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UXD Design Assignment help
Assignment -02
Due date: Week 11
Weighting: 30%
Length and Format: Pdf or word
Assessment Details: Students will create a well-designed web page that incorporates the main theories, principles, and practices of User Experience Design (UXD). The web page should effectively address key issues such as search and navigation facilities.
1. Research and Planning:
a. Conduct research on UXD design theories, principles, and practices.
b. Plan your web page layout, considering the user journey and experience.
2. Design Requirements:
a. Implement a clear and intuitive navigation structure.
b. Ensure the design is responsive and works well on various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
c. Incorporate a search function that is easy to use and provides relevant results.
d. Use consistent typography, colour schemes, and imagery that enhance the user experience.
e. Pay attention to accessibility, ensuring your web page is usable by people with disabilities.
3. Development:
a. Use prototyping tools to create your web page.
b. Validate your code to ensure it is free of errors and adheres to web standards.
c. Test your web page on different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility.
4. Presentation:
a. Prepare a 5–10 minute presentation to showcase your web page.
b. Highlight the key features and design choices.
c. Explain how you addressed search and navigation issues.
Assessment addresses SLOs A, B, C, D, F
Marking Criteria Please refer to Marking Rubric on Canvas
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