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J/650/2918 Unit 3: Management of Human Resources Assignment Help
Learner’s statement of authenticity I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. Where the work of others has been used to support my work then credit has been acknowledged. I have identified and acknowledged all sources used in this assignment and have referenced according to the Harvard referencing system. I have read and understood the Plagiarism, Collusion and AI sections provided with the assignment brief and understood the consequences of plagiarising.Assignment Code: RQFBMU3SEP24DE/MR Programme: BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) Business (RQF) Unit Title and Number: Unit 3: Management of Human Resources RQF Level: 4 Module Code: J/650/2918 Credit value: 15 credits Module Tutor: Dr.Deepshikha Module Email: Date Set: 09/01/2025 Distribution Date 13/01/2025 Cohort: September 24 A & B Student’s name: Registration number: Submission First Submission ☐ Formative Submission ☐ Second Submission ☐ Word Count: Signature Submission Date Particulars Key Dates Semester starts 13/01/2025 Semester ends 04/04/2025 Formative assessment Dropbox opens 17/02/2025 Formative assessment Dropbox closes 09/03/2025 Final SUBMISSION box opens on 10/03/2025 Final SUBMISSION box closes on 06/04/2025 Sunday @ 23.59 pm Summative Feedback will be given on 12/05/2025 Referral Dropbox will open from 07/04/2025 Referral Dropbox closes on 24/05/2025 Referral result declared Ongoing within 2 weeks of submission
Introduction :-
People are the lifeblood of any organisation and the ability to attract, recruit and retain talented staff is critical to the success of any organisation, whether in business, in voluntary organisations or in government. Human Resource Management (HRM) provides organisations with the principles, knowledge and behaviours to focus people-management activities on supporting and enhancing organisational success and performance.
This unit will give students the knowledge and skills associated with human resources (HR) occupational roles at either a generalist level, for example HR assistant, adviser or business partner, or more specialist roles in areas such as recruitment, talent acquisition and performance and reward management. Students will explore the nature and scope of HRM and the organisational context of people management, including recruitment and retention, training and development, reward systems, employment relations and associated legislative frameworks.
The aim of the unit is to enable students to understand and be able to apply principles of effective HRM to enhance sustainable organisational performance and contribute to organisational success, holding business outcomes and people outcomes in equal balance. Students will apply HR practices in a work related context, utilising their knowledge and practising skills and behaviours in relevant professional areas, including resourcing, talent planning and recruitment, learning and development and employee engagement.
On completion of the unit, you will understand the purpose and scope of HRM activities. They will be able to apply a range of people-management skills to enhance the performance of an organisation by finding solutions to people-related problems
There are four learning outcomes to this unit:
LO1: Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organisational performance and contributing to business success
LO2: Produce a workforce action plan for recruiting and retaining talent to address
skills shortages in an organisation
LO3: Examine how external and internal factors can influence HRM decision making in relation to organisational development
LO4: Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for improving sustainable organisational performance
To succeed in this unit, you are required to follow the scenario provided and complete all the required assessment criteria.
Your submissions should demonstrate your understanding of how your research links coherently to these aspects of Human Resources Management. Any work submitted should include evidence of your research with references (Harvard Referencing).
Assignment Title: Human Resources Employee Induction Manual
Submission Format: individual report |
This submission will be in the form of an individual report that is appropriate and suitable for use at a business meeting. The report will be submitted using a WORD processed document. PDF and other types of files are not accepted. The recommended length of this submission is 2000- 2500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding 2500 words. Where appropriate, learning theory and additional research must be used, and referenced according to the Harvard Referencing system. The work must include a bibliography for all referenced work using the Harvard referencing system |
Unit Learning Outcomes |
LO1 Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organisational performance and contributing to business success LO2 Produce a workforce action plan for recruiting and retaining talent to address skills shortages in an organisation LO3 Examine how external and internal factors can affect HRM decision making in relation to organisational development LO4 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for improving sustainable organisational performance |
Assignment Brief and Guidance |
Scenario: You have just been appointed human resources administrator for an organisation of your own choice (SEE THE NOTE SECTION BELOW).
It has both centralised and decentralised functions. One of the decentralised functions is the HR function. The business requires committed employees to ensure that the organisation is successful and sustainable, and that it achieves its business objectives through strong performance.
However, like other industries, the automotive sector in the UK is experiencing skills shortages. Too few engineers are sufficiently qualified to operate sophisticated automated machinery and equipment or to support the advancements available via emerging technologies. Such roles cover a number of disciplines, including design, production and programmes, and quality, all of which require differing levels of skill, experience and expertise.
Role As a human resources administrator it is your job to understand human resource management (HRM) practices and to provide information accurately and in a timely way to the appropriate stakeholders. Your typical duties include: ● liaising with a range of people involved in policy areas such as staff performance and health and safety ● recruiting staff, which involves developing job descriptions and person specifications, preparing job adverts, checking application forms and shortlisting, interviewing and selecting candidates ● making sure that prospective staff have the right to work at the organisation ● developing and implementing policies on issues such as working conditions, performance management, equal opportunities, disciplinary procedures and absence management ● preparing staff handbooks ● advising on pay and other remuneration issues, including promotion and benefits ● preparing management reports on employee-related data monthly
Note From the following list of companies, you will need to choose one company, as a reference company to complete this unit assignment. Make sure to introduce it first. You must get your lecturer’s approval on your selection before proceeding to work on your assignment report.
Activity: Critical review In your role of human resources administrator, one of your goals is to address the issues of skills shortages and hard-to-fill vacancies in the organisation. You have been asked by your line manager to undertake a critical review of HR practices and processes to produce a workforce action plan for successfully strengthening the organisation’s talent.
The review will critically evaluate and compare the strengths and weaknesses of specialist HRM areas and their contribution to business performance and success. Then it will critically evaluate how the changing nature of the business environment is affecting the labour market.
Action plan The critical review will conclude with the devise of a strategic workforce action plan that shows the actions that need to be taken to successfully strengthen the organisation’s recruitment and talent management (retention of staff), strategy and future-proof a sustainable workforce. The plan must address as a minimum the skills needs, skills gaps and hard-to-fill vacancies for recruiting and retaining talent in an organisation. The priority objective is to improve recruitment, employee engagement and motivation, and to grow internal talent.
Factors that influence HRM Following your review of HR practices, you are tasked with researching the external and internal factors that affect HRM decision-making. To do so, you will be evaluating while discussing the key external and internal factors that are affecting HRM decision-making using relevant and specific organisational examples to illustrate how they support organisational development and then make valid and justified recommendations that could enhance these HRM decision-making
Employee engagement guidance In your HR administrator role you have had a performance review with your line manager. In the review you discussed that, leading on from the earlier activity, you would like to consider specialising in talent management to improve engagement with, and retention of, employees in the company.
Based on this discussion your manager has asked you to produce employee engagement guidance for all staff members who manage other staff. You will devise an employee engagement guidance document that will contain practical tools and techniques for improving employee engagement and general information to help staff, line managers and senior managers work together in increasing employee engagement and improving retention in the company.
The guidance should illustrate specific examples of good HRM practice in employee engagement from different areas (e.g. recruitment, performance management, professional development) and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these HRM practices to support valid and justified recommendations for improvement and sustainable approaches to enhancing organisational performance.
For each specific example of HRM practice, you should provide a rationale for its usage. These practices could consist of, but not limited to: Job descriptions and person specification. Referencing workforce planning. Assessing the need to create and fill a post. Preparing different types of job description, including competence based and task based, assessing the merits of each type. Identifying the qualities and attributes relevant to the design of a person specification. Designing a person specification relevant to a chosen job role. Recruitment and selection in practice: Designing and placing job advertisements. Shortlisting and processing applications. Documentation of preparatory notes for interviews. Interview questions based on selection criteria. A justified decision-making model for the final appointment. Training programme. Pension schemes. Bonus Scheme. Evidence of Learning and Development. Team building activities Evidence of onboarding and induction Employee disciplinary procedures manual |
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria | ||
Pass | Merit | Distinction |
LO1 Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organisational performance and contributing to business success |
LO1 and LO2 D1 Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of HRM in relation to creating a sustainable workforce action plan for recruiting and retaining talent.
| |
P1 Explain the main areas of HRM in their contribution to creating sustainable performance. P2 Review the effects of the changing nature of organisations on human resources skills and knowledge. | M1 Compare areas of HRM to create sustainable organisational performance. M2 Examine HRM in relation to the changing nature of the modern business organisation. | |
LO2 Produce a workforce action plan for recruiting and retaining talent to address skills shortages in an organisation | ||
P3 Create a workforce action plan that addresses skills needs, skills gaps and hard-to-fill vacancies for recruiting and retaining talent in an organisation.. | M3 Devise a strategic workforce action plan for improving recruitment and retention in relation to the importance of the labour market. | |
LO3 Examine how external and internal factors can affect HRM decision making in relation to organisational development |
D2 Evaluate key factors affecting HRM decision making to make valid recommendations.
| |
P4 Investigate the external and internal factors that affect HRM decision making to support organisational development.
| M4 Discuss the key external and internal factors that affect HRM decision making, using relevant organisational examples to illustrate how they support organisational development. | |
LO4 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for improving sustainable organisational performance. |
D3 Determine strengths and weaknesses of HRM practices to make recommendations for improving sustainable organisational performance. | |
P5 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context, using specific examples to demonstrate improvement to sustainable organisational performance. | M5 Illustrate how the application of specific HRM practices in a work related context can improve sustainable organisational performance. |
Achievement of a Pass grade
A student must have satisfied all the Pass criteria for the learning outcomes, showing coverage of the unit content and therefore attainment at Level 4 or 5 of the national framework.
Achievement of a Merit grade
A student must have satisfied all the Merit criteria (as well as the Pass criteria) through high performance in each learning outcome.
Achievement of a Distinction grade
A student must have satisfied all the Distinction criteria (as well as the Pass and Merit criteria), and these define outstanding performance across the unit as a whole.
As per Pearson policy, you are only allowed two submissions per module. One for final submission and another one for referral. Failure to achieve a grade pass after a second submission will result in you having to repeat the module in the next term.
Any re-submission or late submission (unless authorised due to mitigating circumstances) will be capped at a PASS grade only.
Specification of Assessment
Present your work in one report style which should include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, conclusion, reference list, foot or end notes and appendices, if any.
Include the reference code of this assignment on your assignment submission front page.
Sign the Learner’s Statement of authenticity in the cover page. Failure to do so will result in the submission being declined.
Ensure the following information is in the footer on every page:
oYour name
oThe production date of your submission
oThe code number of your assignment brief
oThe page number (Each page must be numbered at the bottom right-hand side)
Spell-check the document and make sure there are no grammatical errors as it may result in the submission being declined.
Complete all the tasks in a Holistic manner as set in the brief and without separating the assessment criteria to avoid a potential referral.
Create your own titles and sub-headings to structure the work without copying the assessment criteria verbatim.
Produce clear specific reasoning and arguments in support of your answers.
Submit your work in a single WORD processed document of not more than 5000 words for all learning Outcomes. This word limit is only for guidelines and is not applied to grading. PDF and other types of files are not accepted.
You must include a bibliography at the end to show where your information was sourced. Failure to do so may result in the submission being declined
Your sources must be identified using the Harvard referencing system. The words used in your bibliography will not be included in your word count.
You must use Arial, size 12, 1.5 line spacing and black to format the text.
To access any feedback (formative/summative) you will have to access Moodle and open your assignment. You will have to click on the blue comment box in the righthand side and the feedback will appear within the text. You might have to click on the blue bubbles to see the feedback.
If an extension is necessary for a valid reason, requests must be made in writing using a course work extension request form to the head of department. Please note that the lecturers do not have the authority to extend the coursework deadlines and therefore do not ask them to award a coursework extension.
The completed form must be accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sick.
Any act of plagiarism and collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the regulations and MRC Malpractice policy
Plagiarism occurs when a student misrepresents any work submitted as his/her own work, the work of any other person or of any institution. Examples of forms of plagiarism include:
the verbatim (word for word) copying of another’s work without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement.
the close paraphrasing of another’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement.
unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another’s work;
The deliberate and detailed presentation of another’s concept as one’s own.
All types of work submitted by students are covered by this definition, including, written work, diagrams, designs, engineering drawings and pictures.
Collusion occurs when, unless with official approval (e.g., in the case of group projects), two or more students consciously collaborate in the preparation and production of work which is ultimately submitted by each in an identical, or substantially similar, form and/or is represented by each to be the product of his or her individual efforts.
All submissions for assessment must be submitted on Moodle to generate a Turnitin Report on similarity to detect potential plagiarism and collusion.
The maximum Turnitin score admissible is 15% but a submission can be classified as plagiarism and/or collusion with a lower score depending on the size of the submission and size of the text highlighted.
Assignments with plagiarism/ad or collusion will be automatically referred for reworking and resubmission. Please check the MRC Assessment policy as well as MRC Malpractice policy for details of the potential penalties as a procedure.
Including pictures of text (apart from the cover page or table of content) or pictures of any other type of information (diagram for example) without a citation and a Harvard Reference could be deemed to be an attempt of malpractice and could trigger an automatic referral as well as a malpractice procedure.
Any student might be called to seat through a viva with the lecturer to confirm any parts of the submission through an interview which will then form part of the summative assessment.
AI tools have proliferated and become more common and as a result, their usage for research has increased which prompted change of government policies in this matter.
Overall, it remains too easy for students to misunderstand how they can use Generative Artificial Intelligence tools and unintentionally breach academic integrity guidelines.
Research of information and the writing of academic work must always be performed by the student, and while it is acceptable to use an AI tool to start a research process, it is not allowed to use it to write a submission in your place.
The important part is to understand that the best way to produce a work is to research it through traditional methods (books articles, websites, journals).
Yet, AI tools could be used to help with the research but only as a starting point. Having found information, thanks to an AI tool, about a topic you are writing about, you should then research it using these traditional methods and include the references and citations based on these resources in your work.
Once you have the correct information, you need to write the assignment yourself, using an AI tool to do this for you is never allowed. The usage of paraphrasing tools might be appropriate to find alternative to some words and short sentences, but not or a whole paragraph/page/ work.
The same way Mont Rose College is using a similarity detection system, an AI detection tool is embedded in our systems and every submission you make will go through both of them.
Submissions for assessment that consist of large substantially unmodified output from Artificial Intelligence software may be considered as a very poor academic practice as it does not represent the student’s own work.
To this effect, the limit on AI detection has been set at 50%. If a submission is over that allowance, the submission could be rejected and awarded a Referral and/or the student called to seat through a viva with the lecturer to confirm any parts of the submission through an interview which will then form part of the summative assessment.
In cases where an individual persistently exhibits poor academic practice through inappropriate use of Artificial Intelligence tools, such as a lack of evidencing their use of the tools, they may be referred to the academic misconduct procedures and the range of the potential penalties.
Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S. (2023) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 16th Ed. London: Kogan Page.
Leatherbarrow, C. and Fletcher, J. (2018) Introduction to Human Resource Management. 4th Ed. London: CIPD and Kogan Page
Marchington, M., Wilkinson, A., Donnelly, R. and Kynighou, A. (2020) Human Resource Management at Work: The Definitive Guide. 7th Ed. London: CIPD and Kogan Page.
Torrington, D., Hall, L., Atkinson, C. and Taylor, S. (2020) Human Resource Management. 11th Ed. London: Pearson.
Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (General reference)
HR Guides (General reference)
Personnel Today, Topics and webinars (General reference)
Society for Human Resource Management (General reference)
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