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Managing Operationsand Project Environments Assignment help
Assessment Information/Brief 2024-25
Moduletitle | ManagingOperationsandProjectEnvironments |
CRN | 63510 |
Level | 7 |
Assessmenttitle | CriticalAnalysis |
Weightingwithin module |
Thisassessmentisworth 100%oftheoverallmodulemark |
Module Leader/Assessmentset by | DrStephenKelly(ModuleLeader) |
Submissiondeadline date and time | The submission deadline is the 16thof December 2024 byno later than 16:00. Any submission received after 16:00 on thesubmissiondeadlinedate,evenifonlybyafewseconds, will be considered as late.
StudentswithaReasonableAdjustmentPlan(RAP)or CarerSupportPlanshouldcheckyourplantoseeifan extension to this submission date has been agreed |
Howtosubmit | You should submit your assessment via the ‘TurnitIn’ link in theAssessmentFolderontheL7ManagingOperationsand Project Environments Blackboard site.
As the University will mark assessments anonymously wherethisispossible,pleaseuseyourstudentrollnumber and not your name on your submission. |
Select an organisation of your choosing and critically analyse how a systems thinking approachcanleadtoeffectiveandefficientoperationsandprojectmanagementinorder to generate competitive advantage.
AdditionalInstructions |
- Followareportformatwhich includes:
- Titleandcontentspage
- ExecutiveSummary(that give sabriefand complete summary of your paper for an executive to read)
- Brief introduction
- Mainanalysisthataddressesthetaskoftheassignment brief
- Brief conclusions
- Appendixsection(ifused)
- Referencelist
- Use diagrams, illustrations, tables, graphics etc. wherever these are helpful. If you do use these, please do not put them in the appendices if they are part of your discussion. Appendices are the appropriate places to put supporting material,however,rememberifthereaderissatisfiedwith themainpointsofyour discussion; the supporting information within the appendices may not even be reviewed.
- Allsubmissionsshouldbeword-processed(lettersize12, TimesNewRoman, 1.5 space) and fully referenced.
- Thewordcountforeachtaskoftheassignmentbriefshouldbebasedonthe mark weightings for each one.
- Usetheories,concepts,models,toolsandframeworksexplicitlyatallappropriate points, but do not spend too much time describing a theory, as you can assume thatthereaderisfamiliarwiththem.Whatthereaderrequiresisevidenceofyour ability to understand and apply these and learn from it in order to support the development of your findings and/or ideas.
- You must cite all sources on which you have relied, for example textbooks, journalarticles,webpagesetc.usingtheUniversityofSalford’srecommended APA7th Edition style and the guidelines for this can be found at: If you do not cite all sources, then you may be referred as an academic
misconduct case, which may endanger your success in passing the module. If you are in any doubt about how to reference your work, please obtain guidance from the library and/or your academic librarian(s) for this module.
Assessment Criteria
You should look at the assessment criteria below to find out what we are specifically looking at when marking the submissions.
Application and insight (weighted at 40%) – your identification and application of relevant concepts, theories, models, tools, techniques and processesto aspects of the selected organisation and wider environment and your generation of insights from this application.
Research (weighted at 30%) – how you have supported the work with a range of relevantsecondarysourcesoforganisational,industry,marketandmacro-economic data and information.
Argument and approach (weighted at 20%) – how you have developed a sustained argument through out the work and adoptedanappropriatestructureto support this.
Presentation(weightedat10%) –how you have presentedandarticulated the points you are trying to make, as well as using accurate referencing techniques.
CRITERION | 100-80 | 79-70 | 69-60 | 59-50 | 49-40 | 39-30 | 29-0 |
Application | Outstanding | Excellent | Verygood | Good | Inadequate | Poor | Extremely |
&Insight | identification | identification | identification | identification | identification | identification | limited |
(weighted | and | and | and | and | and | and | identificationand |
at40%) | applicationof | applicationof | applicationof | applicationof | applicationof | applicationof | applicationof |
arangeof | arangeof | relevant | relevant | relevant | relevant | relevant | |
relevant | relevant | academic | academic | academic | academic | academic | |
academic | academic | theoriesetc., | theoriesetc., | theoriesetc., | theoriesetc., | theoriesetc.,no | |
theoriesetc., | theoriesetc., | justifiestheir | limited | limited | no | justificationfor | |
someofwhich | robustly | useand | justification | justification | justification | theiruseandno | |
areatthe | justifiestheir | generates | fortheiruse | fortheiruse | fortheiruse | insights | |
current | useand | appropriate | andgenerates | andgenerates | andgenerates | generated | |
boundariesof | generates | insights | appropriate | limited | limited | ||
an academic | significant | insights | insights | insights | |||
discipline, | insights | ||||||
robustly | |||||||
justifiestheir | |||||||
useand | |||||||
generates | |||||||
significantand | |||||||
deepinsights | |||||||
Research | Authoritative | Persuasive | Convincing | Confidentuse | Inadequate | Limiteduseof | Verylimited or |
(weighted | useofawide | useofawide | useofa range | ofarangeof | useofmixed | apoorer | non-existentuse |
at30%) | rangehigh | rangehigh | ofqualityof | sourcesof | quality | quality | ofsourcesof |
qualityof | qualityof | sourcesof | organisational | sourcesof | sourcesof | organisational, | |
sourcesof | sourcesof | organisational | , market, | organisational | organisational | market,industry | |
organisational | organisational | , market, | industryand | , market, | , market, | andmacro- | |
, market, | , market, | industryand | macro- | industryand | industryand | economicdata | |
industryand | industryand | macro- | economic | macro- | macro- | andinformation | |
macro- | macro- | economic | dataand | economic | economic | appropriateto | |
economic | economic | dataand | information | dataand | dataand | thediscipline | |
dataand | dataand | information | appropriateto | information | information | ||
information | information | appropriateto | thediscipline | appropriateto | appropriateto | ||
appropriateto | appropriateto | thediscipline | thediscipline | thediscipline | |||
thediscipline | thediscipline | ||||||
Argument | An | Anexcellent | Averygood | Agoodability | Inadequate | Poorabilityto | Lacking the |
and | outstanding | abilityto | abilityto | todeviseand | abilityto | deviseand | abilitytodevise |
approach | abilityto | deviseand | deviseand | sustain | deviseand | sustain | andsustain |
(weighted | deviseand | sustaincritical | sustaincritical | arguments, | sustain | arguments, | arguments,with |
at20%) | sustaincritical | arguments, | arguments, | adoptinga | arguments, | witha poorly | noclear |
arguments, | adoptinga | adoptinga | relevant | adoptinga | established | structureand no | |
adoptinga | clearly | relevant | structureand | relevant | structureand | challengingof | |
sophisticated | relevant | structureand | limited | structurein | verylimited | assumptions | |
structureand | structureand | challenging | challengingof | parts and | challengingof | ||
challenging | challenging | assumptions | assumptions | limited | assumptions | ||
assumptions | assumptions | challengingof | |||||
assumptions | |||||||
Presentatio | Work is | Work is | Work is | Work is | Work is | Workis poorly | Workisvery |
n (relevant | professionally | excellently | precisely | confidently | inadequately | presentedand | poorlypresented |
tothe | presentedand | presentedand | presentedand | andclearly | presentedand | communicate | and |
audience) | communicate | communicate | communicate | presentedand | communicate | d, references | communicated, |
(weighted | d, references | d, references | d, references | communicate | d, references | accurate, | referencing |
at10%) | accurate, | accurate, | accurate, | d, references | accurate, | reliableand | erroneous/missin |
reliableand | reliableand | reliableand | accurate, | reliableand | precise | g | |
precise | precise | precise | reliableand | precise | |||
precise |
Knowledgeand Understanding
Assessedintendedlearning outcome
On successful completion of this assessment , you will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key challenges in operations and project management within global supply chain systems.
- Apply systems theory thinking to manage operations and projects within global supply chains
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the wider implications of multidisciplinarymanagementthinkingand the level of
complexity that this generates.
Appraise how sustainability and ethics can impact operations, projects and supply chains in local, national and global
- Evaluate the importance of effectiv eestimationand forecasting in achieving all the above.
- Practical , Professional or Subject Specific Skills Communicatestrategiesanddecisionstomanagersand subordinates effectively.
Employability Skills developed / demonstrated
You will develop arange of employabilityskills sought by employers through each assessment.
Throughthisassessmentwillhaveanopportunitytodevelop and demonstrate the following employability skills:
(please put across in the box for the skill and level demonstrated in the assessment)
Skill | I | U | A | D |
Communication | X | |||
CriticalThinkingand Problem Solving | X | |||
DataLiteracy | X | |||
DigitalLiteracy | X | |||
IndustryAwareness | X | |||
Innovation and Creativity | X | |||
ReflectionandLife- LongLearning | X | |||
Self-management andOrganisation | X |
U = You will have developed an understanding of this skill in the context of your subject
A=Youwillbeabletoapplythisskillinthecontextofyour subject.
D=Youwillhavedemonstratedanenhancedunderstanding and application of this skill in a wider context
Using Artificial Intelligence(AI)Tools
AI should not be used for this assessment
Wordcount/duration(if applicable)
Your assessment should be a maximum word count of3000 words (+/- 10%). Your word count is from the introduction to the conclusion sections. Therefore, it does not include title page, contents page, Executive Summary, reference section, tables and appendices etc. Please note that tables shouldbeusedtopresentsuccinctdataandinformationand not for discussions that relate to the assignment brief tasks. Iftheassignmentexceedstheselimits;theworkinexcessis not marked.
Feedback arrangements
- Three working weeks(excludingUniversitySeasonal Closing) after the submission date.
| |
AcademicIntegrityand Referencing | Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear andcorrectreferencingofsourcematerials.Hereisalinkto whereyoucanfindoutmoreabouttheskillswhichstudents need: Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment foryouortakingnotesintoanexam.TheUniversitytakesall forms of academic misconduct seriously. |
Assessment Informationand Support | SupportforthisAssessment You can obtain support for this assessment by attending your module lectures, seminars and drop-in sessions and part of one session will focus on the assessment. The sessions provide you with good opportunities to ask questions to provide clarity and direction on the subject and addressing the assessment brief. You can e-mail the tutor andvisitthemoduleBlackboardsiteforregularupdatesthat can directly support your learning in the subject and in developing your assignment.
Youcanfindmoreinformationaboutunderstandingyour assessmentbriefandassessmenttipsforsuccesshere.
AssessmentRulesandProcesses Youcanfindinformationaboutassessmentrulesand processes in the Assessment Support module in Blackboard.
DevelopyourAcademicandDigitalSkills Find resources to help you develop your skills here.
ConcernsaboutStudiesorProgress Ifyouhaveanyconcernsaboutyourstudies,contactyour Academic Progress Review Tutor/Personal Tutor or your Student Progression Administrator (SPA).
askUSServices |
If You Need Assignment for salford university
The University offers a range of support services for studentsthroughaskUSincludingDisabilityandInclusion Service, Wellbeing and Counselling Services.
If personal mitigating circumstances (e.g. illness or other personalcircumstances)mayhaveaffectedyourabilityto complete this assessment, you can find moreinformation about the Personal Mitigating Circumstances Procedure here.Independent advice is available from the Students’ Union Advice Centre about this process: | |
InYearRetrieval Scheme | Yourassessmentis/isnot(pleasedeleteasappropriate) eligible for in year retrieval. If you are eligible for this scheme,youwillbecontactedshortlyafterthefeedback deadline.
Youcanfindmoreinformationaboutthisschemeinthe Assessment Support module in Blackboard. |
Reassessment | If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment,youwillbeabletofindthedatefor resubmission on your module site in Blackboard.
For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstancesforabsence/nonsubmission,thiswillbeyour replacement assessment attempt.
Thereassessmenttaskwillbethesameastheoriginalone with a submission date of the 28thof February 2025 by 16:00. We know that having to undergo a reassessment can be challenginghoweversupportisavailable.Havealookatall the sources of support outlined earlier in this brief. |
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