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Managing People in Health and Social Care
Unit Reference Number | H/618/2711 |
Unit Title | Managing People in Health and Social Care |
Unit Level | 7 |
Number of Credits | 20 |
Total Qualification Time (TQT) | 200 |
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) | 100 |
Mandatory / Optional | Mandatory |
Unit Grading Structure | Pass / Fail |
Unit Aims
The aim of this unit is to enable the learner to understand the processes involved in the recruitment, management and development of people in the Health and Social Care workplace. Learners will develop skills in the recruitment and retention of staff, as well as the importance of training and industrial relations. Learners will also understand the importance of identifying and managing cultural diversity in the workforce.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes – the learner will: | Assessment Criteria – the learner can: |
1. Understand recruitment and selection processes in Health and Social Care. |
2. Understand training and career development opportunities available for individuals. |
3. Understand performance management in Health and Social Care. |
Health4All is a private health and social care company operating globally. In response to an increased demand for private health care, and the existing stresses and strains on the state
healthcare provisions in the UK and elsewhere in Europe particularly, Steve Jones the CEO is recommending to the Board of Directors that there is a large scale recruitment drive for consultants who have human resource expertise within health and social care contexts.
Health4All have asked for tenders from consultants who have human resource expertise within health and social care contexts. You have decided to bid for this opportunity.
As part of the bidding process, you are required to present a report to the Board of Directors.
Task 1 of 2 Presentation and Speaker notes (LO1 AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
Prepare a comprehensive presentation for the Board of Directors. You will provide speaker notes at the end of the session.
The following points need to be addressed when preparing the presentation:
Explain the factors involved in the planning of recruitment in health and social care.
Explain situations when it is necessary to seek specialist expertise in relation to recruitment and selection.
Describe the relevant legislative and regulatory frameworks that affect recruitment and selection in health and social care.
Evaluate the different approaches used in the selection process in health and social care.
Analyse the policies and procedures resulting from serious case reviews and inquiries which contribute to safeguarding in health and social care.
Delivery and submission:
1x 10 minute Presentation file with references
1x set of speaker notes supporting each slide - 500 words
Task 2 of 2 - Report (LO2 AC 2.1, 2.2, LO3 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, LO4 AC 4.1, 4.2 )
You have been successful in your bid and have started working as a HR consultant at Health4All . The management team’s priority is to have an updated Human Resources plan and policy in place as soon as possible.
In the first instance, they have asked you to prepare a preparatory report. You therefore need to prepare a report for Health4All, in which you:
Explain how to maximise individual and group performance by implementing different performance management solutions.
Analyse career development and lifelong learning opportunities in the Health and Social Care sector
Explain techniques for monitoring performance in Health and Social Care
Assess methods for identifying individual training and developing needs
Analyse techniques for promoting continuous professional development in health and social care
Analyse the significance of cultural diversity to the Health and Social Care sector
Explain the benefits of a culturally diverse workforce.
Assess strategies for managing a diverse workforce.
1x Report
1x Report - 3500 words excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendices
You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable sources.
A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work.
Evidence to be submitted:
Presentation file with references
Presentation speaker notes – 500 words
Report – 3500 words
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