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Undergraduate Major Project Assignment help
Intellectual, practical, affective and transferrable skills. Communicate effectively in a form appropriate to the topic and produce detailed and coherentwork.Assessment ReflectiveProject Assessmentcode: 011 Academic Year: 2024/2025 Trimester: 1 ModuleTitle: UndergraduateMajorProject(LeadershipinPractice) ModuleCode: MOD009210 Level: 6 ModuleLeader: AnneConneally Weighting: 70% WordLimit: 4,000words AssessedLearning Outcomes Submission Deadline: PleaserefertotheVLE.
- Thisassignmentmustbecompletedindividually.
- AllcoursesofstudymustusetheARUHarvardreferencingsystemforwritten assessments, apart fromLLB/LLM courses where OSCOLA should beapplied.
- Your work must indicate the number of words you have used.Written assignmentsmustnotexceedthespecifiedmaximumnumberofwords. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond theword limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
- Assignmentsubmissionsaretobemadeanonymously.Donotwriteyour name anywhere on your work.
- WriteyourstudentIDnumberatthetopofeverypage.
- Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must besubmitted in a single document.
- Youmustnumberallpages.
- In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late –if your work is submitted on the same day as the deadline by midnight, your mark will receive a 10% penalty. If you submit your workuptoTWOworkingdaysafterthepublishedsubmissiondeadline– it will be accepted and marked.However, the element of the module’s assessmenttowhich the workcontributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%.
- Work cannot be submitted if the period of 2 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.
- Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other cause considered valid bytheDirector of StudiesTeam. A requestmustnormallybereceivedandagreedby theDirectorofStudiesTeaminwritingatleast24hourspriortothe deadline.
Exceptional Circumstances: The deadline for submission of exceptional circumstances in relation to this assignment is no later than five working daysafter the submission date of this work. Please contact the Director of StudiesTeam - Students will need to provide evidence to support theirECclaim.See rules6.112–6.141:
Reflectingonyourownexperienceofleadingyourselfandothersandusing conceptualandtheoreticalunderpinningsofleadership:
- Identifytwo of thebelow attributesand skills you thinkaremost important to your industry and offer a critical justification as to why you think these are important for success.
- Technical
- Creativity
- Collaborative
- Self-Control
Based on what you have chosen and through analysis and application:
Youwillproduceapersonalcareerdevelopmentplan.Thisplanwillprovide solutionstoenhanceyourleadershipattributesandskillsintheshortand medium term.
Yourdevelopmentplanwillbesupportedbyacademicliteratureaswell as analytical models. Through your plan, you should demonstrate your ability to critique as well as analyse your development.
Northouse,P.G.(2020)Leadership:theoryandpractice.9thed,.LosAngles: SAGE
Askeland,H.,Espedal,G.,JelstadLøvaas,B.andSirris,S.,(2020).Understanding ValuesWork:InstitutionalPerspectivesinOrganizationsandLeadership.[e-book] Cham: Springer Nature.
Deal,T.E.andKennedy,A.A.(1982).,CorporateCultures:theritesandritualsof corporate life, Harmondsworth, Penguin
Dinandt,P.,andWestley,R.,(2021)..Businessleadershipunderfire:ninestepsto rescue and transformorganizations. [e-book]1st ed. London: London Publishing Partnership
Dwyer, S.,(2023). People Behave Badly : Stanford Social Innovation Review. Stanford:StanfordSocialInnovationReview,StanfordUniversity.21(2)pp.89-91.
Hayes,J.(2014),TheTheoryandPracticeofChangeManagement(4thEd).London, Palgrave Macmillan
Johannessen, J., (2020). Knowledge management for leadership and communication:AI,innovationandthedigitaleconomy.[e-book]Bingley,England: Emerald Publishing.
Northouse,P.G.,(2015).Introductionto leadership:concepts andpractice. [e-book] Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications Inc.
Ong,M.,Ashford,S.J.andBindl,U.K.,(2023)Thepowerofreflectionforwould‐be leaders:Investigatingindividualworkreflectionanditsimpactonleadershipin teams.JournalofOrganizationalBehaviour, 44(1),pp.19-41.
Parker,P.,Hall,D.T.,(Kram,K.E.andWasserman,I.C.,(2018).PeerCoachingat Work:Principles andPractices. [e-book]Redwood City:Stanford UniversityPress.
Tipuric,D.,(2022).TheEnactmentofStrategicLeadership:ACriticalPerspective. [e- book] Cham: Springer Natur
Trompenaars,F.& Hampden-Turner(2003).,RidingTheWavesofCulture: UnderstandingCultural Diversity in Business,London-UK, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2ndEdition
Waldman,D.A.,(2020).Leadershipfororganizations.[e-book]1sted.LosAngeles, California: SAGE
Journal of Management Journal of Marketing
Journal of Organisational Behaviour Reflective Practice
Please note that the sources listed are expected for your written assessment. Thesesourceswillbepartofthemodule,andtheircontentisdeemednecessary to produce a relevant assessment. Module markers will expect to see them integratedintoyourworkandappropriatelyreferenced.
Failuretoincludethesesourcesmayresultina“VivaVoce”meetingduringwhich you would berequired to explain yourwork and yourreasonsfornot including these key sources.
Itishighlyadvisedthatyoubuildyourleadershipportfolioofleadingselfand othersfromDay1ofthismodule.Thiscanbeintheformofa diary,afilesaved onyourlaptop,oranyothermeanswherebyyoubegintorecord,reflect,recall and act.
ASSESSMENTMARKINGRUBRIC Theworkwillbeassessedinanintegrativemannerasindicatedinthemarkingrubric,thatis consistentwithAnglia RuskinUniversitygenericassessmentcriteria andmarkingstandards | ||||||||
Criteria/Grade | 0-29%: | 30-39%: | 40-49%: | 50-59%: | 60-69%: | 70-79%: | 80-89%: | 90-100%: |
LO1Knowledgeand | Deficient/no knowledgebase Core concepts and theoretical underpinningof leadershipismissing Whole question not addressed Application to the modern world is not present | Knowledgeand Understandingis limited Coreconceptsand theoretical underpinningsof leadershipis limited Applicationtothe modern word is limited.Anumber oflimited examplesare provided | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand understandingis exceptional Core concepts and theoretical underpinningsof leadershipare exceptional Application to the modern world is exceptional.Anumber ofexceptional examplesareprovided |
Understanding | Understandingis | understandingis | understandingis | understandingis | understandingis | |||
Understand the | adequate | sound | good | excellent | outstanding | |||
conceptualandtheoretical | Coreconcepts | Coreconcepts | Coreconcepts | Coreconcepts and | Coreconcepts and | |||
underpinningofleadership | andtheoretical | andtheoretical | andtheoretical | theoretical | theoretical | |||
andtheirapplicationtothe | underpinningsof | underpinningsof | underpinningsof | underpinningsof | underpinningsof | |||
modernworld | leadershipis | leadershipis | leadershipis | leadershipis | leadershipare | |||
adequate | sound | good. | excellentApplication | outstanding | ||||
tothemodernworld | ||||||||
Applicationtothe | Applicationtothe | Applicationtothe | isexcellent.A | Applicationtothe | ||||
modernworldis | modernworldis | modernworldis | numberofexcellent | modernworldis | ||||
adequate.A | sound.Anumber | good.Anumber | examples are | excellent. Anumberof | ||||
numberof | ofsound | ofgoodquality | provided | outstandingexamples | ||||
adequate | examplesare | examplesare | areprovided | |||||
examplesare | provided | provided | ||||||
provided | ||||||||
20marks | 0-5 | 6-7 | 8-9 | 10-11 | 12-13 | 14-15 | 16-17 | 18-20 |
LO2Knowledgeand | Deficient/no | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand |
Understanding | knowledgebase | understandingis | understandingis | understandingis | understandingis | understandingis | understandingis | understandingis |
Collect,organise,interpret |
Nocollection, | limited | adequate | sound | good | excellent. | outstanding. | exceptional |
andsynthesiseinformation | organization, | Informationfroma | Informationfroma | Informationfrom | Informationfrom | Informationfroma | Informationfroma | Informationfroma |
fromavarietyof | synthesisof | varietyof | varietyof | avarietyof | avarietyof | varietyofresources | varietyofresourceshas | varietyofresourceshas |
appropriate resources, | information. | resourceshas | resourceshas | resourceshas | resourceshas | hasbeencollected, | beencollected, | beencollected, |
acting autonomously, with minimalsupervision | A variety of resourcesisnot present Noautonomyover work | beencollected, organised, interpretedand synthesised in a limitedmanner Autonomyover work is limited | beencollected, organised, interpretedand synthesised in an adequatemanner Autonomyinover ofadequate | beencollected, organised, interpretedand synthesisedina soundmanner Autonomyof workissound | beencollected, organised, interpretedand synthesisedina goodmanner Autonomyof workis good | organised, interpretedand synthesised in an excellentmanner Autonomy of work is excellent | organised,interpreted and synthesised in an outstanding manner. Autonomy of work is outstanding | organised,interpreted and synthesised in an exceptionalmanner.
Autonomy of work is exceptional |
15marks | 0-4 | 5 | 6-7 | 8 | 9-10 | 11 | 12-13 | 14-15 |
Noappropriate | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | Knowledgeand | |
techniques,methods | understandingis | understandingis | understandingis | understandingis | understandingare | understandingis | understandingis | |
LO3:Knowledgeand | ordevelopment | limited. | adequate. | sound. | good | excellent. | outstanding | exceptional |
Understanding | strategiesare | |||||||
Identify,selectandjustify the use of appropriate techniques,methodsand developmentstrategies | present.No identification, selectionor justificationofsuch. | Limited identification, selection, justificationof appropriate techniques, | Limited identification, selection, justificationof appropriate techniques, | Sound identification, selection, justificationof appropriate techniques, | Good identification, selection, justificationof appropriate techniques, | Excellent identification, selection,justification ofappropriate techniques,methods anddevelopment | Outstanding identification,selection, justificationof appropriatetechniques, methods and developmentstrategies | Exceptional identification,selection, justificationof appropriatetechniques, methods and developmentstrategies |
methodsand | methodsand | methodsand | methodsand | strategies | ||||
development | development | development | development | |||||
strategies | strategies | strategies | strategies | |||||
15marks | 0-4 | 5 | 6-7 | 8 | 9-10 | 11 | 12-13 | 14-15 |
LO4 Intellectual, practical and transferable skills | Deficientknowledge base. No reflection onpersonal strengths.Not applied to own development.No insights given. No developmentplan present | Intellectual practiceand transferableskills | Intellectual practiceand transferableskills | Intellectual practiceand transferableare | Intellectual practiceand transferableskills | Intellectualpractice andtransferable skills are present in an excellent manner Reflectionon personalstrengths andvulnerabilities usinganalytical modelsisexcellent Solutions created for graduateemploymentare excellent. Anexcellent developmentplanis present | Intellectualpractice andtransferable skills arepresentinan | Intellectualpractice andtransferrableskills arepresentinan |
Reflect on personal strengthsand vulnerabilitiesusing analytical models and create solutions in preparationforgraduate employability | arepresentina limitedmanner Reflectionon personalstrengths andvulnerabilities usinganalytical modelsislimited | arepresentinan adequatemanner Reflectionon personal strengthsand vulnerabilities usinganalytical | present in a soundmanner Reflectionon personal strengthsand vulnerabilities usinganalytical | arepresentina goodmanner Reflectionon personal strengthsand vulnerabilities usinganalytical | outstandingmanner.
Reflectiononpersonal strengthsand vulnerabilitiesusing analytical models is outstanding | exceptionalmanner.
Reflectiononpersonal strengthsand vulnerabilitiesusing analytical models are exceptional | ||
Solutionscreated forgraduate employmentare limited | modelsis adequate Solutionscreated forgraduate employmentare | modelsissound Solutionscreated forgraduate employmentare sound | modelsisgood
Solutionscreated forgraduate employmentare good. | Solutionscreatedfor graduateemployment are outstanding. An outstanding development plan is present | Solutions created for graduateemployment are exceptional. An exceptional development plan is present | |||
Difficultto | adequate.An | |||||||
understandareas | adequate |
where developmenthas occured | developmentplan ispresent. | Asound development planispresent. | Agood development planispresent | |||||
40Marks | 0-11 | 12-15 | 16-19 | 20-23 | 24-27 | 28-31 | 32-35 | 36-40 |
LO5:Intellectual, practical,affectiveand transferrableskills | Very weak academic referencingskills; Harvardreferencing not followed or missing.Major omissions of many references.The hierarchy of sources is not evident. Deficient/no evidence of use of learningresources | The student has demonstrated weakacademic skills with many omissionsor wrongreferences throughout. Likelytohavelittle or no reference to the hierarchy of sources.Limited use of learning resources | Thestudenthas demonstrated adequate academicskills | Thestudenthas demonstrated soundacademic skills and has someomissions andsome incorrect referencing. Harvardstyle mostly followed withsome lapses. There is some evidenceof referencingthe hierarchy of sources.Sound managementof learningresources | Thestudenthas demonstrated goodacademic skills and has someomissions andsome incorrect referencing. Harvardstyle mostly followed withsome lapses. There is some evidenceof referencingthe hierarchy of sources.Good managementof learningresources |
Thestudenthas demonstrated excellentacademic | The student has demonstrated outstandingacademic skillswithnoomissions throughout.Harvard referencingis consistentwithobvious originality of sources that exceeds the assessment expectations. Outstanding managementof learningresources | The student has demonstrated exceptionalacademic skills and has extraordinaryoriginality and autonomy of sources.Exceptional managementof learningresources |
Communicateeffectively | andmayormay | skillswithno | ||||||
inaformappropriateto | nothave | omissions | ||||||
thetopicandproduce | omissionsor | throughout.Harvard | ||||||
detailedandcoherent | incorrect | referencingis | ||||||
work | referencing. | consistent | ||||||
Harvardstyleis | throughout and may | |||||||
followedbutlikely | ormaynothave | |||||||
notconsistent.It | someoriginalityof | |||||||
mayormay not | sourcesthatexceed | |||||||
document | theassessment | |||||||
referencetothe | criteriaandclearly | |||||||
hierarchyof | demonstratethe | |||||||
sources. | hierarchyofsources. | |||||||
Adequateuseof | Excellent | |||||||
learningresources | managementof | |||||||
withlittle | learningresources | |||||||
autonomy | ||||||||
10Marks | 0-2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9-10 |
Level 6 is characterised by an expectation of students’ increasing autonomy in relation to their studyanddevelopingskillsets.Studentsareexpectedtodemonstrateproblemsolvingskills, both theoretical and practical. This is supported by an understanding of appropriate theory; creativity of expression and thought based in individual judgement; and the ability to seek out, invoke, analyse and evaluate competing theories or methods of working in a critically constructive and open manner. Output is articulate, coherent and skilled in the appropriate medium, with some students producing original or innovative work in their specialism. | |||
Mark Bands |
Outcome | CharacteristicsofStudentAchievementbyMarkingBandforARU’s GenericLearningOutcomes(AcademicRegulations,Section2) | |
Knowledge& Understanding | Intellectual (thinking),Practical,Affectiveand TransferableSkills | ||
100% |
Achieves module outcome(s) | Exceptional information base exploring and analysingthediscipline,its theory and ethical issues with extraordinary originalityand autonomy. Work may be considered forpublicationwithinARU | Exceptionalmanagementoflearningresources, with a higher degree of autonomy/exploration that clearly exceeds the assessment brief. Exceptional structure/ accurate expression. Demonstrates intellectual originalityand imagination. Exceptional team/practical/professional skills.Work may be considered for publication within ARU |
89% |
Outstanding information base exploring and analysingthediscipline,its theory and ethical issues with clear originality and autonomy | Outstanding management of learning resources, with a degree of autonomy/explorationthatclearlyexceedsthe assessment brief. An exemplar of structured/accurateexpression.Demonstrates intellectualoriginalityandimagination. Outstanding team/practical/professional skills |
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79% | Excellentknowledgebase that supports analysis, evaluation and problem- solving in theory/ practice/ethics of discipline with considerable originality | Excellentmanagementoflearningresources, with degree of autonomy/research that may exceed the assessment brief. Structured and creative expression. Excellent academic/ intellectual skills and practical/team/ professional/ problem-solvingskills | |
69% | Good knowledge base that supports analysis, evaluation and problem- solving in theory/ practice/ethics ofdiscipline with some originality | Goodmanagementoflearningresources,with consistent self-directed research. Structured and accurate expression. Good academic/intellectual skills and team/practical/professional/problemsolving skills | |
59% | Sound knowledge base that supports some analysis, evaluation and problem-solving in theory/practice/ethics of discipline | Sound management of learning resources. Some autonomy in research but inconsistent. Structured and mainly accurate expression. Sound level of academic/ intellectual skills going beyond description at times. Sound team/practical/professional/problem-solving skills | |
49% |
Amarginal pass in module outcome(s) | Adequate knowledge base with some omissions at the levelofethical/theoretical issues. Restricted ability to discuss theory and/or or solveproblemsindiscipline | Adequateuseoflearningresourceswithlittle autonomy. Some difficulties with academic/ intellectualskills.Somedifficultywith structure/ accuracy in expression, but evidence of developing team/practical/professional/problem-solving skills |
39% | Amarginal fail in module outcome(s) .Satisfies default qualifying mark |
Limited knowledge base. Limited understanding of discipline/ethical issues. Difficultywiththeoryand problemsolvingindiscipline | Limiteduseoflearningresources.Unableto workautonomously.Littleinputtoteams. Limited academic/ intellectual skills. Still mainlydescriptive.Generaldifficultywith structure/ accuracy in expression. Practical/ professional/problem-solvingskillsthatarenot yet secure |
29% |
Fails to achieve module outcome(s) Qualifying mark not satisfied | Little evidence of knowledge base. Little evidence of understanding ofdiscipline/ethicalissues. Significantdifficultywith theoryandproblemsolving in discipline | Littleevidenceofuse oflearningresources. Unabletoworkautonomously.Littleinputto teams. Little evidence of academic/ intellectualskills.Worksignificantlydescriptive. Significantdifficultywithstructure/accuracyin expression. Littleevidence of practical/professional/ problem-solving skills |
19% | Deficientknowledgebase. Deficientunderstandingof discipline/ethical issues. Major difficulty with theory and problem solving in discipline | Deficientuseoflearningresources.Unableto workautonomously.Deficientinputtoteams. Deficient academic/intellectual skills. Work significantlydescriptive.Majordifficultywith structure/accuracy in expression. Deficient practical/professional/problem-solving skills | |
9% | Noevidenceofknowledge base; no evidence of understanding of discipline/ethical issues. Total inability with theory and problem solving in discipline | No evidence of use of learning resources. Completely unable to work autonomously. No evidenceofinputto teams. Noevidenceof academic/intellectual skills. Work wholly descriptive.Incoherentstructure/accuracyand expression. No evidence of practical/professional/ problem-solving skills | |
0% | Awardedfor:(i)non-submission;(ii)dangerouspracticeand;(iii)insituations wherethestudentfailstoaddresstheassignmentbrief(eg:answersthewrong question) and/or related learning outcomes |
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