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MBA7068 -Academic Skills and Professional Practice Assignment Help
MBA7068 -Academic Skills and Professional Practice
Assessment Number | Assignment 1 |
Assessment Type (and weighting) | 2,500-word portfolio (100%) |
Assessment Name | Academic and professional skills |
Assessment Submission Date | 6th Jan 2025 via Turnitin @23:59hrs |
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO1:Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of university learning and teaching strategies and practices and their roles in the broader academic and professional MBA context
LO2: Interpret academic assessments, identifying knowledge forms, cognitive abilities, practical and personal skills, and communication styles needed to successfully meet the demands of these
LO3:Critically evaluate and synthesise information, data, concepts, and theory from a range of sources and use these to inform analysis, critique, and reflection
LO4:Identify and critically reflect on personal and professional goals and devise strategies for their attainment
Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) Applications in this Assessment
AI Status | Application | Notes |
Category A | No GAI tool is permitted. | While grammar and/or spell checkers may be used to correct individual words and sentences, the use of GAI is not allowed. This is because the learning outcomes require you to produce original assessment work without any GAI assistance
Any GAI generated content which is presented as your own original work and is not acknowledged will be assessed for academic misconduct.
Assessment Tasks:
This assessment requires you to create a portfolio. The portfolio should address the following:
TASK 1. [1,500 words]:
Explore global business trends that have emerged in recent years and are impacting organizations worldwide.
Develop a research topic that investigates the implications of these trends. Formulate research aim, question(s), and objectives to shed light on the consequences of these trends. Provide research background/introduction and research rationale. Critically analyse relevant literature, theories, or business models associated with the global business landscape. Identify and justify which data sources to use (e.g. primary and secondary) to address your research problem/question(s).
TASK 2: [1,000 words]
You are required to identify an area of graduate employment that you would consider when you leave University. This could be EITHER a profession (for example Marketing/Finance/Accounting/HR) OR an industry you are interested in (for example Retail, Sports & Leisure, Public Sector, Not for Profit, Travel and Tourism.) Your research should be either in an area you aspire to work within or maybe an area that you want to understand more about.
You need to provide a reflective audit of your own current knowledge, skills, experience and identify 5 skills that you want to improve.The 5 skills could be a mix of your personal and professional goals.
Declaration: At the end of the assessment you should also include a declaration of any software tools including Generative AI (GAI) applications that you used in developing and completing the assessment.
Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements:
It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include four refereed academic journals and five academic books.
Specific Assessment Criteria
Distinction (70% and above)
An excellent portfolio will identify a real-life and current business issue and demonstrate critical understanding through a well-prepared presentation. The background and rationale will be thoroughly developed, critically discussing relevant literature, theories, and business models. Data sources will be meticulously identified and justified, with a critical evaluation of their suitability for addressing the research questions. A comprehensive analysis of five personal/professional skills will be conducted, demonstrating expert understanding of relevant theories and models. Strengths and weaknesses will be critically appraised, with insightful reflections. The Personal Development Plan (PDP) will be detailed and practical, with strategies comprehensively justified.
Extensive research demonstrating use of a wide range of contemporary and seminal sources will be evident. Academic writing style, English and referencing will be excellent.
Merit (60% - 69%)
A comprehensive critical synthesis of the identified business issue will be provided, with well-elicited relationships between relevant concepts, theories, and business models. The background and rationale will be well-developed, with a clear and critical discussion of relevant literature. Data sources will be identified and justified, with a thorough evaluation of their suitability for addressing the research questions. A comprehensive analysis of five personal/professional skills will be conducted, demonstrating a good understanding of relevant theories and models. Strengths and weaknesses will be clearly appraised, with original and succinct reflections. The Personal Development Plan (PDP) will be detailed, with strategies well summarized and justified.
Research will demonstrate the use of a wide range of relevant sources. The academic writing style, English, and referencing will be good, displaying clear organization and coherence throughout the portfolio.
Pass (50% - 59%)
A critical synthesis of the identified business issue will be presented, with clearly drawn relationships between relevant concepts, theories, and business models. The background and rationale will be adequately developed, with a clear discussion of relevant literature. Data sources will be identified and justified, with an evaluation of their suitability for addressing the research questions. A critical analysis of five personal/professional skills will be conducted, demonstrating a satisfactory understanding of relevant theories and models. Strengths and weaknesses will be evaluated, with some original reflections. The Personal Development Plan (PDP) will be clearly summarized and justified, detailing areas and strategies for development.
Research will demonstrate the use of a range of relevant sources. The academic writing style, English, and referencing will be satisfactory, showing clear organization and coherence throughout the portfolio.
Fail (Below 50%): Students who do not meet the requirements of the Pass criteria will not successfully complete the assessment activity.
16. General Assessment Criteria for Written Assessments - GENERAL ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES – LEVEL HE7
Relevance (20%) Learning outcomes must be met for an overall pass | Knowledge and Understanding (15%) | Analysis, Creativity and Problem-Solving (15%) | Self-awareness and Reflection (20%) | Research/ Referencing (10%) | Written English (10%) | Presentation and Structure (10%)
| ||
DISTINCTION | Exceptional Quality 85-100% | Work is directly relevant and expertly addresses the requirements of the brief.
Learning outcomes are met. | Demonstrates an exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice which is beyond the threshold expectation for the level.
Produces exceptional work which makes a contribution to knowledge in the subject area. | Presents an exceptional critique of advanced research material resulting in clear, original and illuminating conclusions. Expertly interprets complex matters and ideas and makes sound judgments in the absence of complete data. Demonstrates exceptional creative flair and a high level of originality. Develops distinctive, insightful and creative solutions to complex problems. | Provides insightful reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility. | An extensive range of advanced research sources critically evaluated and selected.
Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography. | Writing style is clear, succinct and relevant to the requirements of the assessment. An exceptionally well written answer with only rare errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Uses a wide range of less common and more advanced vocabulary and sentence types fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings. Paragraphs are expertly structured with linking and signposting. | The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured. Where relevant, there is effective inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images. |
Excellent Quality 70-84% | Work is relevant and comprehensively addresses the requirements of the brief.
Learning outcomes are met. | Demonstrates an excellent breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Clearly demonstrates originality in the application of knowledge. | Presents an excellent critique of advanced research material resulting in clear, original and illuminating conclusions. Comprehensively interprets complex matters and ideas and makes sound judgments in the absence of complete data. Demonstrates excellent creative flair and a high level of originality. Develops distinctive and creative solutions to complex problems. | Provides excellent reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility | A wide range of advanced research sources critically evaluated and selected.
Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography. | Writing style is clear, succinct and relevant to the requirements of the assessment. A very well written answer with very few errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Uses a wide range of vocabulary and sentence types fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings. Paragraphs are very well structured with linking and signposting. | The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured Where relevant, there is effective inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images. | |
MERIT | Good Quality 60-69% | Work is relevant and addresses most of the requirements of the brief well.
Learning outcomes are met. | Demonstrates a thorough breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates originality in the application of knowledge. | Presents a comprehensive critique of advanced research material resulting in clear and original conclusions. Systematically interprets complex matters and ideas and makes sound judgments in the absence of complete data. Demonstrates creative flair and originality. Develops creative solutions to complex problems.
| Provides good reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment. | A range of advanced research sources critically evaluated and selected.
In the main, sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography. | Writing style is clear, succinct and relevant to the requirements of the assessment. A well written answer with some minor errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Uses a range of vocabulary and sentence types to convey precise meanings. Paragraphs are well structured with linking and signposting.
| The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured in the main. Where relevant, there is effective inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images. |
PASS | Satisfactory Quality 50-59% | Work addresses the requirements of the brief, although superficially in places. Minor irrelevant content.
Learning outcomes are met. | Demonstrates a sufficient breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates originality in the application of knowledge in places. | Presents some critique of advanced research material resulting in original conclusions.
Shows the ability to systematically interpret complex matters and ideas and makes sound judgments in the absence of complete data.
Demonstrates creative flair and originality.
Develops some creative solutions to complex problems. | Provides justified reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.
| Advanced research sources critically evaluated and selected.
Some errors evident in relation to referencing the text and Reference List/Bibliography | Writing style is readable and relevant to requirements of the assessment in the main. Competently written with minor lapses in spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are structured and include some linking and signposting. Sentences are complete. A range of appropriate vocabulary is used. | The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Logically structured in the most part. Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not all relevant or referred to. |
FAIL | Borderline Fail 45-49% | Work addresses some of the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.
One or more learning outcomes have not been met. | Some omissions evident in knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates limited originality in the application of knowledge. | A limited critique of research material presented, with simplistic conclusions drawn.
Some complex matters and ideas interpreted but not systematically, resulting in flawed judgements.
Limited creativity and originality evident.
Demonstrates insufficient problem- solving skills and initiative. | Provides limited reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required. | Sources selected are limited and lack validity/relevance.
Poor referencing technique employed. | Writing style is generally readable but lacks relevance to requirements of the assessment in places. Intermittent lapses in grammar, spelling and punctuation pose obstacles for the reader. For example, some paragraphs may lack structure and there is limited linking and signposting. Some appropriate vocabulary is used | For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking. Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not clear, relevant and/or referred to. |
Fail 0-44%
| Work does not address the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.
One or more learning outcomes have not been met. | Demonstrates inadequate knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. A lack of originality in the application of knowledge is evident. | An absence of critique of research material evident with unjustified conclusions.
Complex matters and ideas not interpreted correctly resulting in flawed judgements.
Creativity and originality are absent.
Insufficient problem-solving skills and initiative demonstrated. | Provides inadequate reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required. | Relevant and valid sources are not selected.
Poor referencing technique employed. | Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question. Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear. Unstructured paragraphs | For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking.
Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not clear, relevant and/or referred to. |
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