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Leading Change in Health and Social Care Assignment Help
Unit Reference Number | T/618/2714 |
Unit Title | Leading Change in Health and Social Care |
Unit Level | 7 |
Number of Credits | 20 |
Total Qualification Time (TQT) | 200 |
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) | 100 |
Mandatory / Optional | Mandatory |
Unit Grading Structure | Pass / Fail |
Unit Aims
The aim of this unit is to help learners develop an understanding of theories of change management and how they apply to contemporary organisations in the globalised world, with the identification and use of change models. The unit also explores different perspectives affecting Health and Social Care service quality and how this is evaluated in order to empower and involve users of services.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes – the learner will: | Assessment Criteria – the learner can: |
1. Understand perspectives of quality in Health and Social Care services. |
Care quality of service provision. |
2. Understand strategies for achieving quality in Health and Social Care services |
Social Care services. |
3. Understand the principles of change management in Health and Social Care settings. |
4. Be able to create a plan and implement effective change within a Health and Social Care organisation. |
of the change plan. |
5. Be able to analyse stakeholder responses to organisational change. |
Task 1 of 2 Presentation and Speaker notes (LO 1 ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, LO2
ACs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
Prepare a presentation, in which you explain ways quality can be evaluated, measured and maintained in Health and Social Care and the contribution of stakeholders, external agencies and service users. You will provide speaker notes at the end of the session and include an executive summary to support the presentation.
The following points need to be addressed when preparing the presentation:
Explain stakeholder roles in relation to quality and standards in Health and Social Care settings.
Explore the role of external agencies in setting and maintaining standards.
Evaluate the impact of poor quality and standards on health and social care.
Analyse methods for evaluating Health and Social Care quality of service provision.
Explain ways in which quality can be measured in health and social care.
Evaluate approaches to implementing quality systems
Analyse barriers to delivery of quality Health and Social Care services.
Delivery and submission:
1x 15 minute Presentation file with references
1x set of speaker notes supporting each slide - 500 words
Task 2 of 2 - Change management plan and report
(LO 3 ACs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, LO4 ACs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, LO5 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6)
You are required to choose one Health and Social Care organisation on which to base your assignment. You are advised to check with your tutor that your choice is appropriate.
For your chosen Health and Social Care organisation complete a management plan and report.
The following requirements need to be addressed when preparing the management plan and report:
Analyse factors that drive change.
Describe underpinning theories of change management.
Describe approaches, tools and techniques that support the change process.
Explain the importance of effective change management for service provision.
Create a plan and implement effective change within a Health and Social Care organisation
Assess and select relevant tools and techniques to implement and manage change.
Develop a plan to implement a change in an organisation.
Develop measures to monitor and evaluate progress of the change plan.
Apply a stakeholder analysis to understand possible resistance to change.
Critically appraise relevant strategies to manage resistance to change in organisations.
Evaluate the effectiveness of quality systems, policies and procedures used in a Health and Social Care setting
Analyse factors that influence the achievement of quality in the Health and Social Care provision
Suggest ways in which the Health and Social Care service could improve quality of service provision
1x Management Plan and Report
1x Management Plan and Report - 2500 words excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendices
You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable sources.
A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of the work.
Evidence to be submitted:
Presentation file with references
Presentation speaker notes – 500 words
Management Plan and Report – 2500 words
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