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L7 Success Through Business Ethics Assignment help


 L7 Success Through Business Ethics Module 

Leader: Rehnuma Ali 

Key Details and Requirements

Submission deadline: Thursday 03 October 2024, no later than 16:30pm (UK local time) 

Learning outcomes:

 1. To acquire the ability to apply ethical frameworks to improve the business decisions making process. 

2. To enhance understanding of ethical decision-making and corporate social responsibility (CSR), guided by national regulations and experts. 

3. To build and develop the ability to define and align ethics and values in a business context. 

4. To display an understanding of ethical issues and challenges organisations must take into consideration when developing and implementing their business strategies, decision making and operational processes.

 5. To examine and analyse the moral dilemmas and problems by thinking through the economic, legal and ethical parameters of a managerial decision in a logical, structured way; 

Assessment details: Individual written report, 100% (2,500 words) 

Referencing: Students are expected to use Harvard Referencing throughout their assignments where required. Please follow the Harvard Referencing Handbook for all your assignments at the ULBS. 

Submission Method: 

Turnitin - Your work will be put through Turnitin. All submissions will be electronically checked for plagiarism and the use of AI software. You have the option to upload your work ahead of the deadline, more than once. ULBS will be reviewing your last submission only. You can only upload one file. 

For example if your work contains a word document and power point slides/Excel spreadsheet you will need to copy your slides/spreadsheet into the word document. 

Note: Keep in mind that self-plagiarism (when you reuse your own specific wording and ideas from work that you have previously submitted without referencing yourself) is also a form of plagiarism and is not allowed.



Assessment MethodLO’s MetWeighting
Individual written report of 2,500 wordsAll Los of the module are met100%

Students are required to choose a fashion brand (from the fashion industry) that fulfils the below criteria:
-The fashion brand has been involved in unethical practices between 2000 – 2023.
-The fashion brand can originate or operate anywhere in the world.
-The fashion brand can still be operating or have ceased to operate.
-The fashion brand is chosen after the student has verified that enough information from the prospective company and their external environment is available.

Students can use the following sources to assist in identifying a fashion brand to focus on:

-BBC News (2021). Fast fashion: 'We all have to face up to clothes' climate impact'. Online at: 59055817" [Accessed 10/01/2024]

-Euro News (2020). Euroviews. Exploitation and sweatshops are at the core of fast fashion: It’s time to dismantle the system. By Frankie Leach. Online at: are-at-the-core-of-fast-fashion-it-s-time-to-dismantle-the-sys [Accessed 15/01/2024]

-Forbes (2020). The Not-So-Hidden Ethical Cost Of Fast Fashion: Sneaky Sweatshops In Our Own Backyard. By Sarah Meagher. Online at: ethical-cost-of-fast-fashion-sneaky-sweatshops-in-our-own- backyard/?sh=2096ad0c25d1" 20/02/05/the-not-so-hidden-ethical-cost-of-fast-fashion-sneaky-sweatshops-in- our-own-backyard/?sh=2096ad0c25d1 [Accessed 20/01/2024]

-The Guardian (2021) ‘Bad apples have been exposed’: can a fairer fashion industry emerge from crisis? By Ellie Violet Bramley. Online at: exposed-can-a-fairer-fashion-industry-emerge-from- crisis" been-exposed-can-a-fairer-fashion-industry-emerge-from-crisis [Accessed 15/01/2024]

-The Guardian (2022). ‘Dirty greenwashing: watchdog targets fashion brands over misleading claims. By Sarah Butler. Online at: watchdog-targets-fashion-brands-over-misleading- claims" greenwashing-watchdog-targets-fashion-brands-over-misleading-claims [Accessed 17/01/2024]

The individual report of 2500 words should be organised as follows (Please note that word count is suggested guidance only and you may differ depending on your writing style):

Front page/ Cover sheet: basic information including name of the university, name of the masters, name of the module, Student’s identification number (marks included in Introductory section)

Content page: Table of Contents with Headings and Sub-headings clearly stated with the page number (marks included in Introductory section)

Introduction: Explain the nature of business ethics citing academic references (Around 100 words). Identify and introduce a fashion brand that has been found to have been involved in unethical business practices and explain briefly, what these unethical business practices were (Around 250 words - 15 marks, LO3).

Section 1: In the module, several philosophical bases were discussed. Choose three of them and critically evaluate how the company followed (or not) the three bases you have chosen, that led to the identified unethical behaviours/scandal. (Around 900 words – 30 marks, LO1 and LO5).

Section 2: In the module the concepts of ‘ethical decision making’ and ‘social accounting’ theories were discussed. Choose either ‘ethical decision making’ or ‘social accounting’ and critically evaluate the company’s unethical business practices. (Around 500 words – 20 marks, LO2).

Section 3: Critically evaluate the way that leaders and employees of the company responded to the unethical business practices. In this section you do not need to explain the theories, rather focus on the application of the theories. Remember to use graphs, tables, quotations to support and back up your analysis as much as possible, e.g. the impact of the unethical practices on financial results, environmental and social harm, etc. (Around 450 words - 15 marks, LO4).

Section 4: Going forward, what recommendations would you give to this company so that they can become an ethical business? Identify at least three recommendations that are concrete and derived from the unethical practices that have been analysed in sections 1 – 3 in the report. Also ensure that the recommendations are justified and directly relevant to the chosen fashion brand. Even if the chosen company ceases to operate, provide recommendations with the assumption that the brand is still operating. (Around 300 words – 15 marks)

Section 5: Conclusions that summarise the key aspects highlighted in sections 1 – 4 of the report. (Around 100 words – 5 marks).

Reference List: Remember this section does not count in the overall word count. Follow the Harvard style of referencing for both in-text referencing (inside the report) as well as for reference list at the end. Also organise the list in alphabetical order (marks included in Introductory section).


Please refer to the marking criteria (below) for a breakdown of how the tasks will be marked.
















Mark Weight

FAIL (0 - 49%)PASS (50 – 59%)COMMENDATION (60 – 69%)DISTINCTION (70-100%)

Exhibits an unsatisfactory grasp of the issues.

Primarily descriptive and lacking in independent critical thought. Weak or no attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Little evidence of ability to tackle the issues. Poor


Satisfactory grasp of the issues, with limited independent critical thought appropriate to the tasks.

Material is largely relevant to the tasks. Some evidence of analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Work is presented in acceptable manner, with some minor errors.

Good/very good understanding of the issue with some independent critical thought and approach to the tasks. Good attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection, with evidence of some ability to tackle issues. Work is clearly presented in a fairly well organised manner.

Excellent level of understanding.

All requirements are dealt with to a high standard. Excellent analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Evidence of independent and original judgement in relation to resolution of problems Excellently presented.

Introductory section and overall structure must include:

  • Front Page/ Cover Sheet with all necessary course and module information
  • Table of Contents that is well-structured
  • Introduction section that explain the nature of business ethics citing academic references (Around 100 words).
  • Identify and introduce a fashion brand that has been found to have been involved in unethical business practices and explain briefly, what these unethical business practices were (Around 250 words, LO3).
  • Reference list following the Harvard style of referencing for both in- text referencing (inside the report) as well as for reference list at the end. Also organise the list in alphabetical order.









Section 1: Choose three of the moral philosophical bases and critically evaluate how the company followed (or not) the three bases you have chosen, that led to the identified unethical behaviours/scandal. You must ensure you use academic references and citations when

completing this section. (Around 900 words – 30 marks, LO1 and LO5).





Section 2: Explain the theoretical aspect of the ethical decision making or social accounting. Then critically apply the ethical decision making or social accounting theories on the chosen brand’s unethical business practices. You must ensure you use academic references and citations

when completing this section. (Around 500 words) (LO2).





Section 3: Analyse the way that leaders and employees of the company responded to the unethical business practices. You must ensure you use academic references and citations when completing

this section. (Around 450 words) (LO4).




Section 4: Identify at least three recommendations that are concrete and derived from the unethical practices that have been analysed in sections 1 – 3 in the report. You must ensure you use academic references and citations when completing this section. (Around 300





















Mark Weight

FAIL (0 - 49%)PASS (50 – 59%)COMMENDATION (60 – 69%)DISTINCTION (70-100%)

Exhibits an unsatisfactory grasp of the issues.

Primarily descriptive and lacking in independent critical thought. Weak or no attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Little evidence of ability to tackle the issues. Poor structure/grammar/

Satisfactory grasp of the issues, with limited independent critical thought appropriate to the tasks.

Material is largely relevant to the tasks. Some evidence of analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Work is presented in acceptable manner, with some minor errors.

Good/very good understanding of the issue with some independent critical thought and approach to the tasks. Good attempt at analysis, synthesis and critical reflection, with evidence of some ability to tackle issues. Work is clearly presented in a fairly well organised manner.

Excellent level of understanding.

All requirements are dealt with to a high standard. Excellent analysis, synthesis and critical reflection. Evidence of independent and original judgement in relation to resolution of problems Excellently presented.

Section 5: Conclusions that summarises the report and draws on the

key aspects found through the analysis in the report in sections 1-5 (Around 100 words).





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