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MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Help
MSc Management Personal Effectiveness
BPP Business School
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MSc Management
Personal Effectiveness
General Assessment Guidance
Your summative assessment for this module is made up of this course work submission which accounts for 100% of the marks
- Please note late submissions will no tbemarked.
- You are required to submit all elements of your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissionsmadeviathespecifiedmode willbeacceptedandhardcopiesoranyotherdigital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
- Forcoursework,thesubmission wordlimitis2500words.Youmustcomplywiththewordcount guidelines. You may submit LESS than 2500 words but not more. Word Count guidelines can befound on your programme home page and the coursework submission page.
- Do notput your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put yourstudentregistrationnumber(SRN)which willensureyoursubmissionisrecognisedinthe marking process.
- Atotalof100marksareavailableforthismoduleassessment, andyouarerequiredtoachieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
- Youarerequiredtouseonly HarvardReferencingSysteminyoursubmission. Anycontentwhich is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
- BPPUniversityhasastrictpolicyregarding authenticityofassessments.In proveninstancesof plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to readtherulesandregulationsregardingplagiarismandcollusionintheGARsandMOPPwhich are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.
- YoushouldincludeacompletedcopyoftheAssignmentCoversheet.Anysubmission without this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked.
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Assessment Brief
Therequiredsubmissionforthisassignmentisa 2500words“PersonalEffectivenessReport”. Your report will include reflection on skills for a chosen career, comparison of own skill set/habits to choice of career, and analysis of methods for enhancing personal effectiveness.
- Reflect onyourownskillsetinrelationtoacareergoal.
- Assessyourhabits/behavioursandhowtheymayimpactyourcareer.
- Analysemethodsofenhancingpersonaleffectivenessandimprovingpersonalbranding. The Learning Outcomes to successfully pass this assessment are:
(LO1)Criticallyevaluatehowpeoplelearnforprofessional development.
(LO2)Appraisethekeyskillsandbehavioursrequiredtobeeffectiveinaprofessional context.
(LO3)Demonstrateunderstandingofarangeofmethods ofsupportingpersonaleffectivenessina professional environment.
Youshouldbeginbyanintroductiontoconceptofpersonaleffectiveness. You should also give a brief overview of tasks 1, 2 and
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- Usingamodelof reflectivepractice,reflect onataskthatyoucompletedatworkoruniversityto identify your own skill set. Identify both your strengths and weaknesses.
- Analysetheskillsyouidentifiedwithreferencetoyourchoiceofcareerorjob.
N.B. To support your answer, you should refer to the reflective model by Gibbs or Schön and additionalreadingresourcesfromthismodule.Youshouldalsoincludeideasfromarticlesonwider leadership concepts and personal effectiveness from the online library.
(Thistaskmeets LO2)
- Using the Covey self-assessment questionnaire, identify your own strengths and weaknesses.Explainthesewithexamplesfromyourown life. (Includeascreenshotofthe results from the questionnaire in the appendix).
- Discusshowyourweaknessescanimpactyourchosencareer.
N.B.Youshouldsupportyouranalysiswithreferencestoadditionalreadingresourcesfromthis module. You should also include ideas from articles in the online library.
(Thistaskmeets LO1)
Choose a maximum of two areas for improvement (weaknesses) from Tasks 1 and 2. Developaconciseshort-termplanusingtheSMARTmodel ortheAgilemodel toimprove these areas. Explain how these plans will enhance your personal brand.
N.B.Youshouldsupportyouranswerwithreferencestoadditionalreadingresourcesfromthis module. You should also include ideas from articles in the online library.
(Thistaskmeets LO3)
Youshouldendwithaconcludingstatementonthemaintopic ofthereport.
YourPersonalEffectivenessreportshouldcontainthe following:
- BPPassignmentcoversheet(includingSRNandwordcount)
- PersonalEffectivenessreporttitle page
- Contentspage
- Introduction(200words)
- Task1(800 words)
- Task2(800 words)
- Task3(500 words)
- Conclusion(200words)
- References(CorrectHarvardReferencingappliedthroughout,includingin-textcitationand reference list)
- Appendices(ifrequired)
- Glossary(optional)
Marking Guide
NumericalGrade | 30-39% | 40-49% | 50-59% | 60-69% | 70-79% | 80-100% |
FinalGrade | Fail | LowFail | Pass | Merit | Distinction | HighDistinction |
LOs | ||||||
LO1 (Critically | Inadequateor | Limited | Satisfactory | Goodidentificationand | Excellent | Outstandingidentification |
evaluatehow | weak idenfication | identificationand | identification | discussionofown | identificationand | anddiscussionofown |
peoplelearn for | anddiscussionof | discussionofown | anddiscussion | weaknesses/poorhabits | discussionofown | weaknesses/poorhabits |
professional | own | weaknesses/poor | ofown | withclearpersonal | weaknesses/poor | withexplicit personal |
development.) | weaknesses/poor | habits.Limited | weaknesses/po | examplesincluded | habitswithexplicit | examplesusedtoillustrate |
habits.Noclarityin | clarityinthelink | orhabitswith | illustratingtheirlistof | personalexamples | identifiedskills/habits. | |
the link topersonal | to personal | someexamples | habits.Resultsof | included.Resultsof | Resultsofquestionnaire | |
developmentand | developmentand | included.Linkto | questionnaireincluded | questionnaire | includedandexplicitly | |
chosencareer. | chosencareer. | personal | andclearlyreferred to | includedand | referredtothroughoutthe | |
Doesnot include | Questionnaire | development | throughoutthetask | explicitlyreferred to | taskwithexceptionaldepth | |
questionnaire | resultsare | andchosen | withsatisfactorydepth | throughoutthetask | inanalysis.Explicitlinksto | |
resultsProvidesa | missingor | careeris | inanalysis.Clearlinksto | withgoodlevel | personaldevelopment and | |
weakexplanation | incomplete. | evident.Results | personaldevelopment | depthinanalysis. | chosencareerwithaclear | |
ofpersonal | Provideslimited | ofquestionnaire | andchosencareer. | Explicitlinksto | understandingofthelinks | |
strengthsand | explanation | includedbut | personal | betweenpersonal | ||
weaknesses | without | lacksdepthin | developmentand | developmentandcareer | ||
withoutexamples. | examples. | analysis. | chosencareer. | growth. | ||
LO2 (Appraise | Weak reflection | Limitedreflection | Satisfactory | Goodreflectionwith | Excellentreflection | Outstandingreflectionwith |
thekey skillsand | andlimitedclarity | withsomeclarity | reflectionwith | clearidentificationof | withadeepand | anexceptionaland |
behaviours | inappraising key | inidentifying | explicit | personalskillsetand | balanced | comprehensive |
requiredtobe | skillsand | personalskillset. | identificationof | personalisation.Applies | understandingof | understandingofpersonal |
effectiveina | behaviours | AppliesSchonor | personalskill | thereflectivemodel | personalskillset | skillsetwith clear |
professional | requiredina | Gibbsreflective | set.Appliesa | effectively.Identifies | showcasedthrough | personalisationand |
context.) | professional | modeleffectively | reflectivemodel | bothstrengthsand | personalisationand | examples.Applies the |
context. Doesn't | tosomeextent. | effectively. | weaknesseswithdepth | examples.Applies | reflectivemodelwith | |
applyanyreflection | Identifiesboth | Identifiesboth | andclarityinanalysis | thereflectivemodel | excellentdepth and |
orappliesamodel | strengthsand | strengthsand | withexplicitreference | exceptionally well. | coherence.Identifiesboth | |
butlacks depth. | weaknessesbut | weaknesses | toachosen career. | Identifiesboth | strengthsandweaknesses | |
lacksdepthin | witha | strengthsand | withexceptionalclarityand | |||
analysis. | satisfactory | weaknesses | coherence.Analysesskill set | |||
levelofdepth | comprehensively. | withexplicitreferencetoa | ||||
andanalyses | Analysesskillset | chosencareer,including | ||||
withreference | withexplicit | exceptionaldepthand | ||||
toa chosen | referencetoa | precision. | ||||
career. | chosencareer which | |||||
includesexceptional | ||||||
depthand precision. | ||||||
LO3 | Inadequateor | Limited | Satisfactory | Goodidentificationof | Excellent | Outstandingidentification |
(Demonstrate | weak identification | identificationof | identificationof | twoareasof | identificationof | ofareasofdevelopment |
understandingof | ofareasof | areasof | twoareasof | developmentwithclear | areasof | withanexceptionaland |
arangeof | developmentwith | development | development | andcoherentrelevance | developmentwitha | comprehensive |
methodsof | limitedrelevance | withrelevanceto | withexplicit | totheprevioustasks. | thorough | understandingoftheir |
supporting | totheprevious | theprevious | relevancetothe | Createsashort-term | understandingof | directapplicationtothe |
personal | tasks.Createsa | tasks.Createsa | previoustasks. | planwithdepthand | theirrelevanceto | previoustasks.Createsa |
effectivenessina | short-termplan | short-termplan | Createsashort- | clarityinobjectivesand | theprevioustasks. | short-termplan with |
professional | withsomegaps | with some | termplanwitha | actions.Identifiesand | Createsa | exceptionalclarity, |
environment.) | andlimitations. | elementsbut | satisfactory | analysesmethodswith | comprehensive | coherence,feasibility, and |
Identifiesand | lacksdepthand | levelofdepth | gooddepthandclarity | short-termplan with | innovation.Identifiesand | |
analysessome | specificity. | andspecificity. | inanalysis.Clearlylinks | exceptionaldepth, | analysesmethodswith | |
methodsbutlacks | Identifiesand | Identifiesand | personaldevelopment | precision,and | Outstandingclarity, | |
depthand | analysessome | analyses | topersonal branding. | feasibility. | coherence,feasibility, and | |
relevance.Doesn’t | methodsbuthas | methodswitha | Comprehensively | innovation.Linkspersonal | ||
linktopersonal | limited depthand | satisfactory | identifiesand | developmentto personal | ||
branding. | relevance. | levelofdepth | analysesmethods | brandingwithexceptional | ||
Limitedlinkto | andrelevance. | withExcellentdepth | clarity, coherence, | |||
personal | Linkspersonal | andprecision. | feasibility,andinnovation. | |||
branding. | developmentto | Explicitlylinksand | ||||
personal | explainspersonal | |||||
branding | developmentto | |||||
satisfactorily. | personalbranding. |
Academicskills | Inadequate or weak academic/intellect ual skills with few difficulties.Largely original work with some evidence of reflection and critique. Structure and accuracy in expression beginning to emerge. | Limited academic/intellec tualskills.Original work with personal reflection and broad evidence- based critique. Solid structure andaccuracyin expression. Practical/professi onal skills evident. | Satisfactory academic/intell ectual skills. Wholly original workwithgood reflection and solid, well- reasoned judgements forming from evidence-based critique. Consistent structure and accuracy in expression. Practical/profes sional skills established. | Good academic/intellectual skills. Demonstrates intellectualoriginality and imagination | Excellent academic/intellectua lskills.Demonstrates intellectual originality, integrity, coherence and imagination. | Outstanding academic/intellectualskills. Demonstrates intellectual originality, integrity, coherence, creativity and imagination working consistently in the higher cognitive domains to a professional standard. |
Referencing | Inadequate or weak references and notes with minor or insignificanterrors oromissions. | Limited and full and appropriate references and noteswithminor or insignificant errors | Satisfactorywithprecise,full andappropriate references and notes. | Good with precise, full and appropriate referencesandnotesat a high standard. | Excellent with precise, full and appropriate referencesandnotes at near-publishing standard. | Outstandingwithprecise, full and appropriate references and notes at publishing standard. |
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