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MG413 Data insights For Business Decisions
Assignment Brief Academic Year 2023-24
Module Code and Title: | MG413 Data insights For Business Decisions | Module Leader: | Dr. Mahmuda Begum |
Assignment No. and Type: | PR1 - 15-Minute Group Presentation, Notes and Group Log | Assessment Weighting: | 30% |
Submission Date: | In-class Presentation: w.c.08/04/2024.
Submission via VLE by 19/04/2024 before 2 pm. | Target Feedback Date: | 3 weeks aftersubmission deadline |
Assignment Task |
The UK tech sector employs over 1.7 million people, was valued at $1 trillion (£764bn) for the first time in 2022 andadds over £150bnto the UK economy every year. Companies in the digital economy apply their tech and expertise to solve problems and enhance day to day services, providing benefits for consumers across food delivery, health, energy, and many more sectors. The tech industry encompasses several business sectors, like e-commerce, internet software and services, financial technology, consumer electronics and telecommunications. In groups of no more than 4 members, prepare a 15-minute presentation on the ‘ Role of data and information within the Technology industry’ – you can chooseone or moresector and organisations to help illustrate your findings. Your presentation should coverthe following tasks: |
Quality Assurance Record
Internal approval:
See below for specific task requirements. | |
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate yourachievement of the following module learning outcomes: | |
LO 1 | Identify and selectrelevant sources of data and information for decision making. |
LO 2 | Analyse and present information to support decision making. |
Task requirements |
Your slide deck should have an agenda, introduction, clearly defined sections / headings and a conclusion. Yoursources should be cited on the slideand then fullyreferenced in a reference listslide at the end of the presentation. It is anticipated thatyou will use specific organisational examples as well as sectorspecific information. You willalso have the opportunity to work on your grouppresentations during seminar time and you can get tutor feedback on a draft presentation in the week before your pre-arranged timeslot. All groupmembers should participate in the delivery of this group presentation. You must submit one file (Word or PDF) that includes:
Assessment and Feedback
Referencing and research requirements |
Please reference your work according to the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online ( This information is also available in book form: Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2016) Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 10th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Copies are available via the university library. You are expected to provide at least threereferences to support your presentation. |
How your work will be assessed |
Your workwill be assessed on the extentto which it demonstrates yourachievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s institutional grading descriptors. A proportion of your markswill also dependupon your use of |
academic referencing conventions. This assignment will be markedaccording to thegrading descriptors forLevel 4. This being a group presentation you will be receiving a mark for the performance of the group (this mostly relates to the structure and the content of your presentation). Each member of the group will be questioned on the section of the presentation they have given. Individual markswill be adjusted based upon whether their individual contribution of the knowledge and understanding of their task and its link to whole project is appropriate for this levelof study. |
Submission details |
This assignment should be submitted electronically. Please use the relevant Turnitin submission pointin the Upload My Assignment area on LSSTConnect.
Please ensure that your work has been saved in an appropriate file format. Turnitin will only accept the following file types: Microsoft Word and PDF. Your file must also contain at least 20 words of text, consist of fewer than 400 pagesand be less than 40MB in size. You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your work morethan once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version. Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which will be sent to your LSST e-mail address. Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic copy of your assignment.
Submission date and time |
This assignment should be submitted before 14:00 UK time on the set date of submission. Work that is submitted up to 10 working days beyond the submission date will be accepted as a latesubmission. Late submissions will be marked, andthe actual markrecorded but willbe capped at the pass mark (typically 40%), provided that the work is of a passing standard. Work submitted after this period will not be markedand will be treatedas a non-submission. Feedback and marks for this assignment will be available three weeks afterthe day of the submission. |
Fail | Fail | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | |
0-34 (F)– Fail | 35-39 E – Marginal fail | 40-49 (D) | 50-59 (C) | 60-69 (B) | 70-79 (A) | 80-100 (A+) | |
Not successful | Below required standard | Satisfactory | Good | Very Good | Excellent | Outstanding | |
Knowledge and Understanding (30%) This should include evidence of: Types of data is collected and used by the organisation The orthodox market researches How information is captured and stored | The work demonstrates a limited and/or substantiallyinaccurate or no understanding of typesof data is collected and used by the organisation, the orthodox market researches and how information is captured and stored. | The work demonstrates an insufficient understanding of types of data is collected and used by the organisation, the orthodox marketresearches and how information is captured and stored. | The work demonstrates a basicunderstanding of typesof data is collected and used by the organisation, the orthodox marketresearches and how information is captured and stored. | The work demonstrates sound breadthand depth understanding of typesof data is collected and used by the organisation, the orthodox marketresearches and how information is captured and stored. | The work demonstrates refined understanding of types of data is collected and used by the organisation, the orthodox marketresearches and how information is captured and stored. | The work demonstrates highly accomplished understanding of types of data is collected and used by the organisation, theorthodox marketresearches and how information is captured and stored. | The work demonstrates exceptional understanding of types of data is collected and used by the organisation, the orthodox market researches and how information is captured and stored. |
Analysis and criticality (20%) This should includeevidence of: Logic argument in discussing the differences and connections of concepts as detailed in the assignment tasks. Use the range of course and other materials | Work demonstrates a limited or no ability to develop linesof argument and make sound judgements of discussing the differences and connections of concepts as detailed in the assignment tasks. Little or no use of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments | Work demonstrates an insufficient ability to develop lines of argument and make some sound judgements of discussing the differences and connections of concepts as detailed in the assignment tasks. There is some limitedevidence of the ability to select evaluate and comment on a limited rangeof relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments | Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to develop linesof argument and make largely sound judgements of discussing the differences and connections of concepts as detailed in the assignment tasks. Use of a sufficient range of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments, someof which are independently selected | Work demonstrateswell developed lines of argument and sound judgement of discussing the differences and connections of concepts as detailed in the assignment tasks. Use of a sound range of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments some ofwhich independently selected | Work demonstrateswell developed lines of argument and sophisticated judgement of discussing the differences and connections of concepts as detailed in the assignment tasks. Use of a sophisticated range of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments someof which are independently selected | Work demonstrateshighly accomplished development of lines ofargument and independent judgement of discussing the differences and connections of concepts as detailed in the assignment tasks. Use of a highly accomplished range of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments manyof which are independently selected | Work demonstratesexceptionally accomplished development of lines of arguments as well as sophisticated and independent judgement of discussing the differences and connections of concepts as detailed in the assignment tasks. Use of an exceptional range of relevant and appropriate sources to support arguments manyof which are independently selected |
Application, evaluation and recommendation (30%) This should includeevidence of: The impact of technological development on the role and useof | The work demonstrates a limited or no ability to apply and identify the impact of technological development and use of data, its strategic importance and make recommendationsto | The work demonstrates an insufficient ability to apply and identify the impact of technological development and use of data, its strategic importance | The work demonstrates a sufficient ability to apply and identify the impact of technological development and use of data, its strategic importance and make recommendations to improve data capture | The work demonstrates an ability to apply and identify the impact of technological development and use of data, itsstrategic importance and make recommendations to improve data capture | The work demonstrates an ability to apply and identify the impact of technological development and use of data, its strategic importance and make recommendations to improve data capture | The work demonstrates an ability to apply and identify the impact of technological development and use of data, itsstrategic importance and make recommendations to improve data capture | The work demonstrates an ability to apply and identify the impact of technological development and use of data, itsstrategic importance and make recommendations to improve data capture |
Quality Assurance Record
Internal approval:
data in thebusiness decision making process within your chosensector Data used and itsstrategic importance to the organisation within its sector Recommend improving data capture and use in a sector/organisation | improve data capture and use in a chosen sector/organisation | and make recommendations to improve data capture and use in a chosensector/organisation | and use in a chosen sector/organisation | and use in a chosen sector/organisation in a consistent and informed manner | and use in a chosen sector/organisation in a capable and effective manner. | and use in a chosen sector/organisation in a highly accomplished manner | and use in a chosen sector/organisation in exceptionally accomplished manner |
Transferable skills (20%)
This should includethe evidence of: Presentation and reference skills
Professionalism | Demonstrates limitedor no ability in verbal communication is unclear (pace,pitch, clarityand enthusiasm) and no attemptin presentation designwith no structure and no attempt to support with visualaids, all texts. Too many errors in referencing or no reference.
Demonstrates limitedor no ability in professionalism (punctuality, time- management way more exceeds15 minutes or too shortpresentation, dress and inability to respond and handlequestions) | Demonstrates an insufficient abilityin verbal communication (pace, pitch,clarity and enthusiasm) and insufficient presentation design withno structure andno attempt to support with visualaids, all texts. Limited attempts to adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text,many elements missingin reference list.
Demonstrates an insufficient abilityin professionalism (punctuality, time- management way more exceeds15 minutes or too short presentation, dress and inability to respond and handle questions) | Demonstrates a sufficient ability in verbal communication (pace,pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and basic presentation design with some attempt to provide structure and may/may not support with visual aids. Satisfactory adheres to rulesof Harvard Referencing in text, some elements missing in reference list.
Demonstrates a sufficient ability in professionalism (punctuality, time- management may exceed 15 minutes or too shortpresentation, dress and ability to respond and handle questions to some extents) | Demonstrates consistent and confident ability in verbal communication (pace, pitch, clarity andenthusiasm) and presentation designwith some structure and attempt to support with visual aids. Good adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in in text and ref list.
Demonstrates consistent and confident ability in professionalism (punctuality, time- management may exceed 15 minutes, dressand ability to respond and handle questions reasonably) | Demonstrates highproficient ability in verbal communication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and sophisticated presentation designwith clear structure and support well with visualaids. Very good adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text and in reference list
Demonstrates highproficient ability in professionalism (punctuality time-management well in 15 minutes, dress and ability to respond and handle questions well) | Demonstrates highlyaccomplished ability in verbal communication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and sophisticated presentation design with clear structure and support with excellent visual aids. Excellent adheresto rules of Harvard Referencing in text and in reference list.
Demonstrates highly accomplished abilityin professionalism (punctuality time-management well in 15 minutes, dress and ability to respond and handle questions excellently) | Demonstrates exceptional ability in verbalcommunication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and sophisticated presentation design with clear structure and support with outstanding visual aids. Outstanding adheres to rulesof Harvard Referencing in text and in reference list.
Demonstrates exceptional ability in professionalism (punctuality and time-management well in 15 minutes, dress and outstanding ability to respondand handle questions) |
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