP/IP Services of Windows Server 2019. This determines how security and environment settings can be created and applied to the most critical resources inside the network directory service. A number of both Computer and User Configurations will be setup in the host network.
Document your analysis/discussion in a Word processed file. In your document, include Screenshots (using a snipping tool) of the steps you take to complete the following tasks. After each screenshot, include suitable narrative to explain the purpose of the task and how you have achieved it.
Task 1: Implement Login restrictions to Computers under domain controller. Restrict users to specific days and times to be able to log in to the systems
Task 2: For the ease of access, map Shared Folders with all the domain users
Task 3: Allow or disallow Control Panel Access from Client, enable multiple Private folders/drive mapping, printer connections/mapping and account lockout and security measures using Group policy (GPO)
Task 4. Install and configuring the Routing and Remote Access Service and IP Packet Filtering. This may include enabling the DHCP and/or DNS services on the Server Operating System.
Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements:
It is expected that the Reference List will contain between ten to fifteen sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three refereed academic journals and five academic books.
Specific Assessment Criteria:
Your report should contain screenshots of the process/steps you undertake to fulfil the assessment criteria (Learning Outcomes) stated above.
(Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will also apply. Please refer to the table appended relevant to the assessment for Level 5).
First class (70% and above):
Students will provide an excellent synthesis of a sustainable plan for installing, configuring and deploying the Hypervisor and the Virtual Machines, demonstrating critical insight and excellent understanding of complex technical matters. Focused and justified recommendations will be made as to how problems/weaknesses identified in the plan may be overcome, and sustainability improved. Evidence of research demonstrating use of a wide range of well selected secondary research sources needs to be included. Academic writing style, English and referencing needs to be of very high standard.
Upper Second Class 2(1) (60-69%):
Students will provide a perceptive synthesis of a sustainable plan for installing, configuring and deploying the Hypervisor and the Virtual Machines, demonstrating critical insight and clear understanding of complex matters. Well thought through and justified recommendations will be made as to how problems/weaknesses identified in the plan may be overcome, and sustainability improved. Evidence of research demonstrating use of a wide range of current and well selected secondary research sources will be included. Academic writing style, English and referencing will be very good.
Lower Second Class 2(2) (50-59%):
Students will provide a sound synthesis of a sustainable plan for installing, configuring and deploying the Hypervisor and the Virtual Machines, demonstrating a clear and critical understanding of complex matters. Justified recommendations will be made as to how problems/weaknesses identified in the plan may be overcome, and sustainability improved. Research demonstrating use of a range of current and relevant secondary research sources will be evident. Academic writing style, English and referencing will be good.
Third class (40-49%):
Students will provide a satisfactory synthesis of a sustainable tourism plan, demonstrating sufficient understanding of complex matters. Considered recommendations will be made as to how problems/weaknesses identified in the plan may be overcome, and sustainability improved. Research demonstrating use of a range of current secondary research sources will be evident. Academic writing style, English and referencing will be generally competent.
Fail (39% and below):
Students who do not meet the requirements of a third class grade will not successfully complete the assessment activity.
Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements by level:
Level HE5 - It is expected that the Reference List will contain between ten and fifteen sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include two refereed academic journals and four academic books
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