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COM7032M Artificial Intelligence Concepts Assignment Help
Artificial Intelligence Concepts Assignment Brief
Module Details......................................................................................................................... 1
Assignment Description......................................................................................................... 2
Learning Outcomes................................................................................................................. 3
Advice and Guidance.............................................................................................................. 3
How is this assessment marked?............................................................................................. 4
Marking Criteria........................................................................................................................ 6
ModuleDetails | |||
Modulecode: | COM7032M | Levelof Study: | 7 |
ModuleLeader(s): | Dr. Sahar Ahmadzadeh (Director) Dr.Shamsuddeen Muhammad(Seminar lead) | Credits:15 | |
Assessmentformat: | Portfolio (Anonymous) An artificial Intelligence portfolio ofvariousinstruments | Method of submission: | Turnitinwithin Moodle |
Deadline or AssessmentPeriod: | 19thDec2024, 12Noon | Feedbackdateand place: | 22ndJan2025,Turnitin within Moodle submission |
Assessmentlimits: length,load,wordcount, etc. | N/A | Componentnumber: | 1 |
Is this exempt from anonymousmarking underthepolicy? | No | Component weighting: | 100% |
AssignmentDescription |
Youarerequiredto completethebelow task:
IndividualAssignment:100Marks This coursework will assess your artificial intelligence-related skills in real life scenarios/problems. You must work on your coursework, for example building Intelligent Tutoring System for Math. The topics provided in the assignment (Math, Chemistry, etc.) areverybroad,soyoumustnarrowdownthetopictoasmallpartthatcanbesolved. For instance, teaching students how to calculate the area of different shapes, e.g., triangle, square, etc. Please make assumptions whenever needed to clarify and justify your point of view.
Deliverables: Each student is required to produce and submit through Moodle the following requirements. Areportinwordformat.Thisreportisexpectedtocontainthefollowing sections:
Here are some useful resources on how to do that, other resources can be found online:
ThemainpurposeofyourreportistodescribeyourITSandthestepscarriedoutto developit.However,youcandiscussmanyissues,forexampleyoucansummarise |
AssignmentDescription |
the current development in ITS in your selected domain and present the software process you have used to produce your ITS. The process should highlight the key requirements,designanddevelopmentphase,toolsused,lessonslearntandfuture developments for your work. It will be extremely useful to conclude with Analysis andReflection,whereyouasaknowledgeableresearcherinAIdomain,canpresent your analyticalreflection on how to maintain the system, manage itsevolution, and so on. |
LearningOutcomes |
YoumustsuccessfullyachievethefollowingLearningOutcomestopassthis assessment:
7.7Applystandards,qualityprocessesandengineeringprinciplestothesolutionof computer science problems |
Adviceand Guidance |
Howisthisassessmentmarked? |
Yourworkwillbemarkedaccordingtotheassessmentinstructionsprovidedwithinthisdocument and the selected Learning Outcomes’ (LOs) (see above). Furthermore, this assessment is marked using the assessment marking criteria or a similar rubric thatalignswiththeUniversity’sGenericAssessmentDescriptors(seebelow).1Thisistoensureall assessment decisions are comparable regardless of the discipline or mode of assessment.
Please note that you must meet the required baseline standards (50 – 59%) which will include the LOs and minimum expectations of the assessment. Further still, you must ensure you meet the requirements of each grade boundary to progress to the next, i.e., you should demonstrate your learning throughthe standards of the Pass, Merit and Distinction to reacha Distinction (70 – 84%). Thesestandardsaredesignedtoscaffoldandbuildyourlearningtoachieveyourfullestpotentialin each criterion being assessed. |
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AdditionalInformation |
If you require support with your study skills, please visit |
AssessmentRegulations |
Please refer to the York St John University Code of Practice for Assessment and Academic Related Matters 2022-23.
We ask that you pay particular attention to the academic misconduct policy. Penalties will be applied where a student is found guilty of academic and/or ethical misconduct, including termination of programme (Policy Link).
Youarerequired to keep tothewordlimit setforanassessmentand tonotethatyoumaybe subjecttopenaltyifyouexceedthatlimit.Youarerequiredtoprovideanaccuratewordcount on the cover sheet for each piece of work you submit (Policy Link).
For late or non-submission of work by the published deadline or an approved extended deadline,amarkof0NSwillberecorded.Whereare-assessmentopportunityexists,astudent willnormallybepermittedonlyoneattempttobere-assessedforacappedmark(PolicyLink).
An extension to the published deadline may be granted to an individual student if they meet the eligibility criteria of the (Policy Link). Pleaseseetheassessmentcriteria below. |
1Arubricisa typeofscoringguidethatmarkersuseto setoutspecific componentsand expectationsforanassignmentfortheirstudents.It is then used to guide the marking they undertake.
Deliverable | Skills Criteria | Description | Marks(%) |
1. Introduction | ThinkingSkills | Introduce the project, explaining the relevance of your ITS and the problemitaddresses.Learnershould demonstrate good knowledge of AI algorithms Techniques. Learners should provide a rationale for the choicestheyhavemade. | 10 |
2.ProjectPlan | Professional Conventions | Provideaprojectplan,detailingroles, responsibilities, milestones, and project management approaches. | 10 |
3.LiteratureReview | ResearchSkills | ReviewexistingITSs,critiquetheir structure, mechanisms, and knowledge representation in your chosen domain. | 10 |
4. Your Intelligent TutoringSystem(ITS) Description &Development | ThinkingSkills And Practical and Professional LearningSkills | Description Learner should identify the requirements for The Intelligent Tutoring System (Ontology & Application).Describethestepsin developing your ITS, including ontology creation, interface development, and limitations. Development Create a domain-specific ontology using Protégé, covering key concepts andrelationshipsinyoursubjectarea. User Interface Development Developafunctionaluserinterface using Java, Python, etc., which interactswiththeontologytoguide the user. Integration and Functionality Ensure that the interface properly communicateswiththeontologyand provides a seamless learning experience. | 15
5 |
5. Conclusion | ThinkingSkills | Summarize the project outcome, lessonslearned,andpotentialfuture improvements. | 10 |
6. References | Professional Conventions | Provide a complete and correctly formattedlistofreferencesusingthe Harvard referencing style. | 10 |
MarkingCriteria |
PassGradeBands(100–50)(LearningOutcomesmustbe met) FailGradeBands(49–0)(LearningOutcomesarenotmet) Assessors, pleaseinsertyourownassessmentmarkingcriteriarelevantthismodulewhichprovidesfurtherdetailanddisciplinaryspecificity, etc. For more information on how to use the GAD to guide your assessment marking criteria visit Marking Criteria. |
Criteria | Pass(50–59) | Merit (60–69) | Distinction(70– 84) | Distinction(85–100) | BorderlineFail(45 - 49) | Fail(30-44) | Fail(0-29) | Marks |
Introduction (ThinkingSkills) | Basic understandingof AI techniques with a simple rationale for choices. | Good understandingofAI techniques with a clear and logical rationale. | Comprehensive understanding of AItechniqueswith well-reasoned rationale for all choices. | OutstandinginsightintoAI techniques with strong, insightful rationale. | Limited understanding of AItechniqueswith weak rationale. | Poor understandingof AI techniques with flawed rationale. | Nounderstanding of AI techniques or rationale provided. | 10 Marks |
ProjectPlan (Professional Conventions) | The project plan includes basic roles, responsibilities, and milestones but lacks detail or clarity in some areas. Project management approaches are present but may beunderdevelopedor inconsistently applied.Timelines are provided but may besomewhat vague orunrealistic,with milestones that are either too broadlydefinedor not wellconnected to the overall project objectives. | The project plan covers most roles andresponsibilities, withkeymilestones identified. The use of project management tools and techniques is soundbutmaylack depth in certain areas, such as risk management or adaptation strategies. Timelines aremostly realistic, but some milestones may not be well- defined.Overall,the plan is functionalbut could benefit from more clarity or detail. | Theprojectplanis thorough and clearly structured, coveringmost roles, responsibilities, and milestones in great detail. Appropriateproject management techniques are used, andtimelines are realistic. Theremaybeminorgaps in detailing risk management or contingency plans, but overall, the projectplaniswell- considered and actionable. The plan demonstrates strong time management and task delegation skills. | The project plan is highly detailed and well-organized, covering all roles, responsibilities, and milestones with exceptional clarity. Includes comprehensive project management approaches (e.g.,Agile,Waterfall,orGantt charts), timelines, risk management strategies, and contingency plans. There is evidence of strong forward planningandadaptability,with clear assignment of tasks to individuals.Everymilestoneis clearly defined, achievable, and logically sequenced. | The project plan includes only minimal roles and responsibilities,with fewmilestones identified. Project management techniques are either not present or are poorly developed,andthe plan lacks clear timelines or risk management strategies. Milestonesmaybe overly broad or unclear, making it difficult to track project progress effectively. | Theprojectplan is incomplete, with little to no mentionofroles, responsibilities, or milestones. There is little evidenceof project management approaches,and timelines are vagueorabsent. The plan does not offer a coherent structure for tracking progress, and key project phases are missing. | The project planis either missingor extremely underdeveloped, with no mentionof roles, responsibilities,or milestones.There is no evidence of any project management strategies or timelines, andthe plan shows no meaningful attemptatforward planning. | 10 Marks |
Literature Review (ResearchSkills) | Able to create a functional AI algorithm with basicsampledata | Goodtechnical ability: AI with relevant data; effectiveuseof software | Strong technical skills; well- populated AI algorithm; and effectivelyretrieve complex information. | Exceptional technical skills: AI algorithmiswell-optimizedwith advanced software; system thoroughly tested and secure. | Limitedtechnical ability:AIalgorithm is incomplete or lackssampledata. | Poor technical ability: AI algorithmisnon- functional or lacks necessary data. | No technical ability demonstrated;no AI algorithm or analysis created. | 10 Marks |
Your Intelligent Tutoring System(ITS) Description &Development (ThinkingSkills And Practical and Professional LearningSkills) | Basic identification of requirements; schema design with minimal Intelligent TutoringSystem (Ontology &Application. The ontology covers basic concepts and relationships relevant to the subject domain but lacks depth and completeness. Certain key relationships maybemissing, or the structure maybeunclear.
The interface is functional but may be rudimentary or less user- friendly. Basic interactionswith theontologyare possible,butthe overall design lacks polish or sophistication. | Goodidentification of requirements; schema design with focus on Deployment of the system to the production environment to compliance with security standards andbestpractices. The ontology includes most key concepts and relationships relevant to the subject domain. Whilethestructure is generally clear, somerelationships maybe missing or underdeveloped.
The user interface is functional but may lack some advancedfeatures orbelessintuitive. Itinteractswiththe ontology, but the design could be improved in terms of usability or visual appeal.
The interface communicates | Thorough requirements identificationfor Deployment of thesystemtothe production environment to compliance with security standards and best practices.
The ontology is comprehensive, coveringmostkeyconcepts and relationships with a high degree of accuracy. The structureislogical and supports effective interaction with the ITS.
The user interfaceis functional and easytonavigate. It integrates well withtheontology and provides a good user experience. All key features are present, though there may be minor room for | Exceptional identification of requirements; schema fully deployment of the system to theproductionenvironmentto compliance with security standards and best practices with advanced optimization. The ontology is highly comprehensive, covering all relevant concepts and relationshipswithexceptional clarity. Demonstrates deep understanding of the subject domain, and the ontology is structured effectively for use inanITS.Includesadvanced features such as constraints, properties, and custom classes.
Exceptional UI: Highly intuitive,visuallyappealing, and fully functional. Demonstrates a user- centereddesignthatallows seamless navigation, interactive feedback, and clear interaction with the ontology. All required functionalities are present, and additional advanced features may be implemented.
Flawlessintegration: The interface | Incomplete identification of requirements; schema lacks properdeployment of the system to the production environment to compliance with security standards andbestpractices.
The ontology includessome keyconcepts,but it lacks coherence, and severalimportant relationships are missing. The structure may be poorly organized.
MinimalUI: The interfaceallows for basic interactionswith theontologybut isnotintuitiveor aesthetically pleasing. Many functionalities may be underdeveloped or missing. | Poor requirements identification; weak schema design and lack ofdeploymentof the system tothe production environment to compliance with security standards and best practices. Theontologyis incomplete,with many criticalconcepts and relationships either missing or incorrectly represented. The overall structure is unclearand difficult to follow.
Theinterfaceis either non- functional or severelylacking in key features. It provideslittleor no meaningful interaction with the ontology, and the design | Noidentification ofrequirements; no schema or deployment of the system to the production environment to compliancewith security standards and best practices.
The ontology is either non- existent or includesveryfew conceptsandrelationships,with no discernible structure. Littleto no effort is shownindomain representation.
Non-functional UI: The user interfaceis missing or so incompletethat it does not enable any meaningful interactionwith the ontology. | 50 Marks |
The interface communicates with the ontology but may sufferfrom occasional inefficiencies, errors, or lags. Theoveralluser experiencemay feel somewhat disjointed. | adequately with the ontology, though some interactionsmay feel slightly sluggishor inefficient.Some minor technical problems may arise, but they don’t severely impact usability. | improvementin aesthetics or usability.
Strongintegration: The interface communicates effectively with the ontology, though minor inefficienciesmay exist.Overall,the userinteractionis smooth,withonly occasionaldelays orsmalltechnical issues. | communicates seamlessly with the ontology.Interactions between the UI and ontologyaresmooth, with no noticeable delaysorissues.The system operates efficiently with high responsiveness and appropriatefeedback mechanisms. | Substandard integration:The interface struggles to communicate effectively with the ontology, resultingin frequentlagsor technicalissues thatsignificantly affect user interaction. | isconfusingor unresponsive.
Majorintegration issues: The interfacefailsto communicate properly with the ontology. Errors,lags,or crashes are common, and the system is largely unusable. | No integration: The interface does not communicate withtheontology at all, or it is so broken that the system cannot be used. | ||
Conclusion (ThinkingSkills) | The project outcome is summarized adequately, but somekeyaspects may be missingor not fully explained. The lessons learned are present but lacksignificant depth or critical reflection. Future improvementsare mentioned but may be vague, lackingspecific suggestions or clear rationale for how they would enhance the project. | The projectoutcome is summarized well, covering the major aspects of the project.Thelessons learned show adequate reflection on both technical and project management aspects,though the depthofinsightmay be limited. Future improvements are identified, but they may be somewhat general or lack detailedjustification.Overall, the summary provides a solid overview of the project with roomfor further elaboration. | The project outcome is summarized thoroughly, with a clear explanation of key achievementsand challenges faced duringtheproject. The lessons learned demonstratea strong level of reflection, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement. Future improvementsare well thought out and feasible, showing a good understanding of potential next steps and areas that could be enhanced. | The project outcome is summarized in a highly insightful and comprehensive manner. Key achievements, challenges, and solutions are clearly identified and critically evaluated. The lessons learned are deeply reflective, showing profound understanding and self- awareness of both technical and non-technical aspects. Future improvements are innovative, realistic, and well- justified, showing excellent foresight and planning for potentialprojectextensionsor refinements. | The project outcome is summarized in a minimal way, with little detail on key accomplishmentsorchallenges.The lessons learned are either very basic or unclear, showing limited reflection on the projectexperience. Future improvements are mentioned in passing but lack any meaningful detail or justification. The summary lacks cohesionand depth. | The project outcome ispoorly summarized,with critical aspects either missing or inaccurately described.There is little to no reflection on the lessonslearned, andanymention of future improvements is superficial or irrelevant. The summary demonstrates minimal engagement withtheproject’s successes or challenges. | The project outcomeiseither not summarized or is so incompletethatit lacks any meaningful information. There is no mention of lessons learned, and future improvementsare either non- existent or irrelevant. The summary shows no understanding or engagement with the project. | 10 marks |
References (Professional Conventions) | Basic reportwith some structure; Harvardcitations areusedbutwith errors. | Well-structured report;Harvard citationsmostly accurate;some visualappealin presentation. | Professionally structuredreport; accurateHarvard citations; results presentedclearly and attractively. | Exceptionallywell-organized and clear report; perfect Harvard citations; highly informative and visually appealing presentation. | Reportlacksclear structure;Harvard citations poorly applied. | Reportispoorly organized; citations are incorrect or missing. | No report or citationsprovided; presentationis confusing or absent. | 10 marks |
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