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Portfolio Task 3 & Task 4 Instructions Assignment help





Portfolio(Tasks1‐4)aredueonMon16thDec2024at 5 pm.

  • SubmitTask1andTask2togetherasprofessionalanalyticsreportinMSWordorpdfformat through the ‘Task 1 & Task 2 Turnitin submission link’ (30% + 20%).
  • SubmitTask3andTask4togetherasprofessionalconsultancyPowerPointslidedeck(max 25 slides) converted to pdf format through the ‘Task 3 & Task 4 Turnitin submission link’ (35% + 15%).



Use the ‘Catalogue Marketing Dataset’ provided. You are a consultant working on a research problem. You have completed the diagnostic analysis, and you are presenting there sultstothe client (maximum 20 slides). You should indicate the findings based on statistical analysis. Give recommendations based on the results of the statistical analysis. Professional and informative presentation of your slides is critical.



  1. Introduction&ResearchQuestions
    1. Findthefocusvariablesandfindtheirdeterminants
    2. Brieflyexplainthemethodology
  2. DescriptiveAnalysis
    1. NumericalSummaries
    2. BoxplotsandCrosstabulation
  3. Correlation&RegressionAnalysis
  4. Recommendations
  5. SupportingTechnicalEvidences



Task4:AI& Analytics

Consider the company in the ‘Catalogue Marketing Dataset’. Explore the use of AI and ML in the industry and the ethical considerations this creates. Identify potential future opportunities for the use of AI for the company. Include the key findings and proposals relating to the AI into the consultancySlidesyouhavecreatedforTask3.Task4ismaximumof5slidesincludingreferences. Professional and informative presentation of your slides is critical.


Include the following in your slides(totalmaximum5slides):

  1. IdentifyandanalysecurrentAI&MLapplicationsintheindustry‘CatalogueMarketing’
  2. AnalyseethicalconsiderationsintheuseofAIrelevantfortheindustry&company
  3. IdentifyandanalysepotentialfutureopportunitiesforthecompanyintheuseofAI.Are there any innovative cross‐industry applications?
  4. List of references

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