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UoS BABS L4 T1 CBE Assignment Help
Contemporary Business Environment Assignment Help
In partnership with the University of Suffolk
BABS Assignment
Assignment Brief
Course/Programme: | BABS | |||
Level: | 4 | |||
Module Title: | Contemporary Business Environment | |||
Module Leader: | Febiha Khan | |||
Assignment titles: | Evaluating the contemporary business environment | |||
Assignment number: | 1 | |||
Weighting: | 100% | |||
Date given out: | February 2025 | |||
Submission date: | 7th April 2025 | |||
Eligible for late submission (3 working days, with penalty)? | Yes | |||
Method of submission: | X | Online only | Online and paper copy | |
Special instructions for submission (if any): | ||||
Date for results and feedback: | ||||
Employability skills assessed: | X | |||
Learning outcomes assessed: | X |
Referencing: | In the main body of your submission, you must give credit to authors on whose research your work is based. Append to your submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles, etc. that you have read or quoted in order to complete this assignment (e.g., for books: surname of author and initials, year of publication, title of book, edition, publisher: place of publication). |
| Please include the following statement on the title page of the submitted assignment, followed by your name: I declare that this assignment is all my own work and that I have acknowledged all materials used from the published or unpublished works of other people. All references have been duly cited. |
All assignments must be submitted to Turnitin. Note: the Turnitin version is the primary submission and acts as a receipt for the student. Late submission of the electronic version of the assignment will result in a late penalty mark. Penalties for late submission: Up to 72 hours late, maximum mark of 40%. Over 72 hours late, Refer. Only the UoS Extenuating Circumstances Panel may grant an extension. Requests for extensions must be submitted 5 days BEFORE the submission deadline |
The grade awarded for this piece of work remains provisional until ratified by LSC Exam Board.
Word limit:3000
Assessment criteria: see grading criteria
Learning Outcomes tested (from module descriptor) | Assessment CriteriaTo achieve each outcome a student must demonstrate the ability to: |
Demonstrate an understanding on the key elements of the internal environment of organisations and the interaction with the external environment. (LO1)
Identify how a market economy functions and the role of government within it.(LO2) |
Examine the economic environment within which businesses operate in the United Kingdom. (LO3) |
Examine the global business environment and explain why countries benefit from trade with each other. (LO4)
Understand the growing impact of the European Union on British business. (LO5) |
TASK DESCRIPTION: Individual Report |
The assessment requires a comprehensive company appraisal of an international business operating within the UK. You are expected to select an appropriate organization and conduct thorough research using a variety of academic, industry, and corporate sources to support your analysis. This will enable you to critically examine relevant theories, concepts, and models, and demonstrate how these are applied in the practical context of your chosen organization,
- Explain the four main market structures and identify and analyse the one that describes the chosen business (approx. 700words) (LO2)
- Examine at least two of the economic environmentsboth microeconomics and macroeconomics for your chosen business operating in the United Kingdom.(approx. 700words) (LO3)
- Assess the external environment of the chosen business by utilizing relevant models and analyze how the internal environment interacts with these external factors. approx. 700words) (LO1)
- Analyse the global business environment, explain why countries benefit from trade, and evaluate the growing impact of the European Union on British business (approx. 600words), (LO4&LO5)
Provide an Introductionto the report (150 words), and a Conclusion to the report (150 words).
3000 words
Please note the following when completing your written assignment:
- Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
- Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
- Format: Report
- Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a bibliography using Harvard referencing throughout is also provided.
- Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g., academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.
- All referencing should be in Harvard style.
marking criteria and Student FEEDBACK – Assignment (100%) |
This section details the assessment criteria. The extent to which these are demonstrated by you determines your mark.
The marks available for each criterion are shown. Lecturers will use the space provided to comment on the achievement of the task(s), including those areas in which you have performed well and areas that would benefit from development/improvement.
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Common Assessment Criteria Applied | Marks available | Marks Awarded |
1. Research-informed Literature Extent of research and/or own reading, selection of credible sources, application of appropriate referencing conventions. | ||
Providing evidence of the appropriate reading/ references that form the basis of the insights in your report. | 10 | |
2. Knowledge and Understanding of Subject Extent of knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated with the discipline. | ||
Demonstrating familiarity with the selected concepts/ models used in your presentation. | 20 | |
3. Analysis Analysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and judgement; analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence | ||
Demonstrating conceptual insights into the potential values of the selected academic concepts/ models. | 30 | |
4. Practical Application and Deployment Deployment of methods, materials, tools and techniques; application of concepts; formulation of innovative and creative solutions to solve problems. | ||
Applying your conceptual insights to successfully address the situations faced by your chosen organisation. Making recommendations for future plans and strategies. | 30 | |
5. Skills for Professional Practice Attributes in professional practice: individual and collaborative working; deployment of appropriate media; presentation and organisation. | ||
Ensure the inclusion of citations and references following the Harvard referencing system. Adhere to the proper structure as outlined in the given guidelines while staying within the stipulated word count. Maintain clarity in explanations, proper spelling, and grammar, demonstrating strong academic writing skills. | 10 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
Assignment Mark (Assessment marks are subject to ratification at the Exam Board. These comments and marks are to give feedback on module work and are for guidance only until they are confirmed. ) | 72 Hours Late Submission Penalties (tick if appropriate) | % |
Level 4 |
In accordance with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, at the end of Level 4 students will be expected to have demonstrated knowledge of the basic underlying concepts and principles of a subject, and an ability to evaluate and interpret these within the context of that area of study. They should be able to present, evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative data in order to develop lines of argument and make sound judgements in accordance with basic theories and concepts of their subject(s) of study. They will have learned how to evaluate different approaches to solving problems, and will be able to communicate the results of their study/work accurately and reliably, and with structured and coherent arguments. They will be able to undertake further training and develop new skills within a structured and managed environment and will havethe qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility. |
Level 4 | FAIL | MARGINAL FAIL | SATISFACTORY (3rd / Pass) | GOOD (2.2 / Pass) | VERY GOOD (2.1 / Merit) | EXCELLENT (1st / Distinction) | EXCEPTIONAL (1st / Distinction) |
Category | 0-29% | 30-39% | 40-49% | 50-59% | 60-69% | 70-84% | 85-100% |
Engagement with literature (including reading, referencing, academic conventions and academic honesty) | Little or no evidence of reading and/or reliance on inappropriate sources. Views and findings mostly unsupported and non-authoritative. Referencing conventions used incoherently or largely absent. | Poor engagement with essential reading.No evidence of wider reading.Reliance on inappropriate sources, and/or indiscriminate use of sources.Heavily reliant on information gained through class contact. Inconsistent and weak use of referencing. | Engagement with a limited range of mostly relevant and credible sources but with some reliance on information gained through class contact. Some omissions and minor errors. Referencing conventions evident though not always applied accurately or consistently. | Engagement withan appropriate range of literature, including sources retrieved independently. Some over-reliance on texts rather than other sources. Referencingmay show minorinaccuracies or inconsistencies. | Engagement with a wide range of literature, including sources retrieved independently. Selection of relevant and credible sources. Generally soundreferencing, with no/very few inaccuracies or inconsistencies. | Engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible literature. Consistently accurate application of referencing. | Exceptional engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible literature.High-level referencing skills consistently applied. |
Knowledge and understanding (Knowledge of the basic underlying concepts and principles of a subject.) | Major gaps in knowledge and understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of thesubject matter. Inclusion of irrelevant material. Substantial inaccuracies. | Gaps in knowledge of the basic underlying concepts and principles, with flawed or superficial understanding. Some significant inaccuracies and/or irrelevant material. | Limited knowledge and understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles within the subject area. Some elements may be missing. | Knowledge of the basic underlying concepts and principles is accurate with a good understanding of the field of study but lacks depth and/or breadth. | Competentknowledgeof the basic underlying concepts and principles. Exhibits very good understanding. | Excellentknowledge and understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject. | Exceptional, detailed knowledge and understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles |
Cognitive and intellectual skills (Evaluate underlying concepts and principles of a subject and interpret qualitative and quantitative data in order to develop lines of argument and make sound judgements.)
| Wholly or almost wholly descriptive work. Little or no evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles. Failure to develop arguments, leading to illogical or invalidjudgements. Minimal or no use of evidence to back up views.
| Largely descriptive work, with superficial evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles. Weak interpretation of data, flawed development of arguments and judgements. Information accepted uncritically, uses generalised statements made with scant evidenceand unsubstantiated opinions. Ideas sometimes illogical and contradictory. | Limitedattempt atevaluationof the underlying concepts and principles, tending towards description. Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data but with some errors. Some evidence to support emergingarguments and judgements but these may be underdeveloped or with a little inconsistency / mis-interpretation.
| Goodevaluationof the underlying concepts and principles. Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data, with minor errors. An emerging ability to use evidence to support the argument. Mostly valid arguments and logical judgements. | Sound evaluationof the underlying concepts and principles. Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data accurately. Ability to devise argumentsusing evidence to make mostly appropriate and valid judgements.
| Excellent evaluationof the underlying concepts and principles. Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data accurately and with some insight. Excellent ability to devise arguments using evidence and make appropriate and valid judgements. | Exceptional evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles based evidence. Outstanding interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data. Exceptional ability to devise arguments using evidence and make wholly appropriate and valid judgements. |
Practical skills (Different approaches to solving problems in particular contexts.)
| Limited or no use of taught, basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Little or no appreciation of the context of the application. Very weakevidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts. | Rudimentary application of taught, basicmethods, materials, tools and/or techniques but without consideration and competence. Flawed appreciation of the context of the application. Weak evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts.
| An adequate awareness and mostly appropriate application of basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Basic appreciation of the context of the application. Can identify problems in particular contexts and propose basic alternative approaches or solutions though there may be errors. | A good and appropriate application of basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Clear appreciation of the context of the application. Good evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contextsand proposesmostly appropriate solutions. | A very good application of a range of basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques. Very good consideration of the context of the application. Very good evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts and proposes appropriate solutions. | An advanced application of a range of taught, basicmethods, materials, tools and/or techniques. The context of the application is well considered, and insightful. Excellent evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts and proposes appropriate solutions. | Exceptional levels of application and deployment skills in particular practical contexts.Outstanding identification of problems in particular contexts and formulation of wholly appropriate, thoughtful solutions / different approaches. |
Transferable skills for life and professional practice (Communicate the results of their study/work accurately and reliably, and with structured and coherent arguments; the qualities needed for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility within a structured and managed environment.) | Work is poorly structured, disorganised, inaccurate and/or confusingly expressed. Very weakuse of language and/or very inappropriate style.Failure to work effectively individual or as part of a group. Little or no evidence of the skills foremploymentrequiring the exercise of some personal responsibility.
| Work is poorly presented in a disjointed manner. It is loosely, and at times incoherently, structured, with information and ideas often poorly expressed. Weak use of language and/or inappropriate style.Flawed approach to individual or group work, meeting only partial obligations to others. Limited evidence of the skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility. | Mostly ordered presentation and structurein which relevant ideas / concepts are reasonably expressed.Work may lack coherence and/or accuracy in places.Can work as part of a group, meeting most obligations to others but perhaps with limited involvement in group activities. Demonstrates the basic skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility, with some areas of minor weakness. | Mostly coherent, organised and accurate work,in a suitable structure and is for the most part clearly expressed.Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with clear contribution to group activities. Demonstrates the skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility, with some areas of strength and some of minor weakness. | Work is accurate, coherent, fluent, well-structured and organised. Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with very good contribution to group activities. Demonstrates very goodskills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility, with just occasional minor weakness. | Work is coherent, very fluent and is presented professionally.Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with an excellent contribution to group activities. Demonstrates excellentskills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility with an appetite for further development.
| Work is accurate, exceptionally coherent, very fluent and presentedwell. Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with an exceptional contribution to group activities. Demonstrates exceptional skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility with an appetite for further development. |
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