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LeadingThrough Digital Disruption Assignment help
Leading Through Digital Disruption
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MSc Management
MScManagementwith(Project Management,DataAnalytics,Digital
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Assessment Brief
Thismoduleisassessedthroughonegradedelement.Youmustachieveatleast50%topassthis module.
Bycompletingthisassessment,youwill addressthefollowinglearningoutcomes(LOs):
- LO1:Criticallyreflectonkeyopportunitiesandchallengesleadersfaceinleadingcomplex organisations through digital disruption.
- LO2: Understand how to sense changes, make informed decisions and adjust quickly in highly disruptive times.
- LO3:Criticallyevaluatethesignificanceofhumanfactorsandtechnologiestolead transformation and create a digital-ready and innovative culture.
- LO4:Criticallyreflectonthemechanismsrequiredtobuildteamsandinfluencenetworks in complex and interconnected digital organisations.
Assessment Scenario
As the rate of technological change continues to accelerate, the question isnotwhetherdigital disruption affects acompany,but how it reacts (Walworth et al., 2024).
For ONE of the retail organisations below, the chief information officer (CIO) has tasked you to produce a “Future Trend Report'' designed toevaluate and recommend changes that the organisation must implement by means to maintain a competitive edge and create business value. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your capabilities and give your employer the confidence to let you run your own project in the future.
Pleaseselect ONLY1retailorganisationforyourreport.
Organisation | ShortDescription |
![]() | MarksandSpencer(M&S)isoneoftheleading departmentstoresandgroceryretailersbasedinthe United Kingdom (UK) |
![]() | Shoprite Holdings Ltd (Shoprite) is Africa's largest supermarketretailer,operating3,639storesacross the continent |
![]() | STARBazaar,aTATA&TESCOENTERPRISE,isa multi- formatretailchainwhichisfocusedonfood&grocery. |
![]() | Khaadiisaleadingfashionandlifestyleretailerbrand operating in UK, UAE, Qatar and Bahrain. |
![]() | WalmartInc(Walmart)isanAmericanmultinational retail company and a global supermarket chain. |
Task1:Review of Opportunities and Challenges (LO1)
Critically review key opportunities and challenges that your organisation is facing in the current, yet complex digital disruption environment.
˙„.9•Important:Your analysis for Task 1 should be critical - you must recommend some digital transformation objectives that can support key departments such as Operations, ICT and Marketing. You are encouraged to use examples to reinforce your arguments.
Task2:Digital Business Agility and Technologies (LO2)
Evaluateandpropose two(2)emergingtechnologies andtechniquesthatcanbeadoptedbyyour organisation to sense changes, make informed decisions, and adjust quickly in a highly disruptive market.
˙.•„9Important:To support your argument, please use the Digital Business Agility Model (i.e., hyperawareness, make informed decisionsand execute fast) as a blueprint – see thediagram below. Somekeyemergingtechnologies youmaywish toconsiderincludeArtificialIntelligence andMachine Learning, 5G Connectivity, IoT, Virtual and Extended Reality and Robotic process automation (RPA).
Figure1:DigitalBusinessModelbytheGlobalCenterforDigitalBusinessTransformation (2021)
Task3:CreatingDigital-ReadyCulture (LO3)
Strong digital cultures also foster creativity and adaptability. Subsequently, Task 3 requires you to analyse and conceptualise a strong digital culture approach that your organisation canadoptbyusingdigitaltoolsanddata-poweredinsightstodrivedecisions andcustomer- centricity, while innovating and collaborating across the organization.
•.˙9„Important:Please support your argument with academic literature and real caseexamples.Youcanusethe4PillarsofDigitalCultureorotherrelevantmodelsasaguideto drive your analyses and recommendations.
Analyse and propose two (2) appropriate digital leadership styles that your organisation should develop further to support digital transformation and increase team collaboration throughout the organisation.
9•˙.„Important:You have been introduced to concepts such as hyperaware agile leaders, ethical-tech leaders, people-oriented leadership, agile leadership, and the 6 Goleman leadershipstyles.Therefore,these mayformpartofyourpotentialresponse.However,any other relevant response is still valid.
Academic Skills,Structure and References
- Aclearintroductionandconclusion.
- Workdemonstratesintellectualoriginality,integrity,coherence,creativityand imagination.
- Professionalacademicstandardsarefollowedconsistently.
- Structureisinlinewiththegiveninstructions.
- Reportmustbewrittenin3rdperson.
- Giveaprofessionalappearancewithconsistentformatting.
- Spellingandgrammarare correct.
- Eachpagehaspagenumberinthe Footer.
- Anytablesorfiguresarecorrectlylabelled.
- Tablesandfiguresdonotcrossboundaries,unlessnecessary
- Properlyciteyoursourcesinthetextandinthelistofreferences
- Use Harvard style for referencing and in text citations (see referencing guides and
Proposed Structure and Word Limit Guidance
- Coverpage(BPPUniversityAdministrationCoverSheet)
- Tableof Contents
- ListofAbbreviations(ifappropriate)
- Introduction
- Task1
- Task2
- Task3
- Task4
- Conclusion
- References
- Appendix(ifrequired)
Wordcount:2500words: Wordcount –onlyappliestothemainbody(showninbold);i.e., cover page, table of content, list of abbreviations,references and appendix are notpart of the 2500-word count.
If you have any further questions about this coursework assignment,please contact the module leader or your tutor.
- Marking Guide
ModuleLearning Outcome | Fail(0-39%) | LowFail(40-49%) | Pass(50-59%) | Merit(60-69%) | Distinction(70-79%) | HighDistinction (80- 100%) |
LO1:Criticallyreflect on keyopportunities and challenges leaders face in leading complex organisations through digital disruption. | Weak and often implicit knowledge base of wider technological opportunities and challenges faced by your organisation. Weakandincorrect discussions on the impact of digital disruption within your chosen organisation's market. Weak objectives and evaluationofdigital transformation–no proposal given. | Limited knowledge and appreciation of abasicwiderfieldof technological opportunities and challenges faced by your organisation. More clarity and precision of technological challengesthoughts and practices related digital transformationwere missing. Limited identification of a range of internal andexternalthreats of digital technologies. Limited identificationand discussionofclear | Satisfactory knowledge and identificationofa range of internal and external technological threats. Satisfactory approach,focusing onkeyareasofthe organisation such as operation, marketing, consumer insight or data visualisation challenges. Satisfactory academic/intellect ual skills. Wholly original work with good reflection and solid, well- reasoneddigital | Good knowledge and application of current and emerging thoughts on digital transformation threats and opportunities.Good knowledge base, exploring and analysing internal andexternalthreats and technological challenges. Good presentation and justification of the organisation’s technological challenges which clearly link to the factors driving this transformation. Goodpresentation andjustification of | Excellent knowledge anddetailedusageof recent emerging thought at the forefront of the discipline and/or practices of digital transformation threats and opportunities. Excellent knowledge base, exploring and analysinginternaland external threats and technological challenges need. Detailed presentation andjustificationofthe organisation’s technological challenges which clearly link to the factors driving this transformation.Able | Outstanding knowledge and detailed usage of recent emerging thought at the forefront of the discipline and/or practicesofdigital transformation threats and opportunities. Detailed evaluation of what factors are driving the organisation’s technological challenges underpinned with relevant reference sources.Outstanding knowledge base, exploring and analysinginternaland externalthreatsand |
digital transformation objectives. | transformation objectives. | the organisation’s digital transformation objectives which clearly link to the factorsdrivingthis transformation. | to employ critical analysis on some of the most recent digital initiatives run by different companies.Excellent presentation and justification of the organisation’s digital transformation objectives which clearly link to the factors driving this transformation. | technological challenges need. Extensive use of exampleswithaclear presentation and justification of the organisation’s technological challenges which clearly link to the factors driving this transformation. Able to employ advance critical analysis on some of the most recent digital initiatives run by different companies. Outstandingdetailed presentation and justification of the organisation’s digital transformation objectives which clearly link to the factors driving this transformation. The submission can be used as an outstandingexemplar. | ||
LO2:Understand how to sense changes, make | Weakoftenimplicit knowledge use ofa wide range of | Limitedknowledge and evidence of a wide range of | Satisfactory knowledgeand substantial | Good knowledge andevidenceofan innovative or | Excellent knowledge and evidence of an innovativeororiginal | Outstanding knowledgeand evidence of an |
informed decisions, andadjustquicklyin highlydisruptive times. | personal research. Lackoftheoriesand applications of the digital disruption. Failed to propose any digital technologies to sense changes, make informed decision and adjust tochangee.g.:IoT, AI-Machine Learning, VR, AR,XR Robotic Process Automation (RPA), 5G etc... Largely descriptiveandlack of reasoned judgements. Weak application of the Digital Business Agility Models. | personal research. Limited use of theories and applications of the digital disruption. Limited and brief discussion or proposal of digital technologies that can be used to sense changes, make informed decision and adjust tochangee.g.:IoT, AI-Machine Learning,VR,AR,XR Robotic Process Automation (RPA), 5G etc... Largely descriptive and lack of reasoned judgements. Limitedapplication of the Digital Business Agility Models.Limited advice on the initiatives and technologies and howtodevelopthe three components of the Digital | research and evidence of an innovativeuseofa wide range of digital technologies with clear and consistent conceptual evaluation and application to the digital agility model. Satisfactorycritical evaluation with solidandreasoned judgements. Satisfactory evaluation and recommendation of 2 disruptive technologies. Satisfactory demonstration of keyknowledgeand application the Digital Business Agility Models. Clear advice provided to the organisationwith at least one initiativeandone | original use of extensive personal research which has been thoroughly evaluated and applied to the Digital Agility Models. Good knowledge base, eachcomponentof theDigitalBusiness Agility Models is presentedindetail. Goodknowledgeof various innovative technologies reinforcedwiththe use of clear personal research which has been thoroughly evaluated and applied to the Digital Agility Models. Good knowledge base, exploring and analysingemerging technologies, its theory and ethical issues with considerable originalityand | use of extensive personal research which has been thoroughlyevaluated and applied to the DigitalAgilityModels. Excellent knowledge and evidence of multiple innovative technologies. Excellent use of extensive personal research which has thoroughly and critically evaluated the key concepts. Excellentknowledge base, exploring and analysing the discipline, including various theoretical models and their ethical issues with considerable originality and autonomy.Excellent level of critical analysis and application of emerging technological concepts to the chosencompany. | innovative or original use of extensive personal research which has been thoroughly evaluated and applied to the Digital Agility Model. Detailed and outstanding knowledgebase,each component of the Digital BusinessAgility Models is presented in detail. Each component of the Digital Business Agility Models is presented in detail. Outstanding knowledge and evidenceofmultiple innovative technologies. Outstandinguseof extensive personal researchwhichhas thoroughly and critically evaluated the key concepts. Outstanding knowledge base, exploring and analysingthe |
BusinessAgility Models. | digitaltechnology for each componentofthe Digital Business Agility Models. | autonomy. Good level of critical discussion of variousmodelswith strong application of different concepts to the chosen company. | Severalargumentsare supported with various academic literatures and real case examples. | discipline, its theory andethicalissueswith considerable originality and autonomy. Outstandingabilityof critical analysis, discussion and application of emerging technological concepts to the chosen company. All arguments are supported with academic literature and real case examples. The submission can be used as an outstandingexemplar. | ||
LO3: Critically evaluate the significance of human factors and technologiestolead transformation and create a digital- ready and innovative culture. | Weak evidence of researchanduseof appropriate sources. Weak knowledge and applications of the digital-readyculture model. No mention of any of the four components of a digitalreadyculture | Limited evidence of considerable researchandlimited use of a range of appropriatesources. Limitedknowledge and applications of the digital-ready culture model is very limited. Limited explanation | Satisfactory evidence of researchona range of appropriate sources. Satisfactory knowledgebase; explores and explicitlyanalyse thedigital-ready modelwithclear | Good evidence of research and good useofawiderange of appropriate sources. Good knowledge base,exploringand analysing the digital-readymodel, its discipline, its theory and benefits ofcollaborative | Excellent evidence of a range of articles/journals used inresearch,reinforced with practical examples. Excellent illustration of critical analysis of the digital-ready culture model, its discipline,theory,and applycollaborative | Outstandingevidence of a range of books/articles/journal s/blogs used in research, reinforced with real case study examples. Outstandinglevelofa balanced argument throughout.Illustrates an outstanding level ofcriticalanalysisof |
and how it can be applied to the organisation's transformation. Weak and lack general concepts relatedtoadigital readyculturewith no application to the chosen organisation. | of the four components of a digitalreadyculture and how it can be applied to the organisation's transformation. Limited advice on conceptsrelatedto a digital ready culture and leadership to support the digital transformation of the organisation. | and consistent conceptual evaluation of collaborative technologies. Satisfactory analysisofthefour components of a digital ready culture and clear application to the chosen organisation's digital transformation. Satisfactory analysiswithsolid and reasoned judgements. Largelydescriptive advice but related to the chosen organisation. | technologies. Good analysis of the four components of a digitalreadyculture and clear application to the chosen organisation'sdigital transformation. Good critical analysiswithstrong, well-reasoned judgements. Critical discussion and application of the concept of a digital ready culture to the chosenorganisation. Good use of examples to reinforce some arguments. | platforms concept to the chosen company. Excellent critical evaluation of more thanfourcomponents of a digital ready culture. Key arguments are linked and applied to the chosen organisation's digital transformation strategies, with well- reasonedjudgements. Excellent discussion and application ofthe concept of a digital ready culture to the chosen organisation. Most arguments are supported with academic literature and real case examples. | the digital-ready culture models, its discipline, theories, and application of collaborative platforms concepts. Numerousfactorsof digital ready culture are analysed and reinforced with real case studies and examples. Outstanding critical evaluation with outstanding, well- reasonedjudgements. All arguments are supported with latest academic literatures and real case examples. Excellent discussion and application of the concept of a digital ready culture to the chosen organisation. Thesubmissioncanbe used as an outstandingexemplar. |
LO4:Criticallyreflect on the mechanisms required to build teams and influence networks incomplex and interconnected digitalorganisations. | Weak knowledge base with some omissions and/or lack of theory of digital leadership skills. Failed to analyse and propose two appropriate digital leadership styles. Weak or failed to provide mechanisms required to build teams and influencenetworks in complex and interconnected digital organisations. Overall,aweak attempt. | Limited knowledge base of key digital leadershipconcepts. Some appreciation of the basic wider field of digital leadership skillswith clarity and precision to the thoughts and practices related to the required discipline were indicated. Only provides 1 digital leadership stylewith a descriptive analysis. Nevertheless,there was limited awareness of mechanisms required to build teamsandinfluence networks in complex and interconnected digitalorganisations. Only general concepts withoutapplication. | Satisfactory knowledge and appreciationofthe wider field of digital leadership skills. Emerging application of thoughts and practices at the forefront of the discipline.The paperdoesprovide some digital leadership styles with some satisfactory discussions. Satisfactory awareness and demonstration mechanisms required to build teams and influencenetworks in complex and interconnected digital organisations. Descriptive but applytheconcept to the chosen | Good knowledge and clear understandingofa range of digital leadership skills, some aspects of a wider field. Application of current and emergingthoughts andpracticesfrom the discipline. Good awareness anddemonstration of personal responsibility and professionaldigital leadership skills. Good arguments, with clear advice about different digital leadership stylesandhowthey can help steering collaborationwithin the chosen organisation. Critical discussions and application of mechanisms required to build teamsandinfluence networksin | Excellent knowledge and strong understanding of the topic and clear evidence of understanding of the wider contexts of the digitalleadershipskills with coherence and the ability to synthesiseappropriate principles by reference to appropriate primary sources.Excellentand detailed usage of recent emerging thoughts are at the forefront with the use of various theoriesand practices from a range of appropriate sources. Excellent awareness and demonstration of personalresponsibility and professional digital leadership skills. Critical analysis and application of mechanisms required to build teams and influencenetworksin | Outstanding knowledge and thorough understanding of the topic and explicit evidenceofthewider contextsofthedigital leadership skills with coherence and the ability to synthesise appropriateprinciples by reference to appropriate primary sources. Outstanding and detailed usage of recent emerging thought at the forefront of the discipline and/or practicesfromarange of appropriate sources. Outstanding awareness and demonstration of personalresponsibility and professional digital leadership skills. Extensive and meaningful critical analysis of professionaldigital |
organisationwith limitedexamples. | complex and interconnected digitalorganisations are provided. | complex and interconnecteddigital organisations are provided with examples. Deep and meaningful critical analysis of professional digital leadership skills and practice. | leadership skills and practice.Outstanding application of latest theories with examples of mechanismsrequired to build teams and influencenetworking in a traditional or digital organisation. All Arguments are supported with academic literature and real case examples. The submission can be used as an outstandingexemplar. | |||
AcademicSkills | Inadequate orweak academic/intellectu al skills with few difficulties. Largely original work with some evidence of reflection and critique. Structure and accuracy in expression beginning to emerge. | Limited academic/intellectu al skills. Original work with personal reflectionandbroad evidence-based critique. Solid structure and accuracy in expression. Practical/profession al skills evident. | Satisfactory academic/intellect ual skills. Wholly original work with good reflectionand solid, well- reasoned judgements forming from evidence-based critique.Consistent structure and accuracy in expression. Practical/professio | Good academic/intellectu al skills. Demonstrates intellectual originalityand imagination | Excellent academic/intellectual skills. Demonstrates intellectualoriginality, integrity, coherence, and imagination. | Outstanding academic/intellectual skills. Demonstrates intellectualoriginality, integrity, coherence, creativity, and imagination working consistently in the higher cognitive domains to a professional standard. |
nal skills established. | ||||||
Structureand References | The paper does not contain an introduction and conclusion. No references or weak use of Harvard referencingmethod with errors or inconsistencies. Inadequate structure, expressionandlack of professionalism. | Abasicintroduction and conclusion are provided. Limited appropriate use of Harvardreferencing method with minor errors. Limited structure, expression with some degree of professionalism | Satisfactory introductionand conclusion. Satisfactoryuseof Harvard referencing method with full and appropriate references. Satisfactory structure, expressionwithan appropriate level ofprofessionalism. | Good overview of the chosen organisation and clear statement of whatitdoesandthe markets in which it operates. Good overall conclusion. Good with precise, full and appropriate Harvard referencing method. Well- structured layout and professionaland accurate expression. Good writing skills adapted to suit all situations and audiencestoanear- professional standard. | Excellentanddetailed overview of the chosen organisation, what it does and the markets in which it operates. Strong conclusion and recommendation. Excellentwithprecise, full and appropriate Harvard referencing method. Excellent structured layout and professional and accurate expression. Excellent communication skills adapted to suit all situations and audiences to a professionalstandard. | Outstanding and detailed overview of the chosen organisation, what it doesandthemarkets in which it operates. Strongconclusionand recommendation. Outstanding with precise, full and appropriate Harvard referencing method. Extensive use of journals articles, magazine and latest research.Outstanding structured layout and professional and accurate expression. Outstanding communication skills adapted to suit all situations and audiences to a professionalstandard. |
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