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Organisational Behaviour & Management Assignment Help


Module code:BMA4001-20
Module title:Organisational Behaviour & Management
Subject field:Business and Management 
Assignment:A2. An Individual Business Case Essay A
Assessment type:Individual Essay
Weight:60% of overall grade
Word Criteria:2500 words (+/-10%)


Submission Deadline:1st November 2024 at 23:59 pm



Choose any one case study for this assessment.





ForthesecondassessmentofmoduleBMA4001‘OrganisationalBehaviour&Management,youare required to write an essay of 2,500 words (+/- 10%). Youmust chooseoneofthreepossiblescenarios,whenwritingyouressay.

Youshouldchooseonescenariofromthelistbelow.Foryourchosenscenario,usingmoduleconceptsasthebasisofyouranalysis,writeanessaydiscussingthe following:

  • HowthechangeofstrategywillimpactMarketing,HumanResources,OperationsManagement, Information Systems, and the Finances within the organisation (worth up to 80%ofthemarks)
  • The remaining marks will be awarded for how well your report is written, critical discussionandevidenceofwiderreadingisexpected.(worthupto20%ofthemarks)


  • Scenario1: Zaraaimstobecomeabrandthatisrecognisedfortheirclimatechangeaction.


  • Scenario2:Zarachoosestoofferfranchiseopportunitiestoentrepreneursseekingtobuy afranchise.


  • Scenario 3: Zara aims to open 12 new bricks and mortar stores in 3 different continents (4stores per continent – Asia, Australasia, South America) in accordance with a multi-national strategy.








Zaraisoneofthemostwell-knownbrandsintheworldandisalsooneofthelargestinternationalfashioncompanies.Theyarethethirdlargestbrandinthegarmentindustryand are a unit of Inditex. Their flagship range of chain stores are headquartered in Spain.ZaraopeneditsfirstoutletinSpainin1975.TheheadquartersofthecompanyisbasedinGalicia.Therearemorethan2600storesacross73countriesintheworld.TheZara clothinglineaccountsforahugebulkofitsparentgroup’srevenues.Thereareother brands of clothing owned by Inditex such as Kiddy ´s Class (children’s fashion), Pull and Bear(youth casual clothes), Massimo Dutti (quality and conventional fashion), Bershka (avant-garde clothing), Stradivarius (trendy garments for young woman), Oysho (undergarmentchain) and Zara Home (household textiles). Inditex owns all Zara outlets except for placeswheretheyarenotallowedownershipofstores(that’swhereFranchisesstep in).


Zara isrenowned forcomingup withproductson a shorttimescaleinsteadof takinga longtime.Theyareknownfortakingaround2weekstodevelopproductsandhavebeenknowntocomeupwitharound10,000newdesignseveryyear(whichisan industryrecord).Theyhave bucked the trend by making productions in Europe instead of shifting their entireproductiontolowerincomeandmiddle-incomecountries.However,someoftheirclothesare manufactured in parts of Asia due to the fact that they have a longer shelf life. TheymakemostoftheirownproductsinsideSpainorotherEuropeanCountriesastheyownalarge number of factories in both Spain and Portugal. They also don’t have to depend onanyoneelseastheycangeteverythingdonebythemselves.





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Zara’s business model is based on the principle that it can sell “medium quality fashion clothingat affordable prices”. Zara is unique in the way that it does not spend money on marketingand instead concentrates on opening new stores instead. Their brave experiments have ledthemto belabelledasoneofthemostinnovativeretailersintheworld.


Zara started out with low priced products which were pale imitations of high-end fashionproducts. This move led to Zara being a smashing success and allowed them to expand byopeningmorestoresinSpain.Thecompanymanagementalsomanagedtoreducethetimeittooktocreatenewdesignsandcameupwiththeterm“instantfashion”whichallowedthemto quickly capitalise on new trends. Zara is known to use teams of designers instead ofindividuals.


Verticalintegrationandtheabilitytocomeupwithaquick responseisakeyfactortoZara’ssuccessful business model. The process for Zara has been designed in such a way that it hasthe various functions within the business system such as designing, sourcing, andmanufacturing, distribution, and retailing. They do all of these themselves and that is onereason why their growth rate has been so good. However,what goes up must come downandZaraisnotimmunetobeingimpactedbytheproblemswearefacingintheworldtoday.




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Zara is facing a few issues which can cause them a number of problems in the future,despite the fact that Zara has a consistent business system which gives them a competitiveadvantage. Zara’s greatest advantage is their ability to successfully leverage economies of scaleandtheyhavebeenabletorampuptheirdistributionsystemasaresult.Thecontinuedgrowthisgoodforthemineveryway.Theyhavebeenhelpedalotbytheirexpansionininternationalmarkets.However,theircontinuedgrowthininternationalmarkets will be curtailedduetothereasonthatZarahasaverycentralisedlogisticsmodel.Zarahasitsmaindistribution centre in Spain, and it won’t be easy trying to expand as they have their base inSpain alone. This is presently affecting any plans that they have to go international and totarget more regions. They can’t simply survive with a European presence alone. Zara needstocomeupwithastrategysotheycancompeteglobally. Formoreinformation,pleasesee





For the second assessment of module BMA4001 ‘Organisational Behaviour & Management, you are required to write an essay of 2,500 words (+/- 10%). You have approximately 2 weeks, to write your essay, concerning how the change of strategy will impact the main business functions. You must choose oneof three possible scenarios, when writing your essay.


You should choose onescenario from the list belowFor your chosen scenario, using module concepts as the basis of your analysis, write an essay discussing the following:


How the change of strategy will impact Marketing, Human Resources, Operations Management, Information Systems, and the Finances within the organisation (worth up to 80% of the marks).

The remaining marks will be awarded for how well your report is written, critical discussion and evidence of wider reading is expected (worth up to 20% of the marks).


  • Scenario 1: MasterCard decides to go ‘green’ in payments. They pledge to switch100% of payments to ‘green payments’ by 2030, in-order to reduce first-use PVC plastic in card manufacturing.


  • Scenario 2: MasterCard agree to merge their company with the Visa group ( 


  • Scenario 3: MasterCard decides to roll out its ‘Enabling SMEs’ initiative to ensure all micro, small, and medium sized UK enterprises have access to credit and other financial services before the end of 2023.










What exactly does MasterCard do? It provides credit, debit, and prepaid cardsfromover25,000financialinstitutions.However,MasterCardisprimarilyacreditcard company and specialises in the innovation of these cards throughout the world.It is also a payment solutions company and through its three-tiered business model asfranchisor,processorandadviser,thecompanyhasdevelopedanewworldforitscardholders and merchants. The company provides marketing, approval, and transactionservices for a variety of payment products in more than 210 countries and territoriesacrosstheglobe.

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Regardlessofthetypeofcard,allofthemactunderthe“four-party”paymentsystem.Underthissystemtherearefourtypesofpeople,thecardholder,theissuingbank, the merchant, and the acquiring bank. First, the issuing bank provides theircustomer with a card that they market and issue throughout their locations. Then thenowcardholderbuysagoodorservice.Butbeforethereareevencardholdersbuyinggoods or services at this said business, the merchant’s bank (or acquiring bank) mustfirstenrolthemerchantinaprogramthatacceptsMasterCard(CirrusorMaestro)cards. The merchant (or the salesperson) then (can and does) accepts the MasterCardpaymentinexchangeforthatgoodorserviceinsteadofcash.Thetransactionisover,thecardholderreceivesthegoodorserviceandthemerchantreceivesthecashafewdays later. MasterCard manages a few payment card brands, includingMasterCard, Maestro, and Cirrus. MasterCard generate revenues from the fees that itcharges its customers for providing transaction processing and other payment-relatedservices operations fees, and by assessing its customers based on the dollar or poundvolumeofactivityonthecardsthatcarryitsbrands.





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MasterCardwasestablishedinthelate-1940swhenseveralUSbanksbeganexploringalternativestocashtransactions.In1951,theFranklinNationalBankinNewYork created the first formal credit card, and through the 1950s, the systemexpanded. Later, in 1966, a group of banks under the name “Interbank CardAssociation” entered the business. Instantly this company spread and went global. Inthe1970sitchangeditsnametoMasterCard.


MasterCard was the first to introduce a few things. This included a goldbankcard program in 1981, the use of laser holograms to prevent fraud in 1983, andby1987wasthefirst credit card companytopenetratetheChinesemarket.MasterCard took several key steps during the 1990s. The company launchedMaestroin1991,apartnershipwithcounterpartEuropayInternational,whichwastheworld’s first global online debit program. The first coast-to-coast national online debittransactionintheUSwascompletedbyMaestroin1992.In1996,itintroducedtheMasterCard Global Service, the first program to offer customers telephone access tocore emergency and special services around the world. MasterCard merged withEuropean counterpart Europay in 2002, to facilitate the merger transaction withEuropay. Europay was integrated into the global organization as MasterCard’s Europeregion. In 2004, the company announced plans to become a public company in 2005.MasterCardmadeitsinitialpublicofferingontheNewYorkStockExchange(NYSE)in May 2006. In the same year, MasterCard introduced new corporate name,MasterCardWorldwide,andadoptedanewcorporatesignatureandtagline,“The HeartofCommerce.”ThesetwonewconceptswereestablishedtoexpresstheglobalnatureofMasterCard.





It has already been stated that MasterCard is a global digital economy. Twoyears after MasterCard, or Interbank Card Association, was founded (1968) theyenteredtheglobalmarketbymakingtheirpresenceknownintheMexican,Japanese, and European markets. In 1987 they entered the Chinese Market. This wasvery special for MasterCard because this was the first ever payment card acceptedthere.Ayearlater,in1988,MasterCardenteredtheSovietUnion.Now, MasterCard is in any geographical area that one can think of and with the help of theothercardsitowns(likeMaestro)ithasdominatedmostofitscompetitorsinallareas.


MasterCard recently reported that it generates half of its revenue outside theUS, making its revenue sources more geographically diverse than those of majorcompetitor like Visa. Part of MasterCard’s gain came from the gradual conversion ofsomeEuropeandebitcardstoMaestrooverthepastfiveyears.Now,MasterCard currently has 37% of card payment transactions in Eastern Europe. This is a hugepercentage because the company is up against American Express and Visa as well asother lesser-known European credit card companies. It does this by taking advantageof its strong Maestro position in Western Europe. Although MasterCard is doing quitewellintheEuropeanmarketitishavingsomeissueswithitsMaestrobrand.ThisisduetotheirlateentryintotheEuropeanmarket.ItnowhastocompetewithwellestablishedbrandslikeGermany’s‘ec-Karte’card.Botharealmostidenticalinuse,soitishardtomarketMaestrooverthesecards.


MasterCard has more cards/card holders than its competitors in the fast-growingSouthAsianmarketsincludingIndonesia,Malaysia,andthePhilippines.Although MasterCard’s card payment transaction value share is higher only in thePhilippines, growing card usage in South Asian markets will translate into greater valueshareforMasterCardinthelongterm,particularlyinthePhilippinesandMalaysia.


MasterCardalsohasgreatstakesintheLatinAmericanregion.Ithasalmost50% of debit transactions in Brazil. This is due to its recent conversion from itspartner’s debit cards (Redecard) to its Maestro debit cards. MasterCard is also one ofthebiggestcardissuerstodayinColombia.Theyseegreatpotentialinthismarketdueto increasing use of their credit cards. In Mexico, MasterCard is dominating theprepaidcardindustry.

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All in all, MasterCard, Internationally, is huge competitor. It has first movers’ advantage in some areas, specialty advantage in other areas, and even preference advantages in the remaining areas. With more advertisement and understanding of the countries they work in; MasterCard will fully dominate the plastic card industry. For more information, please see:





Submission Details:


Please ensure your report is uploaded into Turnitin by the deadline. You will receive detailed feedback and yourmarkwithin3weeksofthisdate.Latesubmissions(uptooneweeklate)willbecapped at 40%, if more than one week late these submissions will fail. If you are unable tocompleteyourreportbythesubmissiondeadlineandfeelyouhavegroundsforanextension, please contact Module Co-ordinator about your request,andbeforethedeadlinedate.



Marking Criteria: BMA4001-20, Assessment 2


A Business Case Essay of 2,500 words (+/-10%) – 60% of the module marks


 Application of theory that demonstrates understanding of how the change of strategy will impact Marketing, Human Resources, Operations Management, Information Systems and Finances within the organisation (80% of marks).Demonstration of academic skills which evidence critical discussion, wider reading, and academic capabilities, such as: academic writing and referencing (20% of marks).


85% - 100%

Outstanding quality

You demonstrate an exemplary understanding of the business functions. You demonstrate excellent understanding of the module concepts through insightful application of them to the case organisation. You intricately highlight the implications for the organisations HRM, Operations, Marketing, Info Systems and Finance functions.Your essay structure is professional, overall presentation is of an excellent standard. You demonstrate wide and in-depth reading, and evidence this by way of a comprehensive list of peer-reviewed references. You write in the 3rd person and there are no observable errors within in-text citations.


70% - 84%

Excellent quality

You demonstrate a strong understanding of the business functions. You demonstrate a clear understanding of the module concepts through thorough application of them to the case organisation. You highlight the implications for the organisations HRM, Operations, Marketing, Info Systems and Finance functions, in an excellent Manner.Your essay structure is professional, overall presentation is of an excellent standard. You demonstrate wide and in-depth reading, and evidence this by way of a comprehensive list of peer-reviewed references. You write in the 3rd person and there are no observable errors within in-text citations.


60% - 69%


You demonstrate a good level of knowledge and understanding of the business functions. You demonstrate comprehensive understanding of the module concepts through application of them to the case organisation. You highlight the implications for the organisations HRM, Operations, Marketing, Info Systems and Finance Functions.


Your essay structure is professional and thus overall presentation is of a very good standard. You demonstrate wide and in-depth reading, and evidence this by way of a comprehensive list of quality references. You mainly write in the 3rd person and there are very few observable errors within in-text citations.


50% - 59%



You demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding of the business functions. You have started to show understanding of the module concepts, there is room to improve. You discuss the implications for the organisations HRM, Operations, Marketing, Info systems and Finance functions, but not always in an accurate way.Your essay structure is of a good standard. You demonstrate some wider reading, you evidence this by way of a list of references. You mainly write in the 3rdperson and there are a few observable errors within in-text citations.



Satisfactory quality

You demonstrate some understanding of the business functions. You haven’t shown how these relate to the organisation. You discuss the implications for the organisations, but in a superficial manner.Your essay structure is of a satisfactory standard. You demonstrate the inclusion of information covered within seminars and lectures. You write mainly in the 1st person. There are several observable errors within in-text citations.



Poor quality

Your attempt to discuss business functions but this appears to be guesswork. There is little or no evidence that you understand what the functions of an organisation are and how they interact with the business.It is clear that you have done no reading, and your answers are vague and unclear. Your report is poorly structured and poorly presented.




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