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MG413 Data insights For Business Decisions Assignment Help
AssignmentBrief AcademicYear2023-24
ModuleCodeand Title: | MG413 DatainsightsForBusiness Decisions | ModuleLeader: | Dr.MahmudaBegum |
AssignmentNo. and Type: | PR1 - 15-Minute Group Presentation,Notesand Group Log | Assessment Weighting: | 30% |
SubmissionDate: | In-classPresentation:w.c. 08/04/2024.
SubmissionviaVLEby 19/04/2024before2 pm. | TargetFeedback Date: | 3weeksaftersubmission deadline |
AssignmentTask |
The UK techsectoremploysover1.7millionpeople, was valued at$1 trillion (£764bn)forthefirsttime in 2022andaddsover£150bntothe UKeconomyeveryyear. Companiesinthedigitaleconomyapplytheir techandexpertise to solveproblems andenhance day todayservices,providingbenefitsfor consumers across food delivery, health, energy, and many more sectors. The tech industry encompasses several business sectors, like e-commerce, internet software and services, financial technology, consumer electronics and telecommunications. In groups of no more than 4 members, prepare a 15-minute presentation on the ‘ Role of data and informationwithintheTechnologyindustry’ –youcanchooseoneormoresectorandorganisations to help illustrate your findings. Yourpresentationshouldcoverthefollowingtasks: |
Seebelowforspecifictaskrequirements. | |
Thisassignmenthasbeendesignedtoprovide youwithanopportunitytodemonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes: | |
LO1 | Identifyandselectrelevantsourcesofdataandinformationfordecisionmaking. |
LO2 | Analyseandpresentinformationtosupportdecisionmaking. |
Taskrequirements |
Your slide deck should have an agenda, introduction, clearly defined sections / headings and a conclusion.Yoursourcesshouldbecitedonthe slideandthenfullyreferencedinareferencelist slide at the end of the presentation. Itisanticipatedthatyouwilluse specificorganisationalexamplesaswellassectorspecific information. Youwillalsohavetheopportunitytoworkonyourgrouppresentationsduringseminartimeandyou can get tutor feedback on a draft presentation in the week before your pre-arranged timeslot. Allgroupmembersshouldparticipateinthedeliveryofthisgrouppresentation. Youmustsubmitonefile(WordorPDF)thatincludes:
Referencingandresearchrequirements |
Please reference your work according to the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online ( inbookform:Pears, R.and Shields, G. (2016) Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 10th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Copies are available via the university library. Youareexpectedtoprovideatleastthreereferencestosupportyourpresentation. |
Howyourworkwillbeassessed |
Yourworkwillbeassessedontheextenttowhichitdemonstratesyourachievementofthestated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’sinstitutionalgradingdescriptors.Aproportionofyourmarkswillalsodependuponyouruseof |
academicreferencingconventions.Thisassignmentwillbemarkedaccordingtothegradingdescriptors for Level 4. Thisbeingagrouppresentationyouwillbereceivingamarkfortheperformanceofthegroup(thismostly relates to the structure and the content of your presentation).
Each member of the group will be questioned on the section of the presentation they have given. Individualmarkswillbeadjustedbaseduponwhethertheirindividualcontributionoftheknowledgeand understanding of their task and its link to whole project is appropriate for this level of study. |
Submissiondetails |
Thisassignmentshouldbesubmittedelectronically. PleaseusetherelevantTurnitinsubmissionpointintheUploadMyAssignmentareaonLSSTConnect.
Submissiondateandtime |
Thisassignmentshouldbesubmittedbefore14:00UKtimeonthesetdateofsubmission. Workthat issubmitted up to 10 working days beyond the submission date willbe accepted as a late submission.Latesubmissionswillbemarked,andtheactualmarkrecordedbutwillbecappedatthe pass mark (typically 40%), provided that thework is of apassingstandard.Work submitted afterthis period will not be marked and will be treated as a non-submission. Feedbackandmarksforthisassignmentwillbeavailablethreeweeksafterthedayofthesubmission. |
Fail | Fail | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | |
0-34(F)– Fail | 35-39E – Marginalfail | 40-49 (D) | 50-59(C) | 60-69 (B) | 70-79 (A) | 80-100(A+) | |
Notsuccessful | Belowrequired standard | Satisfactory | Good | VeryGood | Excellent | Outstanding | |
Knowledgeand Understanding (30%) Thisshouldincludeevidence of:
| The work demonstratesalimited and/or substantially inaccurate or no understandingoftypes of data is collected and used by the organisation, the orthodox market researches and how informationiscaptured andstored. | The work demonstrates an insufficient understanding of typesof datais collectedandusedby the organisation, the orthodox market researchesand how information is captured and stored. | Theworkdemonstrates a basic understanding of types of data is collected and used by the organisation, the orthodox market researches and how information is captured andstored. | Theworkdemonstrates sound breadth and depth understanding of types of data is collected and used by the organisation, the orthodox market researches and how information is captured andstored. | Theworkdemonstrates refined understandingof types of data is collected and used by the organisation, the orthodox market researches and how information is captured andstored. | Theworkdemonstrates highly accomplished understanding of types of data is collected and used by the organisation, the orthodox market researches and how information is captured andstored. | Theworkdemonstrates exceptional understandingoftypes ofdataiscollectedand used by the organisation, the orthodox market researches and how informationiscaptured andstored. |
Analysisandcriticality (20%) Thisshouldincludeevidence of:
| Workdemonstratesa limitedornoabilityto develop lines of argument and make soundjudgementsof discussing the differences and connections of conceptsasdetailed in the assignment tasks. Little or no use of relevant and appropriatesourcesto support arguments | Workdemonstrates aninsufficientability to develop lines of argumentandmake somesound judgements of discussing the differences and connections of conceptsasdetailed in the assignment tasks. Thereissomelimited evidence of the ability to select evaluate and commentonalimited rangeofrelevantand appropriatesources tosupportarguments | Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to develop lines of argument and make largelysound judgements of discussing the differences and connections of conceptsasdetailedin the assignment tasks. Use of a sufficient range of relevant and appropriatesourcesto support arguments, some of which are independentlyselected | Workdemonstrates welldevelopedlinesof argument and sound judgement of discussing the differences and connections of conceptsasdetailedin the assignment tasks. Use of a sound range of relevant and appropriatesourcesto support arguments some of which independentlyselected | Workdemonstrates welldevelopedlinesof argument and sophisticated judgement of discussing the differences and connections of conceptsasdetailedin the assignment tasks. Useofasophisticated range of relevant and appropriatesourcesto support arguments some of which are independentlyselected | Workdemonstrates highly accomplished developmentoflinesof argument and independentjudgement of discussing the differences and connections of conceptsasdetailedin the assignment tasks. Use of a highly accomplishedrangeof relevant and appropriatesourcesto support arguments many of which are independentlyselected | Workdemonstrates exceptionally accomplished developmentoflinesof arguments as well as sophisticated and independentjudgement of discussing the differences and connections of conceptsasdetailedin the assignment tasks. Use of an exceptional range of relevant and appropriatesourcesto support arguments many of which are independentlyselected |
Application,evaluation and recommendation (30%) Thisshouldincludeevidence of:
development on theroleanduseof | The work demonstratesalimited or no ability to apply andidentifytheimpact of technological development and use of data, its strategic importanceandmake recommendations to | The work demonstrates an insufficient ability to applyandidentifythe impact of technological development and use of data, its strategicimportance | Theworkdemonstrates a sufficient ability to apply and identify the impactoftechnological development and use of data, its strategic importance and make recommendationsto improvedatacapture | Theworkdemonstrates an ability to apply and identify the impact of technological development and use of data, its strategic importance and make recommendationsto improvedatacapture | Theworkdemonstrates an ability to apply and identify the impact of technological development and use of data, its strategic importance and make recommendationsto improvedatacapture | Theworkdemonstrates an ability to apply and identify the impact of technological development and use of data, its strategic importance and make recommendationsto improvedatacapture | Theworkdemonstrates an ability to apply and identify the impact of technological development and use of data, its strategic importance and make recommendationsto improvedatacapture |
data in the businessdecision making process withinyourchosen sector
a sector/organisation | improvedatacapture and use in a chosen sector/organisation | and make recommendationsto improvedatacapture and use in a chosen sector/organisation | anduseinachosen sector/organisation | and use in a chosen sector/organisationina consistentandinformed manner | and use in a chosen sector/organisationina capable and effective manner. | and use in a chosen sector/organisationina highly accomplished manner | and use in a chosen sector/organisation in exceptionally accomplishedmanner |
Thisshouldincludethe evidence of:
| Demonstrates limited or no ability in verbal communication is unclear (pace, pitch, clarityandenthusiasm) and no attempt in presentation design with no structure and no attempt to support with visual aids, all texts. Too many errors in referencing or no reference.
Demonstrateslimited or no ability in professionalism (punctuality, time- management way more exceeds 15 minutes or too short presentation, dress andinabilitytorespond and handle questions) | Demonstrates an insufficientabilityin verbal communication (pace,pitch,clarity andenthusiasm)and insufficient presentationdesign withnostructureand noattempttosupport withvisualaids,all texts. Limited attempts to adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text, many elements missing in referencelist. Demonstrates an insufficientabilityin professionalism (punctuality, time- management way more exceeds 15 minutes or too short presentation, dress and inability to respond and handle questions) | Demonstrates a sufficientabilityinverbal communication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and basic presentation designwith some attempt to provide structure and may/may not support with visual aids. Satisfactory adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text, someelementsmissing in reference list.
Demonstrates a sufficient ability in professionalism (punctuality, time- management may exceed 15 minutes or too short presentation, dress and ability to respond and handle questions to some extents) | Demonstratesconsistent and confident ability in verbalcommunication (pace,pitch,clarity and enthusiasm) and presentation designwithsomestructureand attempt to support with visual aids. Good adheres to rules of HarvardReferencing in in text and ref list.
Demonstratesconsistent and confident ability in professionalism (punctuality, time- management may exceed 15 minutes, dress and ability to respond and handle questions reasonably) | Demonstrates high proficient ability in verbalcommunication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and sophisticated presentation design withclearstructureand support well with visual aids. Very good adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text and in reference list
Demonstrates high proficient ability in professionalism (punctuality time- management well in 15 minutes, dress and abilitytorespondand handle questions well) | Demonstrates highly accomplishedabilityin verbalcommunication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and sophisticated presentation design with clearstructure and supportwithexcellent visual aids. Excellent adheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text and in reference list.
Demonstrates highly accomplishedabilityin professionalism (punctuality time- management well in 15 minutes, dress and abilitytorespondand handle questions excellently) | Demonstrates exceptionalabilityin verbalcommunication (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and sophisticated presentation design with clearstructure and support with outstanding visualaids. Outstandingadheres to rules of Harvard Referencing in text and in reference list.
Demonstrates exceptionalabilityin professionalism (punctualityandtime- management well in 15 minutes, dress and outstandingabilityto respondandhandle questions) |
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