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LC665/ Leadership and Teamwork assignment help
Friday 17th of Jan CW1 Portfolio Deadline before 14.00pm Using examples from your research or volunteering/work experience, create a reflective portfolio on leadership and teamwork in the public, private or voluntary sector. The portfolio should have a total of 2,000-words and includes: Choose a community activity (for e.g., litter picking in town, organise a sports activity, fundraise for a charity etc.). Join or organise and Additional information will be provided with instructions for submitting your completed vlogs, podcast or blogs. Throughout, you should use quality sources and apply relevant theories and concepts to support your discussion. Also, include recommendations for improving leadership in the future.Module code and title: LC665/ Leadership and Teamwork Module Leader: Assignment No. and type: CW 1 / Portfolio (2,000 words) Assessment weighting: 100% Tutor(s) name: Tutor’s Email: Submission time and date: Target feedback time and date: 3 weeks Assessment task:
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes: |
LO 1: Review, evaluate and develop one’s own leadership and team skills to work towards leading and developing others. |
LO 2: Critically analyse the challenges and issues of leadership in community settings. |
LO 3: Critically analyse structural and cultural elements of organisations and their purpose. |
LO 4: Critically evaluate theories, approaches and strategies for optimising employee engagement and commitment for the benefit of ethical learning organisations. |
Practicalities: Referencing, presenting and submitting your work |
Please see your programme handbook for information on the standard referencing style, presentational requirements and process for submitting your work. |
Confidentiality |
You are expected to take responsibility for maintaining and managing confidentiality issues in your work. You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in your assessed work, whatever the format. For further information and guidance, please see the relevant section in your programme handbook. |
Academic integrity |
Academic integrity means taking responsibility for your own work. When you submit an assignment, you aremaking a declaration that it is your own work and that you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideasin its development(for example, byreferencing them appropriately). For further information and guidance, please see the University website: |
Core text |
Link to Reading list in Key links: |
Texts: Bolman, L.G., Gallos, Joan V., (2021) Reframing academic leadership” ProQuest Ebook Central [electronic resource]. Second.[MA1] Hodges, J. (2016) Managing and Leading People through Organisational Change: The Theory and Practice of Sustaining Change through People. London. Kogan Page Iszatt-White, Marian, and Saunders, Christopher. (2017) Leadership. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP. Manning, T. and Robertson, B. (2022) Leadership. Bradford: Ethics International Press Limited. Northhouse, P. (2019) Leadership: Theory and Practice Northouse, Peter Guy. (2019) Leadership. 8th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Northouse, P.G. (2022) Leadership : theory and practice. 9th edition. Los Angeles: SAGE. Rees, G and French, R. (2013) Leading, Managing and Developing People. 4thEdn. London. CIPD.
Journals: People Management Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies The Leadership Quarterly Leadership
Databases: Box of Broadcasts at SOC Index with full text access (journal database accessed from Library)
Websites: Imperial College Leadership and Management Online Resources Local Government Association – Community Leadership ( Cultural Leadership Program - NHS Leadership Academy - |
| 0-29 (F) – Fail Not successful | 30-39 E – Marginal fail Below required standard | 40-49 (D) Pass Satisfactory | 50-59 (C) Pass Good | 60-69 (B) Pass Very Good | 70-79 (A) Pass Excellent | 80-100 (A+) Pass Outstanding |
Criterion 1 (LO1)
Knowledge and Understanding
Review, evaluate and develop one’s own leadership and team skills to work towards leading and developing others.
This should include evidence of:
| The work demonstrates noevidence of reflection, review, evaluation and developmentof one’s own leadershipand/or substantially inaccurate or no knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established concepts and theories and of the way in which they have developed. There is little or no evidence of wider reading. | The work demonstrates limited or insufficient knowledge and critical understanding of evidence of reflection, review, evaluation and developmentof one’s own leadership and of the way in which they have developed. There is limited evidence of wider reading and/or wider reading lacks relevance. | The work demonstrates a basic knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established concepts and theories andevidence of reflection, review, evaluation and developmentof one’s own leadershipand of the way in this has developed. Wider reading is relevant but largely restricted to core texts and only partially integrated. | The work demonstrates a sound breadth and depth of knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established concepts and theories and evidence of reflection, review, evaluation and developmentof one’s own leadershipand of the way this has developed. Wider reading is largely limited to core texts but has clearly enhanced the work. | The work demonstrates refined knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established concepts and theories andevidence of reflection, review, evaluation and developmentof one’s own leadership and of the way this has developed. Wider reading shows a range of sources being used and applied, some of which are independently selected. | The work demonstrates highly accomplished knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established concepts and theories andevidence of reflection, review, evaluation and developmentof one’s own leadershipand of the way this has developed. Application of wider independent reading is fully evident in the work. | The work demonstrates exceptional knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established concepts and theories andevidence of reflection, review, evaluation and developmentof one’s own leadershipand of the way in which they have developed. Application of extensive independent reading is evident throughout the work |
Criterion 2 (LO2)
Demonstrate engagement with relevant materialin order to critically analyse the challenges and issues of leadership in community settings.
| No engagement with relevant material or critical analysisof the challenges and issues of leadership in community settings. | Very limited engagement with relevant material and/or very limited evaluation of the principal debates and issues of leadership in community settings.
| Satisfactory engagement with relevant material which attempts to evaluate the principal debates and dilemmas in contemporary issues of leadership in communitysettings.
Also, satisfactory ability to evaluate leadership styles etc. and initiatives and the impact in the community and/or organisations, showing some understanding although this may be patchy and inconsistent.
| Good level of engagement with relevant material in order to critically evaluate the principal debates and dilemmas in contemporary leadership, though criticality is not always consistent or sustained.
Demonstrates ability to evaluate leadership policy initiatives and the impact in the private, public, and voluntary sector showing some understanding and insight.
| Very good demonstration engagement with relevant material in order to critically evaluate the principal debates and dilemmas in contemporary criminal justice policy in the UK.
Very good ability to evaluate policy initiatives and the impact of policy, showing detail and quality insight.
| Excellent critical engagement with relevant material in order to critically evaluate the principal debates and dilemmas in contemporary criminal justice policy in the UK.
Excellent ability to evaluate policy initiatives and the impact of policy, showing detail and high quality insight.
| Outstanding level of engagement with relevant material in order to critically evaluate the principal debates and dilemmas in contemporary criminal justice policy in the UK.
Outstanding ability to evaluate policy initiatives and the impact of policy, showing detailed and sophisticated insight.
Criterion 3 (LO3)
Critically analyse structural and cultural elements of organisations and their purpose.
This should include evidence of:
| Does not provide any evidence of understanding the cultural elements of organisations in, for e.g., private, public and voluntary sectors | Provides very little evidence of understanding cultural elements of organisations in, for e.g., private, public and voluntary sectors. | Provides some evidence of understanding the cultural elements of organisations in, for e.g., private, public and voluntary sectors. However, this is poorly discussed, showing significant weakness in understanding. | Provides some evidence of understanding the cultural elements of organisations in, for e.g., private, public and voluntary sectors. Also, there are indications of clarity of thought and indications of knowledge and understanding of organisational culture in context. | Provides clear evidence of understanding the cultural elements of organisations in, for e.g., private, public and voluntary sectors. There is clarity of thought and very good indication of knowledge and understanding of organisational culture in context. | Provides clear evidence of understanding the cultural elements of organisations in, for e.g., private, public and voluntary sectors. There is clarity of thought and very good indication of knowledge and understanding of organisational culture in context,critical analysis and use and application of theory. There should be coherence in the structure & presentation. Breadth and quality of gathered evidence and researchreferencing and reference listis excellent. | Fulfilment of all aspects of the assessment task including provision of clear evidence of understanding the cultural elements of organisations in, for e.g., private, public and voluntary sectors. There is clarity of thought and very good indication of knowledge and understanding of organisational culture in context, critical analysis and use and application of theory. There should be coherence in the structure & presentation. Breadth and quality of gathered evidence and researchreferencing and reference list is excellent. |
Criterion 4 (LO4)
Critically evaluate theories, approaches and strategies for optimising employee engagement and commitment for the benefit of ethical learning organisations.This should include evidence ofCriticalreflection | Does not provide any evidence of understanding the theories, approaches and strategies for optimisingemployee engagement and commitment for the benefit of ethical learning in organisations. | Provides very little evidence of understanding the theories, approaches and strategies for optimising employee engagement and commitment for the benefit of ethical learning in organisations. | Provides some evidence of understanding the theories, approaches and strategies for optimising employee engagement and commitment for the benefit of ethical learning in organisations. | Provides some evidence of understanding the theories, approaches and strategies for optimising employee engagement and commitment for the benefit of ethical learning in organisations. There are minor indications of clarity of thought and indications of knowledge and understanding of theories, approaches and strategies. | Provides clear evidence of understanding the theories, approaches and strategies for optimising employee engagement and commitment for the benefit of ethical learning in organisations. There is clarity of thought and indications of knowledge and understanding of theories, approaches and strategies. | Provides clear evidence of understanding the theories, approaches and strategies for optimising employee engagement and commitment for the benefit of ethical learning in organisations. There is clarity of thought and indications of knowledge and understanding of theories, approaches and strategies. There should be coherence in the structure & presentation. Breadth and quality of gathered evidence and researchreferencing and reference list is excellent. | Fulfilment of all aspects of the assessment task including provision of clear evidence of understanding the theories, approaches and strategies for optimising employee engagement and commitment for the benefit of ethical learning in organisations. There is clarity of thought and indications of knowledge and understanding of theories, approaches and strategies. There should be coherence in the structure & presentation. Breadth and quality of gathered evidence and researchreferencing and reference list is excellent., for e.g., private, public and voluntary sectors. There should be coherence in the structure & presentation. |
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