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CMDST 301 Global Strategic Management Assignment Help
Module code : CMDST301
Level of study: 6
Number of credits : 20credits
Course/s the module belongs to : BA(Hons)BusinessStudieswith Foundation
Faculty: Business Studies Semester/Trimester of delivery : Semester1 Start date of the module: September 2024 Location of study: LSC London Campus Study hours for the module: 200
- Number of contact hours and pattern of delivery: 2 hour lecture and two-hour for tnight each week for 12 weeks.
- Numberofhourswhenstudentsareexpectedtostudyindependentlyoramongstpeers, with no direct academic contact: 108 hours
Module leadername:Dr. Rajendra Kumar
Moduleleadercontactdetails: Dr.Rajendra Kumar.(
Other teaching staff with contact details : Mr.MervynSookun
How to access tutorials and other module support : Relevant information on the module is provided on the student portal. Teaching assistance are available at the registry.
Who is the module for?“This module is a core module for final year students on the BA (Hons) Business Studies”
Module aims :Through the completion of this module students will:
- Be introducedto develop the concepts ofstrategic management ina critical way andfocuses on the application of the relevant strategic management conceptual frameworks.
- Be developing a strategic analysis and strategic plan throughout the course, facilitating further application of the theory learned . The combination of the module contentanditscontinuousapplication by the students allows the learning outcomes of knowledge and application of the concepts to be achieved together with a critical, analytic approach in an international setting.
- Beintroducedtotheelementsinordertoallowstudentstodeveloptheirownstrategicthinking,and have the ability to apply them in various organisational settings.
Module learning out comes : Upon successfulcompletionofthe module the students will be ableto:
- Demonstrate knowledge, comprehension and application of the taught theory through active and consistent contribution to organisations.
- Understandhowcomplexproblemscan bemanagedwithinabusiness framework.
- Criticallycontrastandcomparerelatedtheoreticalconceptspresentedinthelecturesand readings, and understanding the inherent differences and similarities.
- Create, develop and design strategic plans in a case study based practical application of the taught theory.
- Beconfidentindevelopingastrategicpositionandmakingstrategicchoiceandstrategic implementation based on well researched evidence and a strong theoretical base.
Overviewoflearningandteachingactivitiesonthemodule: Themodulewillnormallybedelivered viaaseriesofweekly2hoursteachingblockscomprisinginteractivelecturesandgroupdiscussions
/workshops/case studies cover in gthecoretheoriesandpracticevariety of teachingapproachesis used, including lectures, seminars, case analysis, teamwork and extensive use of electronic resources for guided research. Students will also carry out directedandindependentlearningduringthe study of the module.
Directed Learning: Directed Learning are directions provided by a faculty member that channels students to complete specific tasks with in a specified period of time. These can be instructions to read or learn specific topics. Alternatively, it could be the completion of set tasks or activities in a tutoring sessionor after.This allow sthestudentstogainmorepracticeonaconceptorskillintroducedinclass. It usually requires a follow-up session with tutor after completion.”
Independent Learning: is the process by which students take the initiative, with or without the assistance of facultyorpeers,indiagnosingtheirindividuallearningneeds,formulatingtheirown
learninggoalsandidentifyingadequateresourcesforlearning.Theychooseandimplementappropriate learning strategies and evaluate the learning outcomes achieved.
Assessments: taken from approved module descriptor for columns 1 ,2 and 5
Summative assessment Type | Weighting | Length | Deadline for submission of work and where assignmentshould be submitted | Date for return of mark/grade and feedback and where theywill be returned | Minimum pass mark for assessment task(s) |
Individual Report | 100% | 4000 words | November 25th2024 | 40% |
Furtherinformationaboutthe assessmentcanbefoundattheendofthishandbook,inthe “assessment brief” section.
It's important that you meet your assessment deadline to help manage your workload and ensure your timely progression to your next level of study. However, we understand that in exceptional cases you may be unable tosubmit your workon time or dowell inyourexams due to unexpected events which are short-termin nature and beyond your control. Find outmore aboutwhatto do in situations such as these here.
Acourse work extension or achancetore-takeyourassessmentisnotanautomaticright;andtoensure fairness and transparency, exceptional circumstances requests will only be approved if they meet the criteria, are submitted on time and - where relevant - include appropriate professional evidence.
Indicativeschedule of delivery : oneline on what will be covere dineachsession;doadaptdepending onwhetherthemoduleisdeliveredweekly,inblocksorotherpatternofdelivery.Thenumberofweeks shouldcorrespondtotheAcademicCalendaryourmoduleisalignedwith.HighlightingdatesforADW andPDWinthissectionmayhelp,anddeadlinesforassessments.Doincorporatehereiffieldtrips/visits are part of the module. Do adapt the table below to suit your needs
Session | Indicative Content | IndependentStudy Activities |
Week1 | Whystrategymatters | Identifythe“best”car andwhywould you labelitasthe“best”? |
Week2 | Analysing the external and internal environments | During the COVID19 Pandemic, the UK government introduced the “furlough scheme”.Identifytheimpactofthison both theeconomy and business. |
Session | Indicative Content | IndependentStudy Activities |
Week3 | AssessmentReview | |
Week4 | Strategicplanningandstrategic formation | Conduct a research into what factors that makes strategy successful in businesses. |
Week5 | Strategicdecisionmaking | Whatarethefactorstoconsiderwhen makingstrategicdecisionsandwhyare these factors important? |
Week6 | Resource-based strategy and competitiveness | IdentifytheuniquesellingpointofPepsi andCoca-Colaandspotthedifference between them. |
Week7 | Strategyandculture | Zappos’strategyisthecompany’sculture. Would you agree to this statement? |
Week8 | Businessandcorporatelevelstrategies | IdentifythebusinessesofTescoPlcand their scope and functions. |
Week9 | Internationalstrategies | What would you outline as the main challengesofMarksandSpencerinFrance thatledthemtoshuttingdowntheir11 outlets? |
Week10 | Innovationandtechnologystrategies | Identifytheroleoftechnologyinthebanking industry of the UK. |
Week11 | Collaborationsand networks | |
Week12 | RevisionSession |
Guidance onhowtouse independent study time:Student independentstudy time is tofacilitate the reading list on the portal and engage in activities outlined.
Referencing system: The use of a range of information sources is expected – academic books, peer reviewedjournalarticles,professionalarticles,pressreleasesandnewspaperarticles,reliablestatistics, company annual reports and other company information. All referencing should be in Harvard style.
Learning Materials/Resources: (the sections below should be shared with library services and the Bookshop) this may be broken down as you see fit, e.g. weekly sources. You may provide resources other than books or journal articles. You may want to stress where other information is available on Blackboard, ReCap recordings, etc.
- EssentialResources:
DessG.,McNamara,G.,Eisner,A.andLee,S.(2020),StrategicManagement:Creating Competitive Advantage, London: McGraw-Hill College.
- RecommendedResources:
- Angwin D, Cummings S & Smith C (2017),The StrategyPathfinder: Core Conceptsand Micro-cases, 3 rd edn John Wiley & Sons.
- GrantR(2019),ContemporaryStrategyAnalysis, 8thednOxford:Blackwell.
- Johnson G, Scholes K & Whittington R (2017), Exploring Strategy: Text & Cases 11 th Edition,PearsonEducationPearceJA(2015),StrategicManagement,14thEdn.McGraw- Hill.
- Johnson G, Regner, P., Angwin, D. & Whittington R (2019), Exploring Strategy: Text & Cases, Pearson Education Lynch, R., (2018), Strategic Management, Pearson
- FurtherResources:
Reassessmentinformation: the text belowisforALL handbooks
Somestudentsmayberequiredtotakereassessmentforthemodule, following a decision from a Board of Examiners. Do check the Your Guide to Assessment and Award Processes and seek advice from yourPersonalAcademicTutorifthisisthecaseforyou.Supportfromthemoduleteamwillbeavailable in preparation for the reassessments.
Should you be required to take reassessment , the nature of the reassessment will be:
Originalassessment Thisshouldbeidenticaltothe assessment table column 1 | Reassessmenttype Usually, the same type of assessmentandbrief,butexam questions may vary | Deadline for submission of reassessment,andwhereitshould be submitted Ifnoexactdateisknown,providea week e.g. w/c 12 July 2022 |
Report | Report | TBC |
- StudentCourseHandbook : for courseacademic informationapplyingtoallmodules
- Current Student Web pages : for generic studentexperienceinformation
“Explainer: What went wrong for Ted Baker?”, Thomas, Eve, on 3rd September 2024. Please go through this article and other articles on Ted Baker as the US firm Authentic Brands Group which ownstheintellectualpropertyforTedBakerhasinvitedyoutoproduceacomprehensivestrategicreport for the company by answering the below questions.
- Conduct an internal and external analysis of the company. Analyse the business environment (both micro and macro) of the UK using appropriate models. (1500 words)
- Using the analysis that was conducted in task 1 (above), use any appropriate strategic models ofyourchoicetodesignanappropriatebusinessstrategyforthecompanyfocusingonthenext 3 years. (1500 words)
- Using the an appropriate change management model, explain the challenges associated with the recommended strategies and how to overcome them. (600words)
NOTE:Pleaseusetheremainingwordcount(400)forintroduction(200words)andconclusion(200 words)
Seebelowforthefullexplanationofthemarkingcriteria. The Topic/title
- Feelfreetodiscusspossibilitieswithyourlecturer.It’susuallybesttoresearchacompanyand study the one that offers most information about the strategies, business frameworks, use of appropriate strategic models, tools, theories and concepts of strategic management.
- ‘Describe’means‘thisiswhathappened’,‘Analyse’means‘thisiswhyithappened’.
- Recommendationscouldre late to the future , or towhatotherscouldlearnfromthis situation.
Basic Format :
- A title page, a contents page, an introduction, a main section with sub-sections, and a recommendation, conclusion andreferences. Clear headings areessential. Relevantsourcesof information should be cited using the Harvard referencing system.
- Anyareas of doubtneed to beraised with yourlecturer
The tasks1to3 addresses all the learning outcomes.
A maximum of 4000 words not including contents,appendicesorlistofreferences.
- Writing : Written in English inanappropriate business/academic style
- Focus : Focusonlyonthetaskssetintheassignment.
- Document format : Report
- Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a reference using Harvard referencing throughout is also provided.
- Research:Researchshouldusereliableandrelevantsourcesofinformatione.g.academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.
The use of a range of information sources is expected – academicbooks, peer reviewedjournal articles,professionalarticles,pressreleasesandnewspaperarticles,reliablestatistics,company annual reports and other company information. All referencing should be in Harvard style.
Explore additional learning resources at HND Assignment help , a hub for academic research and data.
Thissectiondetailstheassessmentcriteria.The extenttowhichthesearedemonstratedbyyou determinesyourmark.Themarksavailableforeachcriterionareshown.Lecturersuseasimilar formattocommentontheachievementofthetask(s),includingthoseareasinwhichyouhave performed well and areas that would benefit from development/improvement.
CommonAssessmentCriteria Applied | Mark s | Mar ks Awa |
1.Research-informed Literature Extentofresearchand/orownreading,selectionofcrediblesources, application of appropriate referencing conventions. | 20 | |
You must give credit to authors on whose research and/or publications your report is based. Append to your submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles, etc the you have read or quoted in order to complete this assignment(e.g.forbooks:surnameofauthorandinitials,yearofpublication, title of books, edition, publisher and place of publication. | ||
2.KnowledgeandUnderstandingofSubject Extentofknowledgeandunderstandingofconceptsandunderlying principles associated with the discipline. | 20 | |
Show good knowledge by evaluating contemporary strategic issues and synthesise between the different levels of strategy. Critically analyse how the different perspectives of social science disciplines inform strategic management. | ||
3. Analysis Analysis,evaluationandsynthesis;logic,argumentand judgement;analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence | 30 | |
Analyse the aims, concept and role of strategic management in your report complete with good logic, sound argument, judgement innovative ideas and evidence on which your arguments are based. | ||
4.PracticalApplicationandDeployment Deployment of methods, materials, tools and techniques; application of concepts;formulationofinnovativeandcreativesolutionstosolveproblems. | 20 | |
Clearly indicate the various methods, tools and techniques employed in your report and show how the application of theories and concepts enhance innovative and creative solutions towards problem solving. | ||
5.SkillsforProfessionalPractice | 10 |
Attributesinprofessionalpractice:individualandcollaborativeworking; deployment of appropriate media; presentation and organisation. | ||
Clearly indicate how attributes from your report would help the companyororganisationofyour choiceusingcollaborativeworking and the deployment of the appropriate media, presentation and other tools. Clarityofexpression(incl.accuracy,spelling,grammar,punctuation, and numeracy) | ||
TOTAL | 100 |
Dateandvalidityvalidforacademicyear 2023/2024
CRITERION | 100-80 Excellent | 79-70 Verygood | 69-60 Good | 59-50 Sound | 49-40 Satisfactory | 39-20 Fail | 19-0 Fail | ||
1.Knowledge and applicationof subject and theories | Knowledge and understandingoftheory are exceptionally detailed and beyond what has been taught. Appreciation of the limits of subject- specific theories demonstrated throughout the work. Approach to assessment task is clearly, appropriately, and consistently theoreticallyinformed. | Demonstrates an extensive, sophisticated, accurate, systematic theoretical understandingofthe subject and a wide range of key theories. Appropriately selectedtheoretical knowledge is synergisedintothe overall assessment task with some appreciation of the limits of subject specific theories. | Shows a sophisticated systematic and accurate understanding of key subject- specific theories, which are appropriately integrated within thecontextofthe assessment task. | Sounddescriptive knowledgeofkey theories with appropriate application; sometimes balanced towards the descriptive rather than the critical or analytical. | Selection of theory is satisfactory, and terminology, facts and concepts are handledaccurately, but application and/or understanding is generalised. | Inthisassignment some of the theoriespresented are not appropriate. Terminology, facts, and concepts are presented inaccurately and/or with omissions in key areas. The applicationand/or understanding demonstrated is limited. | Inthisassignm there is a lack relevant subj specific theor | ent of ect- y. | |
2. Information | Usesinitiativetoseek out new sources of information,evaluates | Selectsabroad rangeofhighly relevant | Selectsappropriate information and processes it | Selectsappropriate information and evaluates and | Selectsgenerally appropriate research and | The selection of sources/datahere isnotappropriate | The selection sources/data isnotappropr | of here iate | |
12 |
gathering/ processing | their validity against a broad range of highly relevant information and synthesises and evaluatestheirvalidity comprehensively and with flair. | information. Demonstrates understandingofthe complexity of the information and processes it comprehensivelyand creatively. | thoroughly with criticalevaluation and some creativity. | comments on it with some creativity, some readingsbeyond the set range. | primary sources and shows ability to evaluate and commentonthem adequately. | to the task and there are not enoughevidenced evaluations of readings and research to support the work. | to the task and evidencegathe is not evaluat systematicall | the red ed y. | |
3.Evaluation of process and the quality of information/ data developed | Evaluates to a high degree complex informationand/ordata andtheinquiryprocess perceptively and comprehensively using appropriatecriteriathat are largely original/self- determined. | Evaluates complex information and/or data and the inquiry processperceptively andcomprehensively using appropriate criteria some of which are self- determined. | Effectively and thoughtfully evaluates informationand/or data and the inquiry process, including critique of the techniques used. | Effectively evaluates informationand/or data and the inquiry process using prescribed guidelines. | Shows basic evaluation of the inquiry methodology and informationand/or data generated. | In this submission, evaluation of processandthe information and/or data is incomplete. | Theworksho limited or no evaluation of eitherprocess outcomes. | ws
or | |
CRITERION | 100-80 Excellent | 79-70 Verygood | 69-60 Good | 59-50 Sound | 49-40 Satisfactory | 39-20 Fail | 19-0 Fail | ||
4.Qualityof sources used | Work draws upon currentresearchand/ or advanced scholarship, demonstrating an excellent use of primary sources and high-quality secondary sources | Significant use of primary sources in conjunctionwithhigh quality secondary sources. Work draws uponcurrentresearch and/ or advanced scholarship. | Work uses a balanced combination of primary and high qualitysecondary sources. | Work makessound use of primary sources but is generally reliant on secondarysources. | Work mostlyrelies on set secondarysources. Use of primary sources limited and does not extend beyond set sources. | The work draws on some set secondary sources,butalso relies on inappropriate sources. Hardly any use of primarysources. | The submissi based on unreliableand inappropriate sources. | on is
/or | |
4 |
5. Referencing | Sources used are acknowledged in the textandreferencelist andusedperceptively tosupportdiscussion. Referencing followsa systematic approach,appropriate to the discipline. All elements of individual references are present. | Sources used are acknowledged in the textandreferencelist and used fluently to support discussion. Referencing follows a systematic approach, appropriate to the discipline.Allelements ofindividualreferences are present. | Sources usedare acknowledgedin the text and referencelistand used to support discussion. Referencing follows a systematic approach, appropriatetothe discipline. All elements of individual references are present. | Sourcesusedare acknowledgedin the text and reference list. Referencing follows a systematic approach, appropriatetothe discipline. Most elements of individual references are present. | Sources of information acknowledged but integration between text and reference list is mainly effective. Attemptstofollow systematic approach, appropriate to the discipline. Elements of individual referencesare generally complete. | Some sources of information are acknowledged here but links betweentextand referencelistare unclear. Referencingdoes not follow a systematic approach. Elements of individual referencesare incomplete and/orabsent. | Little or no acknowledge ofsourcesof informationi text and/or referencelist thissubmissi |
ment n in on. | |
6. Clarity of objectivesand focus of work | This work defines appropriate objectives in detail and addresses them consistently, logically,coherently, comprehensivelyand with exceptional creativity, showing sophisticated interpretation of complex ideas. | This work defines appropriateobjectivesin detail and addresses them comprehensively, logically,coherentlyand with creativity, interpreting complex ideas clearly. | Thisworkdefines appropriate objectives and addresses them coherently and logically throughout the work with creativity while engaging with complex ideas. | Thisworkoutlines appropriate objectives and addresses them in a logical and coherent manner which gives a focus to the work with some creativity. | This work uses generalised objectives to provideadequate butlimitedfocus to the work. Overall, logical, andcoherentbut with limited creativity. | In this piece of work objectives are not appropriate and/or clearly identified–focus is not logical or coherent. | In this piece work no objectives ar identified,and submission la focus and coherence. | of
e the cks | |
7. Selecting research methods (Relationship between method chosen and the nature of the inquiry) | Methodology selected is effective and appropriate to the aims and objectivesofthetask and allows for the effective collection and recording of complex data. A convincing, self- determined, and perceptive rationale for the selection of this methodology is provided. | Methodologyselectedis effective and appropriate to the aims and objectives of the task and allows for the effective collection of complex data. A thorough, convincing, and perceptive rationale for the selection of this methodology is provided. | Methodology selected is effective and appropriatetothe aims and objectives of the task and a perceptive rationale for its selection is provided. | Methodology chosen is appropriate to the task and attention given to the selection of a methodologyfrom the range of prescribed ones. | Methodologyused is appropriate to the task and brief rationale offered refers to established guidance. | In this piece of work the choice of methodology and relationship to information and/ordatabeing collected is confused and confusing. | In this piece work the issue methodology not addressed and/or an inappropriate methodology selected. The planningration is unclear. | of of is
ale | |
CRITERION | 100-80 Excellent | 79-70 Verygood | 69-60 Good | 59-50 Sound | 49-40 Satisfactory | 39-20 Fail | 19-0 Fail | ||
B.COGNITIVESKILLScontinued | |||||||||
8. Analysis | Demonstrates outstanding commandofrelevant analytic techniques, and the ability to apply these to new and/or abstract information and situations. Shows an exceptional appreciation of the limits and/or appropriate uses of analytic approaches. | Makesexcellentuseofa range of relevant analytic techniques and applies these to new and/or abstract information and situations. Shows well developed ability to compare critically alternative theories and/or analytic approaches (where relevant). | Makes very good use of established techniques of analysis relevantto the discipline. Shows ability to compare with some insight alternativetheories and/or analytic approaches(where relevant). | Makesconsistent, albeit conventional, use of established techniques of analysis, relevant to the discipline. | Makessatisfactory but limited use of established techniques of analysis, relevant to the discipline. | The submission includesanalysis, buttheanalysisis ineffectiveand/or uninformed by key disciplinary techniques. | This submiss doesnotcont effectiveanal and does not engage with disciplinary techniques. | ion ain ysis yet key | |
9. Conclusions | Conclusionscoherent, exceptionally well developed and show considerable originality. Theyform an integrated part of well- substantiated overall arguments and/or discussion, reflecting commandinggraspof a wide range of theory and/or evidence and/or literature and appropriate forms of conceptualisation. Demonstrates very sophisticatedcritical insight and interpretation of complexmattersand ideas | Conclusions coherent, well developed, analytical, and show sophisticated insight. Theyaresystematicand thoroughly grounded in a wide range of theory and/or evidence and/or literature and use appropriate forms of conceptualisation, forming an integrated part of well- substantiated overall arguments and/or discussion. Demonstrates sophisticatedcritical insight and interpretation of complexmattersand ideas | Conclusionsshow development and criticalinsightand relate clearly and logically to substantiated arguments based onawiderangeof sources of evidence and/or theory and/or literature. Arange of views and information are criticallyevaluated and synthesised and there is thorough, perceptive interpretation of complex matters and ideas. | Logical and evidenced conclusions are drawn from evaluation of a range of sourcesofevidenceand/or theory and/or literature. Shows the ability to consider and evaluatearangeof views and to explain complex matters and ideas consistently and clearly. | Adequate conclusions are drawnwhichare derived from understandingof evidence and/or theory and/or literature.Shows the ability to consider alternativeviews and explain complex matters and ideas. | The work demonstrates limited or inaccurate understandingof theevidenceand does not draw together arguments effectively. | The workeit lacksaconcl or presents a unsubstantiat and/or invali conclusion. | her usion n ed d | |
10. Initiative (takingaction, independence) | Shows a creative, proactive, and independent approach to achieving goals in a manner appropriate tosituation(s),Ifina groupsetting,shows a sophisticated appreciation of the needs and views of others. | Uses imagination to assess the needs of a situation and take independent actions to achieve goals effectively.Ifinagroup setting,takesaccountof the needs and views of others with sensitivity. | Effectively assesses the needs of a situation and takes independent actionnecessaryto consistently achievegoals.Ifin a group setting, recognises the needs and viewsof others. | Assesses needs of a situation and takes action towards achieving goals with consistency.Ifina group setting, shows awareness of the needs and views of others. | Where goals and methods are defined, will undertake tasks requiring some independence. Ifin a group setting, shows some awareness of the needsandviewsof others. | In this assignment, limitedabilityhas been demonstrated to undertake tasks beyond those prescribed.Ifina group setting, the needs and views ofothershavenot beenmeaningfully considered. | In this assignment, ability to undertake prescribed ta has been demonstrated, independent t are not attem If in a group setting, the ne and views of othershaveno been conside |
but asks pted.
t red. | |
CRITERION | 100-80 Excellent | 79-70 Verygood | 69-60 Good | 59-50 Sound | 49-40 Satisfactory | 39-20 Fail | 19-0 Fail |
B.COGNITIVESKILLScontinued | |||||||
11. Decision | Usesanextensive | Usesawiderange | Usesappropriate | Usesavailable | Recognises | Here, the | Here,thefinal |
making | rangeof | ofappropriate | informationto | informationto | benefitsand | rationalebehind | choiceis unclear |
appropriate | informationto | consistently | evaluatefeasible | disadvantagesof | thefinal outcome | orabsent. Inthis | |
information, | sophisticatedly | evaluateoptions. | optionsand | feasibleoptions | orchoiceis | workthestudent | |
exercising | evaluateoptions | Selectionof final | consistentlysolve | and provides | unclear or | hasnot | |
autonomyand | andappliesclear | outcome clearly | complex | limitedrationale | untenable.This | demonstrated | |
initiativewhen | criteria to | derivedfrom | problems.Final | for finaldecision. | workshows | abilityto make | |
exploringoptions. | demonstrate | evaluationwith | decisionisclear | Showsabilityto | limitedevidence | decisions in | |
Makesclear | reasonsforfinal | insightanda | andlinkedto the | makedecisionsin | of thestudent’s | complex and | |
decisions which | decision and/or | degreeof | evaluation | complex and | abilityto make | unpredictable | |
givedueweightto | choiceand/or | autonomyin | showingabilityto | unpredictable | decisions in | circumstances. | |
alternativesin | outcome in | complex and | makedecisionsin | circumstances. | complex and | ||
complex and | complex and | unpredictable | complex and | unpredictable | |||
unpredictable | unpredictable | circumstances. | unpredictable | circumstances. | |||
circumstances. | circumstances. | circumstances. | |||||
12.Creative process | Demonstrates strikinglyinnovative creative imagination to create a piece of work/performance art which reaches near professional levels in its application of creative methods and techniques, resultinginmaterial which is consummately well-crafted. | Creative work shows highly developed technique in the serviceofalively imagination. Processesinvolved are handled with assurance to achieveinnovative results. Personal style consistently marked in work which builds on models with originality, flair and style. | Creative work shows well- developed imaginationand technique. Processes involved are manipulated to achievecreative results. Buildsonmodels and moulds influences with originality and distinctive personal style. | Creative works shows imaginationand technique. Processes involved have creative applicationand outcomes. Personal style is evidentattimesin work whichshows some original application and adaptation of models. | Creative work shows a basic level of imaginationand technique. Processes involvedhave somecreative outcomes. Personal style is lacking,infavour of work which is derivative in origin. | This work contains undeveloped ideasand/orlittle creativity or skill/technique. Minimalpersonal style and little insight into effectiveworking processes are demonstrated here. | This piece of work does not showevidenceof creativity or innovation. Developedskills and techniques are not demonstrated here. |
CRITERION | 100-80 Excellent | 79-70 Verygood | 69-60 Good | 59-50 Sound | 49-40 Satisfactory | 39-20 Fail | 19-0 Fail |
13. Performance | Compelling, communicative, and precise performance demonstrating professional level of authority, thorough awarenessofstyle, proficiency in technical and interpretative issues. Improvisations are imaginative, creative, and stylistically assured. Accurate, flexible, focused, well-rehearsed, convincing, and precise performance.Stage craft presentation suitable for professional performance. | Highly focused, convincing performance demonstrating communication, commitment, and thorough understanding of style with careful attentiontodetail, displaying consistently high level of technical ability and interpretiveskills. Improvised passages are creative, stylistically assured and considered. Performancewell prepared,assured and thoroughly persuasive.Stage craftpresentation of a very high standard. | Focussed performance demonstrating communication, commitmentanda thorough understanding of the style with careful attentionto detail, displaying consistently high level of technical ability. Improvisationis stylistically correct and considered. Performancewell- prepared and/or rehearsed,assured, and focussed. Stage craft presentation of ahigh standard. | Performance demonstrates communication, commitment and understanding of the genre with reasonable attentiontodetail, displayingagood level of technical ability. Improvised passages show a sound understanding of style. Well- rehearsed. Stage craftpresentation of a good standard. | Performancethat demonstrates communication, commitmentand understandingof the genre. Attentiontodetail and technical ability are basic but competent. Improvised passages show some understandingof style. Lacks confidence and stage conduct requires further development. | Performance in which communication, commitment and style are limited by struggles with technical control. Improvised passages show poor understanding of thestyleandmay be inappropriate. Performance is under-rehearsed andunconvincing andstageconduct is barely addressed. | Performance in which fluency and focus are severely limited by a lack of technicalcontrol. Improvised passages do not yet show understanding of style/genre or conventions of performance here. This performance is under-rehearsed, lacking in confidence and stage conduct is inappropriate, and /or unacceptable. |
14.Formand content in a practical context | Demonstrates an exceptional ability tocriticallyengage with theory and practice. Synthesises creative strategies and interrelated forms and styles morewidely.Clear awareness of and ability to experiment with conventional forms. Workshows clear evidence of intellectual rigour and/or creativity. Technically and professionally competent throughout. | Demonstrates an ability to critically engagewiththeory and practice. Synthesises creative strategies and interrelated forms and styles. Work shows clear evidence of intellectual rigour and/or creativity. Experiments with conventional forms.Technically and professionally competent. | Evidence of critically relating theory to practice. Demonstrateswell developed ability to analyse, synthesise and experiment with relationships between form and content. Good evidence of creativity. Technically and professionally competentinmost respects. | Work evidences some awareness oftherelationship between theory and practice. Work tends to be conventional but shows good ability to relate formandcontent. Some aspects of creativitypresent. Structure and content are relevant and approaching technical and professional competence throughout. | Work shows evidence of an appropriate relationship between form and content. Moderate degree oftechnical and professional competence.Some presence of creativity. | Workshowslittle or no evidence of an understanding of therelationship betweenformand content. Lacks creativity and is technically poor. | Theworkhasnot addressed the brief in a way that shows understandingof the relationship between form and content. |
CRITERION | 100-80 Excellent | 79-70 Verygood | 69-60 Good | 59-50 Sound | 49-40 Satisfactory | 39-20 Fail | 19-0 Fail |
15. | Exceptional | Accomplished | Verygoodand | Effective | Clear | Here the | Here the |
Communication | communication | communication | thorough | communicationin | communication | communication | communication |
and | which demonstrates | which | communicationin | aformat | and evidenceof | is unstructured | is disorganised |
presentation | acomprehensive, | demonstratesa | aformat | appropriatetothe | awarenessof the | andunfocused | and/orincoherent |
(appropriateto | sophisticated,and | comprehensive | appropriatetothe | discipline. | discipline’s | and/or ina | and/ordoesnot |
discipline) | full understanding | understandingof | discipline. | academic style. | format | show | |
ofthediscipline. | the discipline. | inappropriateto | understandingof | ||||
the discipline. | the discipline’s | ||||||
academic style. | |||||||
16.Clarity of | Exceptional writing | Accomplished | Language fluent, | Languageisclear | Understandable | Inthispiece of | Inthispiece of |
expression(incl. | control,appropriate | writingstyle | nuanced, and | andconsistentand | andclear,but | workthe | work,the |
accuracy, | to assignment, | appropriatetothe | expressive. | conveysnuances. | accuracy of | meaningisoften | meaning is |
spelling, | whichenhancesthe | assignment. | grammar, | grammar, spelling | spelling, | unclearwith | unclear |
grammar, | argument.grammar, | grammar, spelling, | spelling, and | and/ornumeracy | punctuation, | frequenterrors in | throughout. |
punctuation, | spelling, and | andnumeracyare | numeracy mainly | ismainlyaccurate | grammarand | grammar, | Errorsin |
andnumeracy) | numeracy are | almostalways | accurate. | withsomeerrors. | numeracyneedto | spelling,andor | spelling, |
flawlesslyaccurate. | accurate. | beimproved. | numeracy. | grammar, | |||
Errorswhich | punctuation | ||||||
detractfromthe | and/ornumeracy | ||||||
argument. | make | ||||||
interpretation | |||||||
challenging for | |||||||
an assessor. |
17.Digitalskills | Exceptionaluseofa rangeofappropriate digital technologies to enhance thework, showing sophisticateddigital literacy and originality/initiative of approach. | Arangeofdigital technologies are used accurately and discerningly to enhance the work, demonstrating excellent digital literacy. | A range of appropriatedigital technologies are usedaccuratelyto enhancethework, showing good digital literacy. | Appropriatedigital technologies are usedaccuratelyto enhancethework, showing digital literacy. | Understandable and clear work with use of appropriatedigital technologies but errors which detract from digital literacy. | Someappropriate digital technologies are used but overall digital literacy is poor. | Digital technologiesare not used appropriately; digital literacy not yet demonstrated. |
18.Presentation (visual) | Exceptional and imaginative presentation with strongvisualimpact with flair which enhances the message. | Message is presented sophisticatedly and creatively with visual impact. | Presentation is effectiveandhas verygoodvisual effect with creativity. | Presentationhasa sound structure and visualimpact with some creativity. | Visual aspect and/orstructureof presentation is adequate with limited creativity. | Presented in a disorganised manner.Lacks appropriate support from visual tools. | Presentation is disorganised and/orincoherent and/ormediumis non-visual. |
19.Presentation (oral) | Presentation is exceptional,well structured, imaginative, and thoroughly engaging. Audibility and pace are appropriate to audience and used withexcellenteffect to enhance the presentation. | Presentationis very well structured, creative, and engaging. Audibility and paceareeffective in engaging the audience. | Well-structured and addressed effectively to audience. Pace andaudibilityare excellent. | Presentationhasa sound structure. Pace and audibility are effective. | Pace, audibility and/orstructureof presentation are adequate. | Delivery is disorganised and/or pace and audibilityispoor. | Presentation is not understandable and/or inaudible and/ornotanoral presentation. |
CRITERION | 100-80 Excellent | 79-70 Verygood | 69-60 Good | 59-50 Sound | 49-40 Satisfactory | 39-20 Fail | 19-0 Fail |
20. Interactive andgroupskills (including teamwork, negotiation, understanding group dynamics) | Demonstrates an authoritative, flexible,andhighly advancedapproach to negotiation and co-operation to develop relationshipswhich are mutually beneficial to achieving group objectives. | Uses a range of networking skills effectivelywithin a learning or professional group. Demonstrates leadershipskills. Negotiates and handles conflict exceptionally seeking to establish relationships which serve the group needs. | Interactionwithin a learning group demonstrates value, giving and receiving information and ideas and modifying responses where appropriate with an understanding of leadership roles. | Meetsobligations to others (tutors and/or peers) providing constructive contributions to support shared objectives. Recognisesand assesses alternative options. | Uses basic interactiveskills appropriately to usefully contributetothe group aims. | In this assignmentthere was either a tendency to avoid working with others or contributions to this group activitywerenot effective or constructive. | In this assignmentthere waseitheralack of contributions to the group or thecontributions made were unconstructive and made it harder for the grouptoachieve their aims. |
21. Self- presentation/ interpersonal skills | Creative and confident self- presentation and sophisticated interpersonalskills allow consistently appropriate and highly effective managementofthe situation in a manner(s) appropriate to the setting. | Adopts a highly confident style of self-presentation, employing an excellent range of interpersonalskills consistentwiththe individual’s aims and appropriate to the setting(s). | Demonstrates confidence and competence in choosing and presenting effectively in a style and with interpersonal skills which are appropriatetothe setting(s). | Can adopt both a formal and informal style well and uses basic interpersonal skills appropriatelyand consistently. | Demonstrates sound ability to adopt both a formal and informalstyleand uses basic interpersonalskillsbutdoesnot always match the needs of the situation appropriately. | Demonstrates some self- awarenessand/or interpersonal skills but at key moments the skills deployed didnotmatchthe needs of the situation. | Inthisworkself- awareness and appropriate interpersonal skills were not matched to the needs of the situation. |
22. Time management/ self- management | Meets deadlines. Sophisticated time management and planning strategies areusedeffectively to enhance the qualityofthework. | Meets deadlines. Plans well ahead. Sets self- determinedtargets and contingency plans allowing sufficient time to receive andact on guidance. | Meets deadlines. Plans and monitorsprogress toallowsufficient time for development of the work. | Makes plans and implementsthem in a satisfactory manner to meet deadlines. | Usuallymeets important deadlines. Exhibitslimited evidence of planning. | Some deadlines met, but most deadlinesmissed. Extremelylimited evidence of effective time management shown here. | Deadlinesnotor rarely met. Not yet demonstrating ability to make and implement plans. |
23. Independence/ autonomy (including planning and managing learning) | Within unfamiliar tasks, critically analyses feedback toidentifyareasof learning needing improvement. Manages own learning comprehensively usingafullrangeof resources which go beyond those readily available. | Identifieslearning needs by actively seeking out feedback from a range of sources and makes comprehensive and highly effective use of available resources. | Confidently identifieslearning needs and acts independently to improve performance. Is autonomous in utilising learning resources effectively. | Works independentlyand consistently. Accessesanduses a range oflearningresources and support. | Undertakes clearly directed work independently. Usesthestandard learning resources. | Demonstrates limitedabilityto work independently, needing significant guidance on methods and resources. | Has not yet demonstrated ability to work independently; needssignificant guidance on methods and resources. |
CRITERION | 100-80 Excellent | 79-70 Verygood | 69-60 Good | 59-50 Sound | 49-40 Satisfactory | 39-20 Fail | 19-0 Fail |
D.TRANSFERABLESKILLScontinued | |||||||
24. Reflection (includingself- criticism / awareness) | Highlyconfidently evaluates actions and situations showing a sophisticated awareness of own strengths and weaknesses which are clearly articulated, used, and acted on. Interrogates receivedopinion, prejudices and value sets operating. | Confidently reflects on own strengths and weaknesses and shows a sophisticated understanding of the criteria by which such judgements are made.Preparedto interrogate received opinion, prejudices and value sets operating. | Able to evaluate ownstrengthsand weaknesses and shows understanding of criteria for judgements. Prepared to questionreceived opinion, prejudices and value sets operating. | Demonstrates an understanding of the criteria set by others.Recognises own strengths and weaknesses. | Accurately applies but is dependent on criteria set by others.Beginsto recognise own strengths and weaknesses. | Work does not showconsistently accurate application of criteria set by others. Limited recognition of own strengthsand weaknesses. | Work does not apply criteria set by others or showrecognition of own strengths and weaknesses. May result in quite an inaccurateview ofthesituation. |
25. Critical review(tobe used in peer assessment) | Demonstrates sophisticated judgement and discrimination in utilising and providingdiverse sources of feedback. Offers insightful strategies for improvement. | Assesses and/or evaluates the work of others using a range of criteria. Provides an excellent rationale forjudgementsand offers critical insights into how work could be developed. | Effectively assesses and/or studiesthework of others and judges against existingcriteria, indicating possibilities for improvement. | Examinesworkof others and consistently identifies its strengths and weaknesses using existing criteria. | Comments in generaltermson the work of others. | Demonstrates limitedabilityto make reasoned comment on the work of others. | Has not yet demonstrated ability to make reasoned commentonthe work of others. |
CRITERION | 100-80 Excellent | 79-70 Verygood | 69-60 Good | 59-50 Sound | 49-40 Satisfactory | 39-20 Fail | 19-0 Fail |
26.Work | Developsspecific, | Developsspecific | Develops | Develops | Usesobjectives | Inadequate | Noattemptmade |
withina | achievable | achievable | achievable | objectives which | which are | attemptmade | heretoascertain |
framework of | objectives which | objectives with | objectives which | areconsistent with | consistentwith | heretoascertain | needsofclientele |
professional | show | some creativity | are consistent | professional | professional | needsofclientele | anddevelopa |
values /codeof | sophisticationand | which are | withprofessional | valuesand/orcode | valuesand/orcode | anddevelopa | workablebrief. |
conduct | creativity. | consistentwith | valuesand/or | ofconduct and | of conductbut are | workablebrief. | Hasnotworked |
Objectives are | professional values | codeofconduct | generally | setbythe | Limiteduseof | withinthe | |
fullyconsistent | and/orcode of | andappropriateto | appropriatetothe | clientele. Limited | professional | prescribed | |
withprofessional | conductand | the clientele. | clientele. | considerationof | valuesand/or | professional | |
valuesand/orcode | appropriatetothe | appropriateness | codeofconduct | valuesand/or | |||
ofconduct and | clientele. | andpracticability. | frameworks. | codeofconduct | |||
appropriatetothe | frameworkinthis | ||||||
clientele. | instance. |
27.Reflective practice | Confidently and consistently analyses practice by critically reflecting on personal contributionsand thatofothersand the rationale behind these. Demonstrates reflexiveawareness, articulating imaginative thinking about potential alternatives and their implications forfurtherpractice. | Confidently analyses personal contribution and that of others to practice through reflection and considers possibilities and theirconsequences in a range of contexts.Develops sophisticated and effective action plans. | Evaluates personal contributionand that of others to practice and develops consistent plans of action. | Demonstrates abilitytoevaluate own practice and that of others using several frames of reference. Considersfuture actions | Able to interpret ownpracticeand that of others basedonspecific frames of reference. Identifiessome future actions. | Limited interpretation of ownpracticeand that of others here.Asaresult, appropriate future action planning is extremely limited. | Incomplete or inaccurate interpretation of ownpracticeand that of others here.Asaresult, not yet able to plan any appropriate future actions. |
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