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Unit 13 Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care Assignment Help
Unit 13: Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care
Aim of Unit 13
Unit 13 Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care will examine the various steps involved in managing individuals in healthcare and social care workplaces. It will cover aspects such as team allocation, support from other employees, and enhancement of work-related skills and knowledge. Unit 13 will explore different policy and legal structures related to human resources management. The study will also evaluate the impact of organizational aspects and management approaches on teams. Unit 13 Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care is particularly relevant for individuals with experience in fields like recruitment and team management.
On successful completion of Unit 13 Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care a learner will:
1. Understand processes for recruiting individuals to work in health and socialcare
2. Understand strategies for building effective teams for working in health and socialcare
3. Understandsystemsformonitoringandpromotingthedevelopmentofindividualsworkingin health and socialcare
4. Understand approaches for managing people working in health and socialcare.
LO1. Understand processes for recruiting individuals to work in health and social care
In this section, we will discuss the processes involved in recruiting individuals for healthcare and social care roles. Recruitment processes depend on various factors such as human resource needs, organizational policy, and different job roles, among others. These processes typically begin with job advertisements. The selection of the best candidates involves interviews and shortlisting, among other methods. Recruitment is regulated by various policy structures and legislations, including rules on workers' rights, employee safety and health, and workplace codes.
LO2. Understand strategies for building effective teams for working in health and social care
Unit 13 Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care will examine the strategies used to build effective teams in healthcare and social care domains. It will delve into various relevant theories, such as those of Beblin, Woodcock, Gross, Tuckman, and McClelland. The dynamics of team building vary based on the types of teams, including informal, formal, cross-disciplinary, inter-agency, and project group-based teams. The unit will also investigate the impact of team purpose, leadership roles, team morale, and individual priorities on effective teamwork.
LO3. Understand systems for monitoring and promoting the development of individuals working in health and social care
In this section, we will discuss the systems used to oversee and foster the growth of individuals in healthcare and social care. This includes processes like appraisals, periodic reviews, and feedback. Training and development begin with identifying individual needs, monitoring performance, and taking other necessary steps. We will evaluate the effectiveness of these systems from the perspective of those using healthcare and social care services. Strategies to promote ongoing development, such as partnerships and action-centered learning, will also be discussed.
LO4. Understand approaches for managing people working in health and social care
This section will discuss the methods of managing individuals involved in social care and healthcare. It will incorporate theories such as transformational, transactional, and emotional intelligence, as well as theories by experts like Vroom, Yelton, Handy, Mintzberg, Goleman, and Fiedler. We will also discuss different types of relationship management, including effective communication decisions, contingency management, role modelling, and team building, among others. Aspects of personal development will be explored, focusing on areas like knowledge and qualifications.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit a learner will:
Assessment criteria for pass
The learner can:
LO1 Understand processes for recruiting individuals to work in health and social care
1.1 explain the factors to be considered when planningthe recruitment of individuals to work in health and social care
1.2 explain how relevant legislative and policy frameworks of the home country influence the selection,recruitment and employment ofindividuals
1.3 evaluate different approaches that may be used to ensure the selection of the best individuals for workin health and socialcare
LO2 Understand strategies for building effective teams for working in health and social care
2.1 explaintheoriesofhowindividualsinteractingroupsin relation to the types of teams that work in health and socialcare
2.2 evaluate approaches that may be used todevelop effective teamworking in health and socialcare
LO3 Understand systems for monitoring and promoting the development of individuals working in health and social care
3.1 explain ways in which the performance ofindividuals working in health and social care can bemonitored
3.2 assesshowindividualtraininganddevelopmentneeds can beidentified
3.3 analyse different strategies for promoting thecontinuing developmentofindividualsinthehealthandsocialcare workplace
LO4 Understand approaches for managing people working in health and social care.
4.1 explaintheoriesofleadershipthatapplytothehealth and social careworkplace
4.2 analyse how working relationships may bemanaged
4.3 evaluatehowowndevelopmenthasbeeninfluencedby management approaches encountered in own experience.
Unit 13 Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care has links with, for example:
· Unit 14: Managing Financial Resources in Health and Social Care
· Unit 25: Influences on Health and Social Care Organizations
· Unit 28: Managing Quality in Health and Social Care.
Unit 13 Managing Human Resources in Health and Social Care also has links with the National Occupational Standards in Health and Social Care. See Annexe B for mapping.
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