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BTM5HUR Human Resource Management Assignment help
Module leader: Deputy Module Leader: Precious Oseki Nazreen Akhtar Assignment weighting %: Assignment Word Count: (or equivalent)Programme: Business & Tourism Management Level: Level 5 Module Title: Human Resource Management Module code: BTM5HUR Assignment No: 1 Assignment Type: Case Study 100% 4000 Penalties All penalties are listed at the end of this document in the Table of Penalties.
Submission Dates and Times (Day: Date & Time) | |
Summative deadline | Monday 2nd December 2024 2:00 pm BTM5HUR_SEP22: Case Study - First Submission Inbox | Global Banking School |
Late Submission | Wednesday 4th December 2024 2:00 pm BTM5HUR_SEP22: Case Study - Late Submission Inbox | Global Banking School |
Resubmission 1 | Friday 7th February 2025 2:00 pm BTM5HUR_SEP22: Case Study - Resubmission 1 Inbox | Global Banking School |
Resubmission 2 | Friday 4th April 2025 2:00 pm BTM5HUR_SEP22: Case Study - Resubmission 2 Inbox | Global Banking School |
Grade & Feedback Release Dates | All Grade and Feeback release dates are 21 days after the submission date. If an assignment deadline is Monday 1st at 2:00 pm then the grade release date will be Monday 22nd at 2:00 pm |
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes: | |
Module Outcome 1 | Demonstrate a critical understanding and evaluation of key theories and concepts in human resource management. |
Module Outcome 2 | Explain and apply key principles and practices in employee staffing and staff development, with reference to employment law considerations. |
Module Outcome 3 | Evaluate the importance of human resource management, in terms of both strategy and practice, for the performance of businesses with application to the tourist industry |
Module Outcome 4 | Show critical awareness of current debates and the challenges facing human resource management. |
Assignment Requirements | |
Overview | This assignment involves preparing a 4,000 words Case Study Report on your understanding of Human Resource Management (HRM). You are required to use theories, concepts and contemporary practices to support your argument. You are required to use examples from the case study organisation Hilton Hotels for further research and the tourism industry where necessary to demonstrate a clear understanding of the theories, concepts and contemporary practices of HRM and why they are important for organisational performance.
The report must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. You must include appropriate in- text citations and references according to CCCU Harvard referencing style. |
Assignment task/s to be completed | WHAT YOU ARE BEING ASKED TO DO? You are required to read the case study (Hilton Hotels), consider the points and questions below and then write a report of 4,000 words (this can be over or under by 10%, i.e., 400 |
words) in relation to your analysis of the case organisation:
| |
i. The Assignment Brief should be used in conjunction with the Assignment Guide as | |
its purpose is to provide guidance as to how best to respond to the requirements of | |
the assignment. Both documents indicate what the marker will be looking for in the | |
piece of work. | |
ii. The task requirement is a report, not an essay or reflective journal. You must | |
therefore ensure that your structure, outline, content, style and presentation | |
accord with academic writing conventions for a report. | |
iii. Headers, bullet points, pictures and graphs, and bold or italics fonts should be used | |
where appropriate in the report. A table of contents is also required. | |
iv. Ensure appropriate formatting. For example, you should use 12-point font size, 1.5 | |
line spacing and distribute your text evenly between margins. | |
Additional Information required to support completing the tasks above |
grammar, spelling, punctuation, and in-text citation mistakes as well as to ensure | |
that you have covered everything. | |
viii. You must use a minimum of 20 sources including textbooks, journals and other | |
academic/credible published and web sources. | |
ix. Do not use Wikipedia, unverifiable blogs or any software to generate answers. | |
x. Marking criteria is available in Moodle. | |
xi. Make sure you adhere to the required word count of the case study report (4,000) | |
+/- 10%, as 10 marks will be deducted from your total grade, if you exceed the | |
required word count (i.e., if you exceed 4400 words) and your grade will be capped | |
at 40%, if you write below the required wordcount (i.e., if you write below 3600 | |
words) and the marker cannot identify if the learning outcomes have been met. |
Mandatory Referencing and Research Requirements | |
Referencing Style |
CCCU Harvard Referencing Style. |
Mandatory Sources to be included in the Assignment | |
Essential Resources (available on shelves and electronically in GBS library) Core:
Additional resources/Journals
- CIPD (2023) Employment status [online]. Factsheet. London: CIPD. Available at: (Accessed: 16 October 2024).
CIPD (2023) Recruitment: An Introduction [online]. Factsheet. London: CIPD. Available at: (Accessed: 13 October 2024).
CIPD (2023) Selection Methods [online]. Factsheet. London: CIPD. Available at: (Accessed: 13 October 2024).
Horwitz, F.M., (1990). HRM: An ideological perspective. Personnel Review. Vol 9, No 2
HR Dive (2022) ‘Hilton’s CHRO on how purpose drives the company’s HR strategy’, HR Dive, December. Available at: strategy/638449/ (Accessed: 14 October 2024).
Iresearch (2002) China Online Recruitment Industry Market Development Research Report.
Jensen, F. (2015) Employees in Copenhagen do not use Ryanair [Online] Available at: (Accessed date: 8 June 2024).
Jiang, X. (2023) Hotel Human Resource Management Strategy During the Pandemic: A Case Study of Hilton Hotel. School of International Business and Economics, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai, China.
Jo, J., Chadwick, C. and Han, J.H., (2024). How the human resource (HR) function adds strategic value: A relational perspective of the HR function. Human Resource Management, 63(1), pp.5-23.
Jolliffe, L. and Farnsworth, R., (2003). Seasonality in tourism employment: Human resource challenges. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 15(6), pp.312-316.
Kusluvan, S., (2003). Human Resource Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Managing employee attitudes and behaviours in the tourism and hospitality industry, p.1.
Ma, R. (2021) ‘Human resource management in multinational companies: from the perspective of Hilton Hotels’, E3S Web of Conferences, 235, 02058. Available at: (Accessed: 10 October 2024).
Madera, J.M., Dawson, M., Guchait, P. and Belarmino, A.M., (2017). Strategic human resources management research in hospitality and tourism: A review of current literature and suggestions for the future. International journal of contemporary hospitality management, 29(1), pp.48-67.
Madera, J.M., Yang, W., Wu, L., Ma, E. and Xu, S., (2023). Diversity and inclusion in hospitality and tourism: bridging the gap between employee and customer perspectives. International Journal of Contemporary - Hospitality Management, 35(11), pp.3972-3989.
- Reidhead, C. (2020) ‘Impact of organizational culture on employee satisfaction: a case of Hilton Hotel, United Kingdom’, Journal of Economics and Business, 3(1), pp. 432-437.
Sanders, K., Nguyen, P.T., Bouckenooghe, D., Rafferty, A.E. and Schwarz, G., (2024). Human resource management system strength in times of crisis. Journal of Business Research, 171, p.114365.
Tandon, A., Dhir, A., Madan, P., Srivastava, S. and Nicolau, J.L., (2023). Green and non-green outcomes of green human resource management (GHRM) in the tourism context. Tourism Management, 98, p.104765.
Wickramasinghe, V. and Wickramasinghe, G.L.D., (2020). Effects of HRM practices, lean production practices and lean duration on performance. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(11), pp.1467-1512.
Zhang, J. and Chen, Z., (2024). Exploring human resource management digital transformation in the digital age. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 15(1), pp.1482-1498.
Zhangyi (2022) ‘Challenges, opportunities and development strategies of hotel human resource management under the normalization of the epidemic’, Journal of Luliang University, 12(02), pp. 86-89.
Academy of Management Annals
Human Resource Management Review
Human Resource Management
International Journal of Human Resource Management- Further Digital Resources
Academic Search Index
Aphasiology Archive
Archive of European Integration
British Library Ethos
Business Source Complete
CINAHL Complete
CIPD Factsheets
Communication Source
eBook Business Collection (EBSCOhost)
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)
Entrepreneurial Studies Source
Format of your submission and how your assignment will be assessed |
This assignment should be submitted electronically via Moodle (module tutors will discuss this process with you during class time).
Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of your assignment and subject area, a proportion of your marks will also depend on your use of academic referencing conventions. If you fail this assessment, you will have to resubmit an Individual assignment. This assignment will be marked according to the grading descriptors for Level 5. |
Submission Requirements | |
Submission Platform | This assignment should be submitted electronically using Moodle to the Module Submission link |
Submission Date &Time | All submission & resubmission dates and times are as stated at the beginning of this Assignment brief.
You should submit your Assignment for all deadlines earlier than 2:00 pm on the date stated.
Late submissions can be accepted for Summative Submissions only up to a maximum of 2 working days after the submission deadline. This does not apply to resubmission deadlines. 10 marks deduction will be made by CCCU for all late submissions.
Work submitted more than two working days after the deadline will not be accepted and will be recorded as a non-submission.
Assignments submitted to the resubmission deadlines will be capped at 40 by CCCU.
If you are affected by events which are unexpected, outside your control and short-term in nature (i.e. lasting one to two weeks), under the exceptional circumstances procedure you may be eligible for:
Please note students are only eligible to have a maximum of 2 self-certification requests per academic year.
You can make a self-certification request up to 14 calendar days before your deadline:
Table of Penalties | |
Issue with the Assignment | Penalty to be Applied |
Suspected Academic Misconduct or Breach of Academic integrity | The Assignment will be graded zero. Written feedback will be ‘This assignment has been identified as potential Academic Misconduct/Breach of Academic Integrity. You will be invited to a meeting to discuss’.
You will be invited to a meeting with an academic Misconduct reviewer. When you attend the meeting if Academic Misconduct or the breach of Academic Integrity is upheld you will be asked to rewrite the section of the assignment it applies to and re-submit the assignment.
Do not upload any assignments to the AMC submission links before the meeting otherwise it will be removed. Failure to attend the meeting means the assignment will remain graded at zero and you will be unable to pass the module until you have attended the meeting. |
The assignment is more than 10% over the prescribed wordcount i.e. for 3,000 words, if 3,400 is submitted excluding the cover page, table of contents, references and appendices. | A 10-mark deduction applied to the overall grade that is manually entered by the Lecturer. This deduction is capped at 40%, which means an assignment cannot get less than 40% if a deduction has to be made.
For example, if the mark for the assignment was 60. The lecturer would deduct 10 marks and the mark will be 50. Written feedback will also state ‘This assignment is 10% over the wordcount and 10 marks have been deducted’. |
Where assignments are more than 10% less than the prescribed wordcount and lecturers cannot identify if the learning outcomes have been met. |
This assignment will be graded below 40. |
Where a student submits a .pdf instead of a word document. | This assignment will be graded a Fail.
The lecturer will grade as 1 and the written feedback will state ‘This is a pdf submission and is not allowed. All submissions should be in Microsoft Word format’. |
Students not working in their groups as agreed by the lecturer. | This assignment will be graded a Fail.
The lecturer will grade as 1 and the written feedback will state ‘This submission was not completed in the designated group’. Please note: Where a student has asked the lecturer to move from their original group and the lecturer has agreed this does not apply. |
For a presentation assignment that requires oral delivery, and the student does not present in person. |
The Oral rubric criteria is not moved, and the oral criteria will remain at zero. |
For a presentation assignment and the student does not upload a converted PPT To Word File with speaker notes. | The communication rubric criteria is not moved, and the communication criteria will remain at zero. |
For a presentation assignment that requires oral delivery, and the student did not present on the day or upload the presentation to a Word document with speaker Notes. | This assignment will be graded a Fail. The lecturer will grade as 1 and the written feedback will state ‘There was no Oral presentation in class and the submission was not converted to Microsoft Word’. |
For a presentation assignment the student uploads a file that contains no slides and is simply continuous text. | This assignment will be graded a Fail. The lecturer will grade as 1 and the written feedback will state ‘There are no slides present in the assignment submission’. |
If the assignment is group work and the resubmission is not changed to individual work. | This assignment will be graded a Fail. The lecturer will grade as 1 and the written feedback will state ‘This resubmission should be individual and a minimum of 25% of the assignment |
If a group assignment is failed then the resubmitted work must be changed by a minimum of 25% to make it an individual piece of work.
This means if a Group Presentation is 12 slides a minimum of 3 must be different to the group submission. If the assignment is a Group Poster with 6 text boxes then a minimum of 2 of them must be different to the Group Poster. | has not changed’. |
Where a written assignment has text that is unable to be read by Turnitin because it is either a graphical image (excluding Presentations & Posters); for example, a screenshot or the assignment is written within text boxes on each page. | This assignment will be graded 0 and the written feedback should state ‘This assignment is unreadable by Turnitin and cannot be checked for Academic Misconduct. It has been referred for an AMC meeting’.
The assignment will then be referred for Academic Misconduct investigation. |
An assignment that does not make use of any Mandatory references provided in the assignment brief/Module Handbook. |
The reference rubric criteria is not moved and that criteria will remain at zero |
An assignment has a reference list, but no citations. | The reference rubric criteria is not moved and that criteria will remain at zero. Written feedback should state ’The reference criteria has been graded Zero as no citations have been used. Please include citations in your assignment to support the academic points being made’. |
An assignment has no citations and no reference list. | Foundation & Level 4 - The reference rubric criteria is not moved and that criteria will remain at zero. The written feedback will state ‘Please ensure that you use citations and references to support your assignment submission’. At Level 5 and Level 6 this would be graded as a Fail. The lecturer will grade as 1 and written feedback will also show ‘This assignment has no citations and no reference list’. |
Where False references are included in an assignment. | This will be referred for Academic Misconduct. This assignment will be graded 0 and the written feedback should state ‘This assignment contains false references and has been referred for Academic Misconduct. You will be invited to attend an Academic Misconduct meeting’. |
Assignment is submitted after the Late Deadline or if it is a Resubmission, after the Resubmission deadline | This assignment will be graded a Fail. The lecturer will grade as 1 and written feedback should state 'This assignment was submitted after the deadline. Please resubmit at the next resubmission opportunity.' |
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Student Integrity and Academic Misconduct
The values of student integrity expected by CCCU are:
Honesty – being clear about what is your work and where your ideas come from other sources.
Trust – others can have faith in you being open about your work and acknowledging others’ work.
Fairness – you do not try to gain an unfair advantage in using others’ work.
Responsibility – you take an active role in applying the principle of Academic Integrity to your work.
Respect – you show respect for the work of others.
Students might choose to get support from their peers when preparing assessments, such as discussing the subject of the assessment, exchanging ideas, and receiving suggestions for improving the work. This is peer-support, and the University accepts this as a reasonable expectation when completing assessments. However, peers must not make any changes to anyone’s assessments as such actions could lead to allegations of academic misconduct.
Use of English as the medium of assessment:
Students cannot write an assessment in another language and subsequently translate their work into English or have it translated
by any form of third-party. Use of translation software or third-party translators is a form of academic misconduct.
Artificial Intelligence (AI):
Students must write the entire assessment without using AI software such as ChatGPT. Submitting an assessment that contains any form of AI is a form of academic misconduct
Students can make use of Microsoft Word’s grammar and spell-checking functions but the use of Grammarly is not allowed as it uses AI text generation. If student’s use third-party proofreaders, these cannot make any changes that alter the assessment in anyway including correcting language or citation format errors. Third-party alterations to the assessment are a form of academic misconduct.
Plagiarism can be defined as incorporating another person’s material from books, journals, the internet, another student’s work, or any other source into assessment material without acknowledgement. It includes:
Using exactly the same words (sentences, phrases or even expressions not in everyday use, invented or created by an author to explain an idea) as used originally
Rephrasing by making slight adjustments
Paraphrasing in a way which may deceive the reader as to the source.
Plagiarism in whatever form it takes is form of academic misconduct.
If students submit work for assessment that is falsely presented as the student’s own work but was jointly written with somebody else; this is a form of academic misconduct.
The inclusion in assessments of a significant amount of identical or substantially similar material to that already submitted for assessment by the student and graded for the same course or any other course or module at this University or elsewhere is classed as self-plagiarism. It does not include a resubmission of the same piece of work allowed by the examiners in an improved or revised form for reassessment purposes. Self-plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct.
Further clarification of the above can be found in CCCU’s Academic Misconduct documents below
1.CCCU Student Academic Misconduct Procedures can found below: Please click the link to Open.
2.CCCU Student Academic Integrity Policy can be found below: Please click the link to Open.
Anonymous marking and Random VIVAs
This assignment will be subject to Anonymous Marking by lecturers therefore you should not upload any front sheets for this assignment or put any information into the assignment brief that identifies you either by name or student ID.
This assignment will be subject to Random VIVA selection. You will be asked to attend a meeting to demonstrate your knowledge of the assignment which should take no longer than 20-30 minutes. Please note that failure to attend the meeting means that the assignment will be graded zero until you have attended.
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