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FN7026 Finance for Managers Assessment 1 help
Due Date Refer to the Learning Management System
Assessment Format Reflection Essay (.doc or .docx)
Length 1,500 words (10% allowable either way. Does not include the title page, table of
contents, appendix and references)
Weight 35%
Relevant Chapters Chapter 1 to Chapter 3
Specific Requirements » Use a minimum of 10 references including chapter content, academic
journals, papers, books sourced from the university library or other
academic resources.
» Use either Times New Roman (12 pt.), Arial (11 pt.), Calibri (11 pt.)
» Set page margins to 2.54 cm
» Double-space text including headings
» Include page number on every page
» Use Harvard Reference Style
On successful completion of this assessment, students will be able to:
3. Develop knowledge about financial management imperatives to manage a firm’s
investments and resources.
4. Critically analyse the financial industry and decisions from a corporate treasurer’s point of view
Prepare a reflection essay (1,500) based on a previous experience with understanding and analysing financial
statements or making a financial-based business decision.
For this assignment help , research and write a reflective essay based on a past experience you have had with
understanding and analysing financial statements or making a financial-based business decision. If you have not
had a prior experience with either, you may select a financial decision you have made in your personal life.
Reflective writing is documenting the thinking process or revisiting a practical situation and reviewing your
experiences through the lenses of the concepts or theories you are studying. In other words, reflective writing is
recounting a particular experience and explore how you have changed or learned from those experiences.
When engaging in reflection, you begin by recalling a situation and the thoughts and feelings you encountered
during the experience. From there, you explore your beliefs, values, and attitudes that underpin these thoughts
and feelings. Lastly, as you study the subject, identify one or two salient points, concepts, or theories that you
can relate to your situation and discuss your insights.
It is important to realise that while you are writing your reflection, the story of the incident or event is not the
focus. Rather you should focus on the insights you gained from re-examining and documenting your reactions
and connecting the salient points, concepts or theories to real-life situations.
When writing your reflective essay, you are not expected to review all the chapters in the subject prior to
completing this assignment but rather focus on the relevant chapters that are indicated in the Key Information
section of this brief. Additionally, a reflective essay consists of a balance between your personal observations,
opinions, feelings, and beliefs and conventions of academic writing, such as crafting a thesis statement and using
the salient findings, concepts, or theories to support or further explain your reflection.
Reflection Essay
When writing your reflective essay, we suggest you use the 4Rs Model to Reflective Writing (Moon, 2006; QUT,
2010) to guide the organisational structure.
1. Introduction
For your introduction paragraph, you should include the following:
a. A hook is the first sentence that sets the tone for your report. The hook should give the reader a
sense of the topic you are writing about and why it is interesting.
b. Introduce the salient points, concepts, or theories you will use in the reflective discussion
c. Thesis Statement – Include a sentence or two that summarises the main idea of your essay
2. Reporting and Responding - Report your experience or explain what issue was involved.
a. Explain a brief chronological story of your financial analysis or business decision experience.
Include specifically how you used any financial statements, ratio analysis, etc., to make your
decision or analysis.
b. Reflect on your initial thoughts, feelings, and perspectives you had during your experience and
assess why you may have experienced these emotions or behaviours.
c. Connect any salient points, concepts or theories you have read in your chapters.
3. Relating – Relate or connect capabilities with your own experience, skills, or knowledge.
a. Compare this experience with a similar experience you have had in the past. How was the
experience like the previous experiences? Were the conditions the same or different? How?
b. Evaluate what knowledge and skills were relevant in dealing with the experience. Did you have
the necessary skills or knowledge to make a financially sound business decision? What skills or
knowledge did you have or did not have during your experience?
c. Connect any salient points, content or relevant theories you have identified from the chapter
content or additional research to support your reasoning.
4. Reasoning – Detail significant factors underlying the issue or experience.
a. Assess what factors were significant and explain why these factors are important to the
experience or issue.
b. Consider different perspectives. How would a knowledgeable person perceive or handle a
similar situation or issue? What might an expert do to solve a similar experience or act in a
similar experience?
c. Connect any salient points, content or relevant theories you have identified from the chapter
content or additional research to support your reasoning.
5. Reconstructing – Reconstruct future practice or professional understanding.
a. Determine what you have learned from your experience. What might work better in the future
and why? How could you deal with a similar experience or issue next time?
b. Evaluate how your Finance for Managers class can assist with similar decisions in the future?
c. Are your ideas supported by any theories or concepts? Provide scholarly references to support
your ideas. Again, use salient points, concepts, or theories to support your ideas.
6. Conclusion
a. Restate the main points you made in your reflection analysis.
b. Summarize what you have learned or the change in your perspective.
The following suggested structure may be used to guide the organisation of your essay.
1. Cover or Title Page
2. Introduction to Initiative
a. Overview of the financial-based business decision
b. Thesis Statement
3. Reflective Discussion
a. Report your experience or explain what issue was involved.
b. Relate or connect this experience with past experiences, skills, or knowledge.
c. Detail significant factors underlying the issue or experience.
d. Reconstruct future practice or professional understanding.
4. Conclusion
a. Restate your thesis statement
b. Summarise the main points you have made in your essay.
5. Reference page (listed in alphabetical order)
6. Appendix, if needed
» If you have any questions or having difficulty with your assignment, the academic/instructor should be
your first source for assistance.
» Have you identified and defined appropriate academic concepts or theories from a wide variety of
sources? Consider using both academic and industry sources.
» Have you demonstrated the ability to integrate and apply relevant findings, concepts, or theories to
support your explanations, reasoning, and recommendations?
» Have you provided sufficient examples and evidence to support your reasoning?
» Have you made connections between making a financial business decision or analysis with your own
experience, knowledge and skills?
» Did you meet all specific formatting requirements?
» Does your assignment meet minimum length and reference requirements?
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