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MG414 Organisational Behaviour Assignment Help
Assignment Brief Academic Year 2023-24
Module code andtitle: | MG414 Organisational Behaviour | Module leader: | Smita Sisodia |
Assignment No. and type: | CW1: Group Report | Assessment weighting: | 100% |
Submission time and date: | 7th June 2024by 2 pm. | Target feedback time and date: | 3 weeks after submission deadline |
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Assignment task |
Practitioners of OBM focus on identifying problematic situations in the workplace, analysing the factors in the environment that could be causing or maintaining the performance problems (e.g. lack of: task clarity, goal-setting, resources), then changing behaviours by using ‘re-enforcers’ (such as feedback, praise, monetary and non-monetary incentives), with the goal of improving performance at the individual, group, or organisational, systems/process level.
In a group of no more than 4 people, you are to select a local restaurant (must not be part of achain with more than 250 employees) to write a 2,500 word report (+/- 10%) which investigates the complexities of managing performance and motivation. This must be supported by appropriate literature, academically credible sources, theory and research relevant to the chosenorganisation.
Each member’s workallocation, contribution, andattendance of any meetings mustbe formally loggedin the appendices and signed by all parties.
The main expectations are identified in concept below and should be discussed with the tutor throughout the module as you work collectively on your assignment. You will be expected to present your work to date as a formative assessment during week ten. This will provide you with some constructive feedback to allow you to continue yourgroup work and complete the written report.
The report will contain the following parts:
Internal approval: Name, Date
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes: |
LO 1: Define theories, models and concepts relating to the study of human behaviour in the workplace. |
LO 2: Demonstrate an understanding of how these theories can explain the way thatpeople behave and interact at work at individual, groupand organisational levels. |
LO 3: Demonstrate an understanding of the impactthat organisational culture can have on the success of that organisation. |
Practicalities: Referencing, presenting and submitting yourwork |
Please see your programme handbook for information on the standard referencing style, presentational requirements and process for submitting yourwork.
Confidentiality |
You are expected to take responsibility for maintaining and managing confidentiality issues in yourwork. You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in your assessed work, whatever the format. For further information and guidance, pleasesee the relevantsection in your programme handbook. |
Academic integrity |
Academic integrity means takingresponsibility for your own work. When you submit an assignment, you are making a declaration that it is your own work and that you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideas in its development (for example, by referencing them appropriately). For further information and guidance, please see the University website: students/registry-helpdesk-and-academic-advice/academic-integrity-and-misconduct |
0-34 (F) – Fail Not successful | 35-39 E – Marginal fail Below required standard | 40-49 (D) Pass Satisfactory | 50-59 (C) Pass Good | 60-69 (B) Pass VeryGood | 70-79 (A) Pass Excellent | 80-100 (A+) Pass Outstanding | |
Knowledge and Understanding (30%)
This should include evidence of:
analysis, research | Work demonstrates a limited and/or substantially inaccurate or no understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated people management. There is little or no demonstration of the ability to identify people management principles, concepts, underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches. There is little or no evidence of wider reading. | Work demonstrates insufficient understanding of theunderlying concepts and principles associated with people management. There is insufficient demonstration of the ability to identify people management principles, concepts, underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches There is limited evidence of wider reading and/or wider reading lacks relevance. | Work demonstrates a basic understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated with people management. There is sufficient demonstration of the ability to identify people management principles, concepts, underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches. Wider reading is relevant but largelyrestricted to coretexts and only partially integrated. | Work demonstrates a sound breadth and depth of understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated with people management. There is a sound demonstration of the ability to identify people management principles, concepts, underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches. Wider reading is largely limited to core texts but has clearly enhanced the work. | Work demonstrates a refined understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated with people management. There is a sophisticated demonstration of the ability to identify people management principles, concepts, underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches. Wider reading shows a range of sources being used and applied, some of whichare independently selected. | Work demonstrates a highly accomplished understanding of theunderlying concepts and principles associated with people management. There is a highly accomplished demonstration of the ability to identify people management principles, concepts, underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches. Applicationof wider independent reading is fullyevident in thework. | Work demonstrates an exceptional understanding of theunderlying concepts and principles associated with the subject area. There is an exceptional demonstration of the ability to identify people management principles, concepts, underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches. Application of extensive independent reading is evident throughout the work. |
0-34 (F) – Fail Not successful | 35-39 E – Marginal fail Below required standard | 40-49 (D) Pass Satisfactory | 50-59 (C) Pass Good | 60-69 (B) Pass VeryGood | 70-79 (A) Pass Excellent | 80-100 (A+) Pass Outstanding | |
Analysis and Criticality (30%)
This should include evidence of:
| Work demonstrates a limited or no ability to develop linesof argument and make judgements in accordance with basic people management theories and concepts, evidenced by:
| Work demonstrates an insufficient ability to develop linesof argument and make some sound judgements in accordance with basic people management theories and concepts, evidenced by:
| Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to develop linesof argument and make largely sound judgements in accordance with fundamental people management theories and concepts, evidenced by:
| Work demonstrates well-developed lines of argument and sound judgements made in accordance with fundamental people management theories and concepts, evidenced by:
| Work demonstrateswell-developed lines of argument and sophisticated judgements made in accordance with fundamental people management theories and concepts, evidenced by:
| Work demonstrates highly accomplished development of lines ofargument and independent judgements made in accordance with fundamental peoplemanagement theories and concepts, evidenced by:
| Work demonstratesexceptionally accomplished development of lines of argument as well as sophisticated and independent judgements made in accordance with fundamental people management theories and concepts, evidenced by:
0-34 (F) – Fail Not successful | 35-39 E – Marginal fail Below required standard | 40-49 (D) Pass Satisfactory | 50-59 (C) Pass Good | 60-69 (B) Pass VeryGood | 70-79 (A) Pass Excellent | 80-100 (A+) Pass Outstanding | |
Application and Practice (30%)
This should include evidence of:
| The work demonstrates a limited or no ability toevaluate and accurately apply given problem- solving approaches and techniques relevantto well-defined aspects of the subject and working contexts, and so:
| The work demonstrates an insufficient ability toevaluate and accurately apply given problem- solving approaches and techniques relevant to well-defined aspects of the subject and working contexts and so:
| The work demonstrates a sufficient ability to evaluate and apply given problem-solving approaches and techniques relevant to well-defined aspects of the subjectand working contexts and so:
| The work demonstrates an ability to evaluate and apply, in a consistent and informed manner, given problem- solving approaches and techniques relevant to well-defined aspects of the subject and working contexts and so:
| The work demonstrates an ability to evaluate and apply in a capable and effective manner, given problem-solving approaches and techniques relevant to well-defined aspects of the subjectand working context and so:
| The work demonstrates an ability to select, evaluate and apply in a highly accomplished manner,appropriate problem-solving approaches and techniques relevant to well-defined aspects of the subjectand working contexts and so:
| The work demonstrates an ability to select, evaluate, and apply in a exceptionally accomplished manner appropriate problem- solving approaches and techniques relevant to well-defined aspects of the subject and working contexts and so:
0-34 (F) – Fail Not successful | 35-39 E – Marginal fail Below required standard | 40-49 (D) Pass Satisfactory | 50-59 (C) Pass Good | 60-69 (B) Pass VeryGood | 70-79 (A) Pass Excellent | 80-100 (A+) Pass Outstanding | |
Transferable Skills (5%) This shouldinclude evidence of:
| Work demonstrates limited or no ability to: -communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral andwritten communication skills in well-defined contexts. | Work demonstrates an insufficient ability to: -communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral andwritten communication skills in well-defined contexts. | Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to: -communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral andwritten communication skills in well-defined contexts. | Work demonstrates a consistent and confident ability to: -communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral andwritten communication skills in well-defined contexts. | Work demonstrates a highlyproficient ability to: -communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral andwritten communication skills in well-defined contexts. | Work demonstrates a highly accomplished ability to: -communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral andwritten communication skills in well-defined contexts. | Work demonstrates an exceptional ability to: -communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral and written communication skills in well-defined contexts. |
Contribution Log (5%) | Contribution Log and email of contribution confirmation not included. | Contribution Log not included, but email of contribution included for some members. | Contribution logincluded for some members. No email of contribution confirmation included. | Contribution log included for some members. Email of contribution confirmation included but not signed by all members. | Contribution log included for some members. Email of contribution confirmation included and signed by all members. | Contribution log included for all members. Email of contribution confirmation included and signedby some members. | Contribution log included for all members. Email of contribution confirmation included and signed by all members. |
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