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BTM5PRO Principles o fOperations Management

 BTM5PRO  Principles of Operations Management  Assignment  Help          




AssignmentNo:1AssignmentType:CaseStudy Report
Assignment weighting%:100%AssignmentWord Count:(orequivalent)4000
PenaltiesAllpenaltiesthatarelistedattheendofthisdocumentintheTableof Penalties.





Late Submission









Grade&Feedback Release DatesAllgradeandfeedbackreleasedatesare21daysafterthesubmissiondate.Ifan assignment deadline is Monday 1st 2:00pm then the grade release date will be Monday 22nd 2:00pm.


Thisassignmenthasbeendesignedtoprovideyouwithanopportunitytodemonstrateyourachievementofthe following module learning outcomes:
ModuleOutcome1Applyconceptsandtechniquesofoperationsmanagementinavarietyof settings and for a range of products and services, including tourism.
ModuleOutcome3Demonstrateacriticalunderstandingofpracticalmanagerialissuesand solutions in operations management with reference to tourism.
ModuleOutcome4Identify,consideranddiscusskeyissuesandchallengesfacingoperations managers. Supporting arguments with recent, relevant literature.



This assignment involves preparing a 4,000-word case study report on your understanding of OperationsManagement(OM).Youarerequiredtousetheories,concepts,andcontemporary practices to support your argument. Use examples from the case study (TUI Group), further research, in the tourism industry where necessary to demonstrate a clear understanding of the theories, concepts, and contemporary practices of OM and why they are important for organisational performance.


ThereportmustbesubmittedinMicrosoft WORDformat.Youmustincludeappropriatein- text citations and references according to the CCCU Harvard Referencing Style.

For more details and expert guidance, visit our HND Assignment Help page.


Assignment tasks to be completed


Youarerequiredtostudythecaseandthenwriteareportof 4,000words(thiscanbeoveror under by 10%, i.e., 400 words) in relation to your analysis of the case organisation:

  1. DiscusshowTUIGroupmanagesitsoperationsandoutlinethekeyprocesses involved.
  2. Explaintheobjectivesofprocessdesign,howTUIGroupachievestheseobjectivesand the benefits to their processes.
  3. EvaluatehowTUIGroupenhancesthecustomerexperienceandintegratesservices with its core offerings.
  4. ExaminethestrategiesTUIGroupusesforplanning,control,andqualitymanagement in its operations.
  5. AnalysehowTUIGroupaddresses,sustainabilityandsuggestpotentialimprovements in responsible operations.
Additional  information requiredto support completing thetasks above
  1. This Assignment Guide should be used in conjunction with the Assignment Brief as its purpose is to provide guidance as to how best to respond to the requirements of the assignment.Bothdocumentsgiveanindicationofwhatthemarkerwillbelookingforin the piece of work.
  2. The task requirement is a report, not an essay or reflective journal. You must therefore ensurethatyourstructure,outline,content,styleandpresentationaccordwithacademic writing conventions for a report.
  3. Headers,bulletpoints,picturesandgraphs,boldoritalicsfontsshouldbeusedwhere appropriate in the report. Table of contents is also required.
  4. Ensureappropriateformatting.Forexample,youshoulduse12-pointfontsize,1.5line spacing and distribute your text evenly between margins.
  5. YoumustusethecorrectCanterburyHarvardReferencingStyleforyourin-textcitations and reference list.
  6. Makesureyouproofreadandedityourworkpriortofinalsubmissiontoavoidgrammar, spelling, punctuation, and in-text citation mistakes as well as to ensure that you have covered everything.
  7. Youmustuseaminimumof20sources  includingtextbooks,journalsandother academic/credible published and web sources.
  8. DonotuseWikipedia,unverifiableblogsoranysoftwaretogenerateyourwork.
  9. Makesureyouadheretotherequiredwordcountofthecasestudyreport(4,000)+/-10%, as 10markswill bededucted from yourtotal grade,ifyouexceedthe required word count (i.e., if you exceed 4400 words) and your grade will be capped at 40%, if you write below the required wordcount (i.e., if you write below 3600 words) and the marker cannot identify if the learning outcomes have been met.


                                                                               Mandatory Referencing and Research Requirements
Referencing  StyleCCCUHarvardReferencingStyle.
Mandatory  Sourcestobe included in the Assignment


  • Slack, N.,Brandon-Jones,A.andBurgess, N.(2023). Essentials OfOperationsManagement. S.L.: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A. and Burgess, N. (2022). Operations Management 10th edition. S.L.: Pearson Education Limited.



  • Johnston,R.,Shulver,M.,Slack,N.andClark,G.(2021).ServiceOperationsManagement5th edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.


  • Camilleri, M. A. (2019). Tourism planning and destination marketing. Bingley, UK Emerald Publishing.
  • Paton, S., Clegg, B., Hsuan, J. and Pilkington, A. (2021). Operations management. London[U.A.] McGraw Hill.
  • Robinson,P.andJones,P.(2020).OperationsManagement.OxfordUniversityPress.



  • Adhikari, A. and Bhattacharya, S. (2016). Appraisal of literature on customer experience in tourism sector: review and framework. Current Issues in Tourism, 19(4), pp.296-321.
  • Agarwal, N. and Mohan, A. (2021) ‘Influence of Social Interaction on Customer Experience in Tourism Industry’, Purusharta, 14(2), pp. 104–116. Available at: (Accessed: 10 September 2023).
  • Alonso, A.D. and Ogle, A. (2008). Exploring design among small hospitality and tourism operations. Journal of Retail & Leisure Property, 7(4), pp.325–337. doi:
  • Bozkurt, A. (2010). Tourism Industry and Standardisation: An Impossible Task?. Journal of Cukurova University Institute of Social Sciences, 19(3), 331-344.
  • Bozkurt,A.(2012).TourismIndustryandStandardisation:PossibilitiesandOpportunities.


  • Bustinza Sánchez, Ó.F., Vendrell-Herrero, F., Baines, T.S. and Parry, G. (2015). Service business model and performance: Unpacking the complex relationship.
  • Godovykh, M. and Tasci, A.D. (2020). Customer experience in tourism: A review of definitions, components, and measurements. Tourism Management Perspectives, 35, p.100694.
  • Jakulin, T.J. and Golob, A. (2015). Systems Approach to Standardisation, Classification and Modelling of Managed Events for Tourism. Organizacija, 48(3), pp.188–197. doi:
  • Lemon,K.N.andVerhoef,P.C.(2016).UnderstandingCustomerExperienceThroughoutthe Customer Journey. Journal of Marketing, [online] 80(6), pp.69–96.
  • Li,K.,Ji,C.,He,Q.,&Rastegar,R.(2023).Understandingthesense-makingprocessofvisitor experience in the integrated resort setting: Investigating the role of experience-centric attributes. International Journal of Tourism Research, 25(5), 491–505.
  • So,K.K.F.,Li,X.andKim,H.(2020).Adecadeofcustomerengagementresearchinhospitality and tourism: A systematic review and research agenda. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 44(2), pp.178-200.


  • TheJournalofOperationsManagement(JOM)
  • OperationsManagementResearch
  • InternationalJournalofOperations&ProductionManagement
  • InternationalJournalofSupplyandOperationsManagement
  • ProductionandOperationsManagement
  • CharteredInstituteofProcurementandSupply


  • Manufacturing&ServiceOperationsManagement
  • StrategicManagementJournal
  • JournalofStrategyandManagement
  • JournalofSustainableTourism


  • ABI/INFORMCollection(ProQuest)
  • AcademicSearch Index
  • arXiv
  • BusinessSourceComplete(EBSCOPublishing)
  • ConstructionNews
  • Economist
  • EmeraldManagementReviews(Emerald)
  • EntrepreneurialStudiesSource
  • eBookBusinessCollection(EBSCOhost)
  • eBookCollection(EBSCOhost)
  • GOBIE-books
  • HarvardBusinessReview
  • IndustryStudiesWorkingPapers
  • JSTORJournals
  • Pearson
  • PrincetonUniversityPress
  • SageAcademic Books
  • SCOPUS(Elsevier)
  • Wiley


Formatofyoursubmissionandhowyour assignmentwillbeassessed

ThisassignmentshouldbesubmittedelectronicallyviaMoodle(moduletutorswilldiscussthisprocesswithyou during class time).

  • YoumustsubmityourworkinMicrosoftWORDdocument format.
  • You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.
  • Please ensure that you have submitted your work in the correct link on the assessment tab. Also note thatstudents may be penalised for submitting their assessments in the wrong link.
  • Onceyouhavesubmittedyourwork,youwillreceiveadigitalreceiptasproofofsubmission,whichwillbesent toyourforwardede-mailaddress(providedyouhavesetthisup).Pleasekeepthisreceiptforfuturereference, along with the original electronic copy of your assignment.
  • You are reminded of the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, which can be viewed on the University website: Academic Misconduct Policy. In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.
  • ItisthecompleteandsoleresponsibilityofthestudenttouploadtheirassessmenttoTurnitinforMarkingprior tothespecifieddeadline.Studentsshouldnotrequestlecturerstosubmitassessmentsontheirbehalfasthey are unable to do so.
  • To avoid uploading issues, students should aim to upload their assessment several hours prior to the deadline to avoidTurnitin issues around the deadline time or accidentally submitting to the wrong submission link. It is


Text Box: recommendedtocheckthattheassessmentthathasbeenuploadedisabletobereadafteryouhaveuploaded it and if not to re-upload it.Contact the SST on your campus if you have any issues.
•	Any assessment submitted after the specified deadline will incur a late penalty as specified in CCCU Academic regulations unless prior approval has been granted for Exceptional Circumstances.

Yourworkwillbeassessedontheextenttowhichitdemonstratesyourachievementofthestatedlearningoutcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of your assignment and subject area, a proportion of your marks will also depend on your use of academic referencing conventions.
If you fail this assessment, you will have to resubmit an Individual assignment. Thisassignmentwillbemarkedaccordingtothe gradingdescriptorsforLevel5.

 Text Box: MarkingScheme/Rubric–TheMarkingScheme(otherwiseknownasarubric)isavailableontheMoodle Assessment Tab on Moodle.


                                                                                             Submission Requirements
Submission  Platform

ThisassignmentshouldbesubmittedelectronicallyusingMoodletotheModuleSubmission link.


ThisassignmentwillbesubjecttoAnonymousMarkingbylecturersthereforeyoushouldnot upload any front sheets forthis assignment or put any information into the assignment brief that identifies you either by name or student ID.

This assignment will be subject to Random VIVA selection.You will be asked to attend a meetingtodemonstrateyourknowledgeoftheassignmentwhichshouldtakenolongerthan 20-30minutes. Pleasenotethat failureto attendthemeetingmeansthat the assignmentwill be graded zero until you have attended.

Submission  Date&Time

Allsubmission&resubmissiondatesandtimeareasstatedatthebeginningofthis Assignment Brief.


Youshouldsubmityourassignmentforalldeadlinesearlierthan2:00pmonthedate stated.


Late submissions can be accepted for Summative Submissions only up to a maximum of 2 workingdaysafterthesubmissiondeadline.Thisdoesnotapplytoresubmissiondeadlines.10 marks deduction will be made by CCCU for all late submission.


Worksubmittedmorethan2workingdaysafterthedeadlinewillnotbeacceptedandwillbe recorded as non-submission.



Ifyouareaffectedbyeventswhichareunexpected,outsideyourcontrolandshort-termin nature (i.e. lastingone to two weeks),under theexceptional circumstances procedure you may be eligible for:


  • Self-Certification-Asevendayextensiontoyourcoursework.Studentsarealloweda maximum of 2 self-certification request per academic year can be requested.


PleasenotethatExaminationsandtime-constrainedtestarenoteligibleforthesevenday self-certification request




  • ExtenuatingCircumstances-A14dayextensiontoyourcourseworkbuttheremustbe evidence to support the request.


Youcanmakeaself-certificationrequestupto14calendardaysbeforeyour deadline:

  • forcourseworkitmustbenolaterthan2pmonthedeadlinedate


                                                                                                                 Table  of Penalties







SuspectedAcademicMisconductor Breach of Academic integrity

The Assignment will be graded zero. Written feedback will be ‘This assignment has beenidentifiedaspotentialAcademicMisconduct/BreachofAcademicIntegrity.You will be invited to a meeting to discuss’.


You will be invited to a meeting with an academic Misconduct reviewer. When you attend the meeting if Academic Misconduct or the breach of Academic Integrity is upheldyouwillbeaskedtorewritethesectionoftheassignmentitappliestoandre- submit the assignment.


DonotuploadanyassignmentstotheAMCsubmissionlinksbeforethemeeting otherwise it will be removed.


Failuretoattendthemeetingmeanstheassignmentwillremaingradedatzeroand you will be unable to pass the module until you have attended the meeting.


The assignment is more than 10% over the prescribed wordcount i.e. for3,000words,if3,400issubmitted excluding the cover page, table of contents,referencesandappendices.

A 10-mark deduction applied to the overall grade that is manually entered by the Lecturer.Thisdeductioniscappedat40%,whichmeansanassignmentcannotget less than 40% if a deduction has to be made.


For example, if the mark for the assignment was 60. The lecturer would deduct 10 marksandthemarkwillbe50.Writtenfeedbackwillalsostate‘Thisassignmentis 10% over the wordcount and 10 marks have been deducted’.

Where assignments are more than 10% less than the prescribed wordcount and lecturers cannot identifyifthelearningoutcomeshave been met.





Whereastudentsubmitsa.pdf instead of a word document.



The lecturer will grade as 1 and the written feedback will state ‘This is a pdf submissionandisnotallowed.AllsubmissionsshouldbeinMicrosoftWordformat’.



Studentsnotworkingintheirgroups as agreed by the lecturer.



Thelecturerwillgradeas1andthewrittenfeedbackwillstate‘Thissubmissionwas not completed in the designated group’.


Pleasenote:Whereastudenthasaskedthelecturertomovefromtheiroriginal group and the lecturer has agreed this does not apply.

For a presentation assignment that requires oral delivery, and the studentdoesnotpresentinperson.





the student does not upload a convertedPPTToWordFilewith speaker notes.remainatzero.
For a presentation assignment that requires oral delivery, and the studentdidnotpresentonthedayor upload the presentation to a Word document with speaker Notes.



Thelecturerwillgradeas1andthewrittenfeedbackwillstate‘TherewasnoOral presentation in class and the submission was not converted to Microsoft Word’.

For a presentation assignment the studentuploadsafilethatcontains no slides and is simply continuous text.





Iftheassignmentisgroupworkand the resubmission is not changed to individual work.


Ifagroupassignmentisfailedthenthe resubmittedworkmustbechangedby a minimum of 25% to make it an individual piece of work.


This means if a Group Presentation is 12 slides a minimum of 3 must be different to the group submission. If theassignmentisaGroupPosterwith 6 text boxes, then a minimum of 2 of them must be different to the Group Poster.









Thelecturerwillgradeas1andthewrittenfeedbackwillstate‘Thisresubmission should be individual and a minimum of 25% of the assignment has not changed’.

Whereawrittenassignmenthastext that is unable to be read by Turnitin becauseitiseitheragraphicalimage (excluding Presentations & Posters); for example, a screenshot or the assignment is written within text boxes on each page.


Thisassignmentwillbegraded0andthewrittenfeedbackshouldstate‘This assignment is unreadable by Turnitin and cannot be checked for Academic Misconduct. It has been referred for an AMC meeting’.



Anassignmentthatdoesnotmake use of any Mandatory references provided in the assignment brief/Module Handbook.




Anassignmenthasareferencelist, but no citations.


Written feedback should state ’The reference criteria has been graded Zero as no citationshavebeenused.Pleaseincludecitationsinyourassignmenttosupportthe academic points being made’.



Anassignmenthasnocitationsand no reference list.

Foundation&Level4-Thereferencerubriccriteriaisnotmovedandthatcriteriawill remain at zero. The written feedback will state ‘Please ensure that you use citations and references to support your assignment submission’.


AtLevel5andLevel6thiswouldbegradedasaFail.Thelecturerwillgradeas1and written feedback will also show ‘This assignment has no citations and no reference list’.

WhereFalsereferencesareincluded in an assignment.ThiswillbereferredforAcademicMisconduct.


 Thisassignmentwillbegraded0andthewrittenfeedback shouldstate‘This assignment contains false references and has been referred for Academic Misconduct.YouwillbeinvitedtoattendanAcademicMisconductmeeting’.
Assignment is submitted after the Late Deadline or if it is a Resubmission,aftertheResubmission deadline



The lecturer will grade as 1 and written feedback should state 'This assignment was submittedafterthedeadline.Pleaseresubmitatthenextresubmissionopportunity.'


Student Integrity and Academic Misconduct


  • Honesty–beingclearaboutwhatisyourworkandwhereyourideascomefromothersources.
  • Trust–otherscanhavefaithinyoubeingopenaboutyourworkandacknowledgingothers’work.
  • Fairness–youdonottrytogainanunfairadvantageinusingothers’work.
  • Responsibility–youtakeanactiveroleinapplyingtheprincipleofAcademicIntegritytoyourwork.
  • Respect–youshowrespectfortheworkofothers.


Students might choose to get support from their peers when preparing assessments, such as discussing the subject of the assessment,exchangingideas,andreceivingsuggestionsforimprovingthework.Thisispeer-support,andtheUniversityaccepts this as a reasonable expectation when completing assessments. However, peers must not make any changes to anyone’s assessments as such actions could lead to allegations of academic misconduct.


Use of English as the medium of assessment:

StudentscannotwriteanassessmentinanotherlanguageandsubsequentlytranslatetheirworkintoEnglishorhaveittranslated by any form of third-party. Use of translation software or third-party translators is a form of academic misconduct.

Artificial Intelligence(AI):

Students mustwritetheentireassessment withoutusingAIsoftwaresuchas ChatGPT.Submittingan assessment thatcontains any form of AI is a form of academic misconduct.

Proof reading:

StudentscanmakeuseofMicrosoftWord’sgrammarandspell-checkingfunctionsbuttheuseofGrammarlyisnotallowedasit uses AI text generation. If students use third-party proofreaders, these cannot make any changes that alter the assessment in anywayincludingcorrectinglanguageorcitationformaterrors.Third-partyalterationstotheassessmentareaformofacademic misconduct.


Plagiarismcanbedefinedasincorporatinganotherperson’smaterialfrombooks,journals,theinternet,anotherstudent’swork, or any other source into assessment material without acknowledgement. It includes:

  • Using exactly the same words (sentences, phrases or even expressions not in everyday use, invented or created by an author to explain an idea) as used originally
  • Rephrasingbymakingslightadjustments
  • Paraphrasinginawaywhichmaydeceivethereaderastothesource.
  • Plagiarisminwhateverformittakesisformofacademicmisconduct.


Ifstudentssubmitworkforassessmentthatisfalselypresentedasthestudent’sownworkbutwasjointlywrittenwithsomebody else; this is a form of academic misconduct.


The inclusion in assessments of a significant amount of identical or substantially similar material to that already submitted for assessment by the student and graded for the same course or any other course or module at this University or elsewhere is classedasself-plagiarism.Itdoesnotincludearesubmissionofthesamepieceofworkallowedbytheexaminersinanimproved or revised form for reassessment purposes. Self-plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct.


  1. CCCUStudentAcademicMisconductProcedurescanbefoundbelow:PleaseclickthelinktoOpen.

  1. CCCUStudentAcademicIntegrityPolicy canbefoundbelow:PleaseclickthelinktoOpen.


Marking Rubric

Also see Moodle for the Assignment Marking Rubric.


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