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L/618/5036 Leadership and Management - Unit 4 Assignment help
Assignment Code: | RQFBMU4JAN25CN/SD/FM/DE | ||||||
Programme: | BTEC HND in Business (RQF) | ||||||
Unit Title and Number: | Leadership and Management - Unit 4 | ||||||
RQF Level: | 4 | Module Code: | L/618/5036 | ||||
Credit value: | 15 credits | ||||||
Module Tutor: | Francis Marfo / Chi Linh Nguyen / Deepshikha / Sunanda Dola | ||||||
Module Tutor Email: | |||||||
Date Set: | 10/01/2025 | Distribution Date | 13/01/2025 | ||||
Cohort: | SEPTEMBER 24 A & B | ||||||
Student’s name: | |||||||
Registration number: | |||||||
Submission | |||||||
First Submission | ☐ | Formative Submission | ☐ | ||||
Second Submission | ☐ | Word Count: | |||||
Learner’s statement of authenticity I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. Where the work of others has been used to support my work then credit has been acknowledged. I have identified and acknowledged all sources used in this assignment and have referenced according to the Harvard referencing system. I have read and understood the Plagiarism, Collusion and AI sections provided with the assignment brief and understood the consequences of plagiarising.
| |||||||
Signature | Submission Date |
Particulars | Key Dates |
Semester starts | 13/01/2025 |
Semester ends | 04/04/2025 |
Formative assessment Dropbox opens | 17/02/2025 |
Formative assessment Dropbox closes | 09/03/2025 |
Final SUBMISSION box opens on | 10/03/2025 |
Final SUBMISSION box closes on | 06/04/2025 Sunday @ 23.59 pm |
Summative Feedback will be given on | 12/05/2025 |
Referral Dropbox will open from | 07/04/2025 |
Referral Dropbox closes on | 24/05/2025 |
Referral result declared | Ongoing within 2 weeks of submission |
Introduction :-
The ability to lead and manage effectively is highly sought after by industry, as employers seek to produce and develop managers who can motivate, enthuse and build respect throughout their workforce. The hard and soft skills required by leaders and managers are frequently highlighted by employers as skills gaps in recruitment. Developing these skills will help students to meet career aspirations in leadership and management.
The aim of this unit is to help students to understand the difference between the function of a manager and the role of a leader. Students will consider the characteristics, behaviours and traits that support effective management and leadership. Students will learn about the theories that have shaped the understanding of leadership and management and how these have provided a guide to action for managers and leaders who want to secure success for their businesses. Students will look at leadership styles, how and why they are used and the extent to which they are effective.
This unit also gives students an understanding of motivational strategies. They will develop motivational strategies covering intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of motivation. Finally, students will evaluate the importance of managing performance in achieving continuous improvement.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit students will be able to:
1.Examine leadership and management theories and principles, and their impact on the effectiveness of an organisation
2.Review the influence of different leadership and management styles on the culture of organisations,
3.Develop a motivational strategy to optimise organisational performance,
4.Apply leadership and management approaches to managing performance to ensure continuous improvement.
Assignment Title: Leadership and Management in Organisations
Submission Format |
This submission will be in the form of a report submitted using a WORD processed document. PDF and other types of files are not accepted. The recommended word limit is 4500 – 5000 words. Although, you will not be penalised for exceeding the recommended word limit, however, you are strictly advised to remain within the recommend word limit and enhance your writing skills. For more guidance, consult your lecturer. Where appropriate, learning theory and additional research must be used, and referenced according to the Harvard Referencing System. The work must include a bibliography for all referenced work using the Harvard Referencing System. |
Unit Learning Outcomes |
LO1 Examine leadership and management theories and principles, and their impact on the effectiveness of an organisation. LO2 Review the influence of different leadership and management styles on the culture of organisations LO3 Develop a motivational strategy to optimise organisational performance. LO4 Apply leadership and management approaches to managing performance to ensure continuous improvement. |
Assignment Brief and Guidance |
Scenario and Activity: The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) has forecasted an increase in business insolvencies from 28,000 to 33,000 after industry data revealed levels had risen faster than expected in the last quarter of 2023. In September last year, CEBR predicted that we would see 7,000 companies going insolvent each quarter in the UK in 2024. With the aforementioned context in mind, importance of leadership for business organisations cannot be overstated. You have been shortlisted for the post of an assistant manager ( by the organisation of your choice). As a part of recruitment process, you are required to produce a report for the senior management of the chosen organisation.
The report should critically evaluate the impact of the application of different approaches to leadership and management theories on the effectiveness of the chosen organisation. While doing so, you will need to discuss different theories of leadership and management in relation to the management activities in different organisations. At the same time, report will need to compare different leadership and management styles and their impact on decision making in different organisations, considering a range of business situations such as but not restricted to crisis situation, product development, skilled staff, employee engagement, need for innovation, conflict resolution, resistance to change, etc.) in different organisations. The report will also need also to evaluate the importance of organisational culture on the performance of different organisations while examining the factors that influence the development of the culture in organisations. Next, report needs to apply different theories of motivation in producing a comprehensive motivational strategy for the chosen organisation that effectively address all variables of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to enhance organisational performance and the achievement of organisational objectives. Finally, you will need to make recommendations to improve performance management that will ensure continuous improvement in the chosen organisation. To accomplish this, report will first need to assess how leadership and management approaches for managing performance supports continuous improvement in a range of business situations. |
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria | ||
Pass | Merit | Distinction |
LO1 Examine leadership and management theories and principles, and their impact on the effectiveness of an organisation |
LO1 and LO2
D1 Critically evaluate the impact of different approaches to leadership and management.
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P1 Discuss different theories of leadership in relation to the management activities in different organisations.
P2 Explore different theories of management in relation to the management and leadership activities in different organisations. | M1 Analyse the impact of the application of leadership and management theories on the effectiveness of a large organisation.
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LO2 Review the influence of different leadership and management styles on the culture of organisations | ||
P3 Assess different leadership and management styles and their application in a range of business situations in different organisations.
P4 Examine the factors that influence the development of the culture in organisations. | M2 Compare the impact of leadership and management styles on decision making in different organisations.
M3 Evaluate the importance of organisational culture on the performance of different organisations. | |
LO3 Develop a motivational strategy to optimise organisational performance | D2 Produce a comprehensive motivational strategy that effectively addresses all variables of motivation to enhance organisational performance. | |
P5 Produce a motivational strategy for an organisation that supports optimal achievement of organisational objectives. | M4 Produce a detailed motivational strategy for an organisation that addresses intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. | |
LO4 Apply leadership and management approaches to managing performance to ensure continuous improvement. |
D3 Make recommendations to improve performance management that will ensure continuous improvement.
| |
P6 Apply to a range of business situations, appropriate leadership and management approaches for managing performance and continuous improvement. | M5 Assess how leadership and management approaches for managing performance supports continuous improvement.
Achievement of a Pass grade
A student must have satisfied all the Pass criteria for the learning outcomes, showing coverage of the unit content and therefore attainment at Level 4 or 5 of the national framework.
Achievement of a Merit grade
A student must have satisfied all the Merit criteria (as well as the Pass criteria) through high performance in each learning outcome.
Achievement of a Distinction grade
A student must have satisfied all the Distinction criteria (as well as the Pass and Merit criteria), and these define outstanding performance across the unit as a whole.
As per Pearson policy, you are only allowed two submissions per module. One for final submission and another one for referral. Failure to achieve a grade pass after a second submission will result in you having to repeat the module in the next term.
Any re-submission or late submission (unless authorised due to mitigating circumstances) will be capped at a PASS grade only.
Specification of Assessment
Present your work in one report style which should include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, conclusion, reference list, foot or end notes and appendices, if any.
Include the reference code of this assignment on your assignment submission front page.
Sign the Learner’s Statement of authenticity in the cover page. Failure to do so will result in the submission being declined.
Ensure the following information is in the footer on every page:
oYour name
oThe production date of your submission
oThe code number of your assignment brief
oThe page number (Each page must be numbered at the bottom right-hand side)
Spell-check the document and make sure there are no grammatical errors as it may result in the submission being declined.
Complete all the tasks in a Holistic manner as set in the brief and without separating the assessment criteria to avoid a potential referral.
Create your own titles and sub-headings to structure the work without copying the assessment criteria verbatim.
Produce clear specific reasoning and arguments in support of your answers.
Submit your work in a single WORD processed document of not more than 5000 words for all learning Outcomes. This word limit is only for guidelines and is not applied to grading. PDF and other types of files are not accepted.
You must include a bibliography at the end to show where your information was sourced. Failure to do so may result in the submission being declined
Your sources must be identified using the Harvard referencing system. The words used in your bibliography will not be included in your word count.
You must use Arial, size 12, 1.5 line spacing and black to format the text.
To access any feedback (formative/summative) you will have to access Moodle and open your assignment. You will have to click on the blue comment box in the righthand side and the feedback will appear within the text. You might have to click on the blue bubbles to see the feedback.
If an extension is necessary for a valid reason, requests must be made in writing using a course work extension request form to the head of department. Please note that the lecturers do not have the authority to extend the coursework deadlines and therefore do not ask them to award a coursework extension.
The completed form must be accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sick.
Any act of plagiarism and collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the regulations and MRC Malpractice policy
Plagiarism occurs when a student misrepresents any work submitted as his/her own work, the work of any other person or of any institution. Examples of forms of plagiarism include:
the verbatim (word for word) copying of another’s work without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement.
the close paraphrasing of another’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement.
unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another’s work;
The deliberate and detailed presentation of another’s concept as one’s own.
All types of work submitted by students are covered by this definition, including, written work, diagrams, designs, engineering drawings and pictures.
Collusion occurs when, unless with official approval (e.g., in the case of group projects), two or more students consciously collaborate in the preparation and production of work which is ultimately submitted by each in an identical, or substantially similar, form and/or is represented by each to be the product of his or her individual efforts.
All submissions for assessment must be submitted on Moodle to generate a Turnitin Report on similarity to detect potential plagiarism and collusion.
The maximum Turnitin score admissible is 15% but a submission can be classified as plagiarism and/or collusion with a lower score depending on the size of the submission and size of the text highlighted.
Assignments with plagiarism/ad or collusion will be automatically referred for reworking and resubmission. Please check the MRC Assessment policy as well as MRC Malpractice policy for details of the potential penalties as a procedure.
Including pictures of text (apart from the cover page or table of content) or pictures of any other type of information (diagram for example) without a citation and a Harvard Reference could be deemed to be an attempt of malpractice and could trigger an automatic referral as well as a malpractice procedure.
Any student might be called to seat through a viva with the lecturer to confirm any parts of the submission through an interview which will then form part of the summative assessment.
AI tools have proliferated and become more common and as a result, their usage for research has increased which prompted change of government policies in this matter.
Overall, it remains too easy for students to misunderstand how they can use Generative Artificial Intelligence tools and unintentionally breach academic integrity guidelines.
Research of information and the writing of academic work must always be performed by the student, and while it is acceptable to use an AI tool to start a research process, it is not allowed to use it to write a submission in your place.
The important part is to understand that the best way to produce a work is to research it through traditional methods (books articles, websites, journals).
Yet, AI tools could be used to help with the research but only as a starting point. Having found information, thanks to an AI tool, about a topic you are writing about, you should then research it using these traditional methods and include the references and citations based on these resources in your work.
Once you have the correct information, you need to write the assignment yourself, using an AI tool to do this for you is never allowed. The usage of paraphrasing tools might be appropriate to find alternative to some words and short sentences, but not or a whole paragraph/page/ work.
The same way Mont Rose College is using a similarity detection system, an AI detection tool is embedded in our systems and every submission you make will go through both of them.
Submissions for assessment that consist of large substantially unmodified output from Artificial Intelligence software may be considered as a very poor academic practice as it does not represent the student’s own work.
To this effect, the limit on AI detection has been set at 50%. If a submission is over that allowance, the submission could be rejected and awarded a Referral and/or the student called to seat through a viva with the lecturer to confirm any parts of the submission through an interview which will then form part of the summative assessment.
In cases where an individual persistently exhibits poor academic practice through inappropriate use of Artificial Intelligence tools, such as a lack of evidencing their use of the tools, they may be referred to the academic misconduct procedures and the range of the potential penalties.
ADAIR, J. (2019). Develop Your Leadership Skills: Fast, Effective Ways to Become a Leader People Want to Follow. London: Kogan Page.
KELLY, P. and COLE, G. (2020) Management: Theory and Practice. 9th Ed. Boston: Cengage.
MULLINS, L. J. (2019) Organisational Behaviour in the Workplace 12th Ed. Harlow: Pearson.
ORTI, P and MIDDLEMISS, M. (2019). Thinking Remote. Inspiration for Leaders of Distributed Teams. London: Virtual Not Distant
Business Training Works, Resources, (General reference)
Management Study Guide, Management Functions, (General reference)
Management Today Leadership, News and industry articles, (General reference)
Mind Tools, Leadership, (General reference)
TED Talks, Business and technology, (Video resources)
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