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COM7039M Machine Learning Assignment Help
Machine Learning Assignment Brief
Module Details........................................................................................................................ 1
Assignment Description......................................................................................................... 2
Learning Outcomes................................................................................................................ 4
Advice and Guidance............................................................................................................. 4
How is this assessment marked?......................................................................................... 6
Marking Criteria....................................................................................................................... 4
Module Details | |||
Module code: | COM7039M | Level of Study: | 7 |
Module Leader(s): | Dr. Rebecca Jeyavadhanam. B | Credits: | 15 |
Assessmentformat: | Creative Artefact- A practical project to design and develop an ML prediction model with supporting documentation | Method of submission: | Turnitin within Moodle |
Deadline or Assessment Period: | 28th Jan 2025, 12Noon | Feedback date and place: | 19th Feb 2025, Written feedback within Turnitin/Moodle |
Assessmentlimits: length, load,word count, etc. | N/A | Componentnumber: | 1 of 1 |
Is this exempt from anonymous marking under the policy? | No | Component weighting: | 100% |
Assignment Description |
This coursework aims to demonstrate the students' comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the Machine Learning module by evaluating their analytical abilities and strengths. It comprises two tasks designed to assess and challenge their analytical skills. These tasks have been carefully crafted to test the student's proficiency in applying the concepts learnedthroughout the moduleand to showcase their ability to tackle real-world scenarios and problems. Successful completion of these tasks willreflect the students' mastery of thesubject matter andtheir capacity for critical and creative thinking.
The Assessment Consists of TWO Tasks: In Task 1, you will be presented with a set of questions that require critical evaluation of your subject knowledge and understanding of the concepts related to theMachine Learning (ML)process and techniques.
In Task 2, you will be provided a programming exercise with a dataset to analyse usingthe Machine Learning approach. Your objective is to use suitable MachineLearning algorithms to predict and evaluate a model's accuracy. The dataset will contain various features and a target variable thatyou need to predict. You are expected to develop a model, followed by training, testing, and evaluating its performance. Your goal is to identify and highlight the best predictive model for classification. This includes comparing different models and selecting the one that offers the highest accuracy and best performance metrics for the classification task.
The contentof this assignment must be supported by the inclusion of pertinent academic theories, concepts, models, and contemporary industrial insights. Provide a detailed and relevant description of your code. Ensure your work is accurately cited and referenced using the York St John Harvard Referencing Style.
Task 01: Theory Exercise – (20 Marks)
Task 02: Programming Exercise -– (80 Marks)
a. Develop a classification modelwith Machine Learning techniques to detecthate speech fromthe Twitter dataset.
Dataset Description: |
Assignment Description |
The "Hate Speech and Offensive Language" dataset is collected from Twitter. It is primarily designed to support research and development in detecting and analyzing hate speech and offensive language on social media, distinguishing them fromordinary slang andneutral content. Dataset Link:
Alternative Source: The datasets are available to download fromthe Machine Learning (ML) module inthe Moodle platform. Guidelines to Prepare Your Assignment:
1. Data Exploration and Pre-processing: (10 Marks)
2. Feature Engineering Process: (15 marks)
3. ModelSelection and Training: (10 Marks)
4. Hyperparameter Tuning: (10 Marks)
5. ModelEvaluation: (20 Marks)
6. Model Deployment: (10 Marks) |
Assignment Description |
7. Conclusion and Recommendations: (5 marks)
Propose potential improvements or additional steps that couldbe taken to enhance the system. |
Learning Outcomes |
PLOs 7.1-7.7
Advice and Guidance |
Submission Guidelines: |
Advice and Guidance |
AdditionalGuidelines for Students: Students must submit their own work. They must acknowledge the sources used in this assignment, failure to acknowledge would be plagiarism which is an academic offence and a penaltycan be imposed. Students need to write by reading other papers on their own with citations and leave references at the end of the assignment. Students work would be submitted to the national plagiarism facility. This identifies the sources from the internet and other extensive databases. Once the student’s work has been submitted to detection services, work is stored in databases electronically and compared their work from other sources. It is necessary to keep a backup of their work.Students’ materials wouldbe stored in the database electronically for indefinite periods. It is essential that you acknowledge the source of any research, information, ideas, opinions, theories, or other material which is not your own. Effective referencing, quoting, paraphrasing, and summarising show evidence of the reading you have doneand ensure thatyou avoid accusations of plagiarism. The University's fundamental stance on the use of Turnitin is geared toward supporting students' academic development. You can use this link to check your work for areas where you might be at risk of plagiarising. Please submit your assignment on time. All assignments may be electronically submitted using Turnitin (via Moodle) by midnight on the due date. Please do not submityour assignment last minute. Pleasealso allow time for any problems or issues withsystems. The work you present should be your own work, and not just copied from others. You can quote from others, but you must say who the author is and use quotation marks or paraphrase. If you do not do so, we will investigate your work for academic misconduct. This is particularly likely if your Turnitin similarity score is above 25% and/or individual matches are above6%. |
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Advice and Guidance |
If you requiresupport with your study skills,please visit Please refer to the York St John University Code of Practice for Assessmentand Academic RelatedMatters 2024-25. We ask that you pay particular attention to the academic misconduct policy. Penalties will be applied where a student is found guilty of academic and/or ethicalmisconduct, including termination of programme (Policy Link). You are required to keep to the word limit set for an assessment and to notethat you may be subject to penalty if you exceedthat limit. You are required to provide an accurate word count on the cover sheet for each piece of work you submit(Policy Link). For late or non-submission of work by the published deadline or an approved extended deadline, a mark of 0NS will be recorded. Where a re-assessment opportunity exists, a student will normally be permitted only one attempt to be re-assessed for a cappedmark (Policy Link). An extension to the published deadline may be granted to an individual student if theymeet the eligibility criteria of the (Policy Link). |
How is this assessment marked? |
Your work will be marked according to the assessment instructions provided within thisdocument and the selected Learning Outcomes’ (LOs) (see above).
Furthermore, this assessment is marked usingthe assessment marking criteria or a similar rubric that aligns with the University’s Generic Assessment Descriptors (see below).1 This is to ensure all assessment decisions are comparable regardless of the discipline or mode of assessment.
Please note that you must meet the required baseline standards (50 – 59%) which will include the LOs and minimum expectations of the assessment. Further still, you must ensure youmeet the requirements of each gradeboundary to progress to the next,i.e., you should demonstrate your learning through the standards of the Pass, Merit and Distinction to reach a Distinction (70 – 84%). These standards are designed to scaffold and build your learning to achieve yourfullest potential in each criterion being assessed. |
Deliverables for Task 1 and Task 2
Task 01- 20 Marks | Deliverables | Marks | |
a | An extraordinary conceptual understanding of K-meansclustering algorithm, advantages, and disadvantages with real-world applications. If anyexamples are provided. | 10 Marks | |
b | An appropriate description of all the metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC), Confusion matrix, and Logarithmic loss (Log Loss.) | 10 Marks | |
Data Exploration and Pre-processing | Correct handling of missing values, outliers, and data normalization. | 10 Marks | |
Effective exploratory data analysis | |||
(EDA) to gain insights into the | |||
dataset. Providea well-documented | |||
Task 02- | Jupyter Notebook or scriptcontaining the code for data preprocessing steps.Ensure that | ||
80 Marks | each step is properly commented on to explainits purpose and functionality. | ||
Feature Engineering | Present code segments that generate newfeatures based on | 15 Marks | |
domain knowledge or creative | |||
insights. Discuss the encoding | |||
methods chosenand their suitability | |||
for the problem. Applying | |||
mathematical transformations to | |||
numerical features. Scaling | |||
numerical features to ensure they | |||
are on similar scales.Discuss the | |||
feature selection and its importance. | |||
Model Selection and Training | Correct implementation of selected machine learning algorithms | 10 Marks | |
should be presented. Splitting the | |||
dataset intotraining and testing | |||
(validation) setsusing techniques | |||
like the train-test splitor k-fold | |||
cross-validation. Adequate use of | |||
libraries and tools to streamline the | |||
implementationprocess. |
Explanation of the methodyou used | 10 | ||
Hyperparameter Tuning | for hyperparameter tuning reasons for selecting this method and how it | Marks | |
suits your specific problem. Data | |||
Splitting Strategy: How you divided | |||
your data into training, validation, | |||
and test sets.Model Training and | |||
Evaluation Protocol: Description of | |||
how you trained and evaluated | |||
models for different hyperparameter | |||
configurations. Explanation of the | |||
performance metric(s) you used to | |||
assess model performance. | |||
Model Evaluation | Accurate evaluation of model | 20 | |
performance usingrelevant metrics | Marks | ||
(e.g., accuracy, precision, recall, F1- | |||
score). | |||
Comprehensive comparison of | |||
multiple models and their | |||
strengths/limitations. Insightful | |||
interpretation of results and trends | |||
observed. | |||
Model Deployment | Testing the developed model using real-world data or unseendata that it performs as expected and provides accurate predictions and validates the model performance. | 10 Marks | |
Conclusion and Recommendations | The clear and organized structure ofthe report with proper sections (Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion). Coherent explanations of the implemented algorithms and techniques. Effective visualization of results throughgraphs, charts, and tables. Cohesive and well-written analysis of findings and conclusions. | 5 Marks | |
Total Marks | 100 Marks |
Marking Criteria |
Pass Grade Bands (100 – 50) (Learning Outcomes must be met) Fail Grade Bands(49 – 0) (Learning Outcomes are not met) |
Assessment Criteria | Pass (50 – 59) | Merit (60 – 69) | Distinction (70 – 84) | Distinction (85 – 100) | Borderline Fail (45 - 49) (Credits may be compensated) | Fail (30 - 44) (Creditsmay not becompensated) | Fail (0 - 29) (Credits may not be compensate d) | |
Task 1a- 10% | An extraordin ary | Demonstrates a deep and insightful understanding of the NB algorithm with | Shows a strong understanding with relevant examples | Provides a good understanding with some examples and | Demonstrates adequate understanding with | Shows limited understanding with insufficient examples | Demonstrates a poor understanding | Fails to demonstrat e |
conceptua | detailed examples and critical | and solid analysis. | analysis. | basic examples and | or analysis. | with little to no | understandi | |
l | analysis. | some discussion. | relevant | ng of | ||||
understan ding of | examples. | algorithm. | ||||||
the Naïve | ||||||||
Bayes | ||||||||
algorithm, | ||||||||
including | ||||||||
its | ||||||||
advantage | ||||||||
s, | ||||||||
disadvant | ||||||||
ages, and | ||||||||
real-world | ||||||||
applicatio | ||||||||
ns. | ||||||||
Task 1b- 10% | An innovative approach to | Exhibits exceptional creativity and originality in problem- solving. | Shows strong creativity with effective problem- solving approaches. | Demonstrates good creativity with some innovative solutions. | Provides adequate creativity withbasic problem-solving approaches. | Limited creativity with few innovative solutions. | Shows minimal creativity with ineffective problem-solving. | Fails to demonstrat e creativity or effective |
problem- | problem- | |||||||
solving | solving. | |||||||
with | ||||||||
creative | ||||||||
insights | ||||||||
and | ||||||||
solutions. |
Data Exploration andPre-processing-10% | Excellent handling of missing values, outliers, and data normalization. Effective and insightful EDA with a well- documented Jupyter Notebook or script. | Strong handling of data issues and effective EDA. Well- documented with minor gaps in explanation. | Good handling of data issues and EDA. Adequate documentation and explanation. | Adequate handling of data issues with basic EDA. Documentation and explanations are present but may lack depth. | Limited handling of data issues or EDA. Incomplete documentation or explanation. | Poor handling of data issues with insufficient EDA. Inadequate documentation and explanations. | Fails to handle data issueseffectively. Lacks proper EDA and documentati on |
Feature Engineering Process-15% | Innovative and effective feature engineering with detailed explanation of encoding methods, mathematical transformations, scaling, and feature selection. | Strong feature engineering with good explanation of methods and transformations. | Good feature engineering with some explanation of methods and transformations. | Adequate feature engineering with basic explanation of methods and transformations. | Limited feature engineering with minimalexplanation. | Poor feature engineering with insufficient explanation. | Fails to demonstrat e effective feature engineering. |
Model Selection and Training-10% | Excellent implementation of algorithms with thoughtful data splitting and optimal useof tools and libraries. | Strong implementation with appropriate data splitting and effective use of tools. | Good implementation with correct data splitting and adequate tool usage. | Adequate implementation with basic data splitting and tool usage. | Limited implementation with inappropriate data splitting or tool usage. | Poor implementation with ineffective data splitting or minimal tool usage. | Fails to implement models correctly or use tools effectively. |
Hyperparameter Tuning-10% | Comprehensive evaluation using relevant metrics with insightful comparison and interpretation of results. | Accurate evaluation with good comparison and interpretation of multiple models. | Good evaluation with appropriate metrics and some comparison of models. | Adequate evaluation with basic metrics and limited comparison of models. | Limited evaluation with minimal use of metrics and comparison. | Poor evaluation with inadequate metrics and no comparison of models. | Fails to evaluate models effectively or provide meaningful insights. |
Model Evaluation-20% | Comprehensive evaluation using relevant metrics with insightful comparison and interpretation of results. | Accurate evaluation with good comparison and interpretation of multiple models. | Good evaluation with appropriate metrics and some comparison of models. | Adequate evaluation with basic metrics and limited comparison of models. | Limited evaluation with minimal use of metrics and comparison. | Poor evaluation with inadequate metrics and no comparison of models. | Fails to evaluate models effectively or provide meaningful insights. |
Model Deployment-10% | Thorough testing of the model with real-world or unseen data,demonstrating accurate predictions and validation of performance. | Effective testing with real-world or unseen data and validation of performance. | Good testing with some validation of performance using unseendata. | Adequate testing with basic validation of performance. | Limited testing with insufficient validation of performance. | Poor testing with minimal or ineffective validation of performance. | Fails to test or validate model performance effectively. |
Report Structure and Clarity-5% [Communication] | Clear, organized report with detailed sections, insightful explanations, and effective visualizations. Cohesive analysis and conclusions. | Well-structured report with good explanations and visualizations. | Clear report with adequate structure, explanations, and some visualizations. | Adequate report with basic structure and analysis, though visualizations may be lacking. | Limited report with unclear structure and insufficient analysis or visualizations. | Poor report with minimal organization, analysis, and visualizations. | Fails to provide a coherent report or meaningful analysis and |
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