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Institute of Management Studies Assignment help
Institute of Management Studies (IMS) Assignment Information Form
Assignment information:
In this assignment, you are required to develop a new psychometric measurement scale. You are not required to run statistical analyses on actual data for this assignment, it is a conceptual assignment focused on the theoretical aspects of scale design. However, there is the opportunity to learn how to use artificial intelligence to see how well your items match your scale. Please answer the following questions.
i)Choose a concept that you wish to measure with a psychometric scale e.g., consumer emotional engagement, brand personality, employee engagement, etc. Your scale should measure one over- arching concept and between two to five sub-concepts. Cleary define your scale and sub-scales. Give your scale a name!
10 marks
ii)Conduct a literature review on your topic using articles from Google scholar. Who has tried this before and how is your work different? Discuss other similar scales that exist, and how your scale is similar and different to other scales, along with what the causes and consequences of the scale you are designing are likely to be, i.e., in other words, use a literature review to describe the ‘nomological network’ of your concept.
10 marks
iii)Choose a questionnaire response format and justify your choice. e.g., Likert scale, slider scale, forced choice. Write 10 items that could appear in each of your scale’s sub-scales. Scramble your items up and, without looking at where they come from, try to allocate them back to their dimensions. Report how accurately you can make these allocations. Are there any changes that you would make to your items based on how well easily you could allocate items? Please watch the video on how I do this, including using A.I transformers in case you wish to try this.
10 marks
iv)Discuss a plan for data collection and statistical analyses that you would undertake to check that your scale functions in a reliable manner (i.e., using the two forms of reliability we have discussed, internal consistency and test-retest reliability).
10 marks
Referencing style: Harvard
Submission details:
Please submit via the online link that will be on the module page one week prior to submission and include the following information on the front page of your submission:
Student ID number
Programme of study (e.g., MSc Consumer Behaviour)
Module (i.e., Training, Coaching and Counselling)
Assignment title
Word count
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Marking scheme:
Marking for PGT students will be in accordance with the general IMS PGT rubric:
1.Answer. (Does the work answer the question or address the issue?)
2.Structure. (Is the general structure of the work coherent?)
3.Flow. (Does each statement follow sensibly from its predecessor?)
4.Argument. (Is there a convincing quality of argument in the work?)
5.Evidence. (Are claims supported by relevant evidence from the literature?)
For further information on the specifics of these rubrics, and expectations for writing at different grade levels, please refer to your programme handbooks. In addition, for further clarification on the principles of good academic writing, please refer to the resources from the IMS study skills page on the VLE.
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