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Strategies for International Market Expansion Assignment help
Assignment Brief BUS_7_SIM
Module Title: | Strategies for International Market Expansion | Module Code: | BUS_7_SIM |
Assignment No/Title: | Individual Report | Assessment Weighting: | 100% |
Submission Date: | 11/12/2024 | Feedback Target Date: | 14/01/2025 |
Module Co-ordinator/ Tutor: | Dr Alex Muresan | Word count | 3,000 |
Submission Instructions: | |||
This assignment is to be submitted electronically | |||
The Assignment Task(s)
This Assignment was developed to assess the following Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge and Understanding:
A1: Apply a wide range of theoretical knowledge and relevant methodologies to assess the international marketing environment for the purpose of identifying global opportunities, selecting/entering appropriate markets and designing global marketing strategies.
A2: Develop in-depth knowledge of theoretical concepts related to global marketing mix elements, differentiated buyer behaviours, global supply chain management, distribution channels, big data, digital marketing and analytics.
Intellectual Skills:
B1: Analyse complex international environments and market scenarios using relevant data and strategic frameworks and concepts.
B2: Apply international marketing theories to enable the identification and management of relevant target international markets, derive relevant market entry and international marketing strategies.
Transferable Skills:
D1: Work independently or effectively with a group as a leader or member, clarifying tasks and utilise the capacities of group members.
The brief for this assessment is as follows:
The summative assessment is assessed by 1 element worth 100% of the overall mark. The brief asks students to prepare an individual report based on an allocated company case study. Students are then asked to investigate the main challenges the allocated company faces when attempting to expand internationally. The report should offer market entry alternatives through in-depth data analysis and comparison. Students are expected to demonstrate thorough research skills and capabilities of using relevant theoretical concepts, models, theories, academic resources and secondary data to provide strong arguments and useful recommendations/solutions for the company. Students are asked to use the report template found on the Moodle site. Only .pdf and .word file formats are accepted. The additional materials accompanying the case study can be found on the Moodle site .
Case Study Company:
Bremont Watch Company Limited Registered in England 05414485
Students must identify, analyse and evaluate 2 (two) foreign countries of their choice for Bremont’s products/services and justify their recommendations using appropriate international marketing strategy theory. This assignment invites students to carry out extensive secondary research to analyse the necessary environments, compare them, and thus estimate the watchmaker’s chances of success in each market. Despite the practical implications of this individual assignment, students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of core concepts/theories learned in this module. The written work must be in the usual project format and be of no more than 3000 words (excluding the abstract, reference list, graphs, tables, pictures, plates, and appendices). It must be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System. To complete this assignment students must visit the watchmaker’s website, the Burlington Arcade in London:, and at least one of the watchmaker’s retailers:
Assessment Criteria/Rubric:
Each task is marked according to the following rubric:
Individual Report Marking Criteria (100%) | |
- Evidence of in-depth theoretical knowledge of the concepts, theories, models and frameworks of SIM (related to PESTEL, local, national and global competition, the global marketing mix, global cultures, similarities and differences in buyer behaviours, global supply chain elements, distribution channels, big data, sustainability, digital marketing and analytics. Relevance of sources, their validity, reliability, and diversity. | /30 |
- Ability to analyse complex international environments, and their trends, and compare market scenarios using relevant data and strategic frameworks and concepts. Identification of market segments. Emphasis on the present and future not on the past. Depth of analysis. Level of detail offered. Sources of evidence used: relevance, validity, reliability, diversity. | /30 |
- Ability to offer relevant alternatives for market entry strategies that consider future international environmental (including market) behaviour as well as the context of the specific case study (company size, type of product, resources, stakeholders, short and long-term goals). Evidence of specific company data. Standardisation vs adaptation. Level of justification. | /25 |
- Report presentation & writing skills (business style, lucid writing, clarity, attention to detail, correct spelling & grammar, academic writing skills, use of appendices, diversity of visuals used, application of the Harvard Referencing System, ability to work independently on a complex task). Highlight AI and Turnitin scores. | /15 |
Total |
100% |
80% and above | An outstanding piece of work that is confidently written, in the correct format. It demonstrates an impressive understanding of how international marketing strategies apply in a ‘real’ business environment. Proves excellent awareness and understanding of the main changes in the global environment and in-depth knowledge of theoretical concepts related to global marketing mix elements, differentiated buyer behaviours, global supply chain management, distribution channels, big data, and where applicable, digital marketing and analytics. The theory is applied imaginatively. The application is well justified and there is evidence of depth of thought. The application ‘goes places’ and derives relevant market entry and international marketing strategies. Very good visual awareness. Offers substantial conclusions and recommendations coupled with very good forecasting abilities. A full and reliable reference list. Excellent use of the Harvard Referencing System. Excellent ability to work independently. | |
70%-79% | A very good assignment that is well-written, and in the correct format. It demonstrates a very good understanding of how international marketing strategies apply in a ‘real’ business environment in most parts of the work. Proves very good awareness and understanding of the main changes in the global environment but could do with more evidence of in-depth knowledge of theoretical concepts related to global marketing mix elements, differentiated buyer behaviours, global supply chain management, distribution channels, big data, and where applicable, digital marketing and analytics. The application is well justified but there may be more need for evidence of depth of thought in parts of the work. Good visual awareness. Offers good conclusions and recommendations, relevant market entry and international marketing strategies, but these could be explored further. A very good reference list. A well-applied Harvard Referencing System. Demonstrates a very good ability to work independently. | |
60 - 69% | A good assignment that is well-written, and in the correct format. It demonstrates an above-average understanding of how international marketing strategies apply in a ‘real’ business environment. Proves good awareness and understanding of the main changes in the global environment but could benefit from further knowledge of theoretical concepts related to one or more of these aspects: global marketing mix elements, differentiated buyer behaviours, global supply chain management, distribution channels, big data, digital marketing and analytics. The assignment may be short on trends. The application is justified but it could do with more evidence of depth of thought. It derives relevant market entry and international marketing strategies. The use of visuals could be improved. Offers relevant conclusions and recommendations but these could be further explored. A good and relevant reference list but may benefit from more diverse sources. The Harvard Referencing System may need certain improvements. Demonstrates a good ability to work independently. | |
50 - 59% | A basic assignment that is largely descriptive, and that demonstrates a basic understanding of how international marketing strategies apply in a ‘real’ business environment. Proves some good awareness and understanding of the main changes in the global environment, but there is a need for further knowledge of theoretical concepts related to at least one of these aspects: global marketing mix elements, differentiated buyer behaviours, global supply chain management, distribution channels, big data, digital marketing and analytics. The assignment is short on trends and may be more about the past than the present and future. Is short on deriving relevant market entry and international marketing strategies. The application is mostly justified, but more evidence of depth of thought is needed. The use of visuals could be improved. Offers some relevant conclusions and recommendations but these need to be further explored. An average reference list which could benefit from more diverse sources. The Harvard Referencing System may need improvements. Demonstrates an average ability to work independently. Overall, the answer demonstrates a limited understanding of the key areas. | |
49% and below | A basic assignment that demonstrates a very limited understanding of how international marketing strategies apply in a ‘real’ business environment. Proves some limited awareness and understanding of the main changes in the global environment, is descriptive, and there is a need for further knowledge of theoretical concepts related to the global marketing mix elements, differentiated buyer behaviours, global supply chain management, distribution channels, big data, digital marketing and analytics. The assignment is very short on trends. The application is largely unjustified, and far more evidence of the depth of thought is needed. Fails to derive relevant market entry and international marketing strategies. The use of visuals is limited. Some attempts to conclude and may not offer justified recommendations. A rather limited reference list which could benefit from far more sources. The Harvard Referencing System may need improvements. Demonstrates a poor ability to work independently. Overall, the answer demonstrates a very limited understanding of the key areas. Overall, the answer may cover key areas but lack a logical or coherent structure or have a sound structure but content lacking substance for a higher grade. |
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Module Title: BUS_7_SIM
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